1. Where would you go for resources to help you deal with your own grief?
I use some basic resources to deal with my own grief like sharing them with someone; deep breathing exercises or staying active help me kick out grief. Spirituality and practices of meditation also helped me in healing grief.
2. Why would you choose that source?
Feelings and emotions affect our energy. Spiritual practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises or sharing my emotions with someone give me a feeling of relaxation and relieve mental stresses. A good combination of medication and practices of spiritualities like prayer and meditation are more effective to yield a positive result towards a patient`s recovery as well as in easing the emotional grief. Recent observational studies have found that persons engaged in spiritual practices live longer. I shall choose spirituality and its practices because; towards a healthy living it has no side effect.
3. How much help do you think you would get?
Cure is not possible in many illnesses but, spiritual care is found to support and comfort in many cases of terminal illness. Sometimes, condition of a patient gets worsened by mental stress where practices of meditation have successfully applied to cope with the problem. Psychologists as well as Physicians are studying to correlate the cure with spirituality. Recent studies have found that meditation practice is beneficial to relieve anxiety and cure many chronic diseases of stomach.
David B. Nash, Elaine Yuen. The Role of Spirituality in Healthcare (2009, June 16), MedPageToday, Accessed at: http://www.medpagetoday.com/Columns/FocusonPolicy/14725
Kenneth I. Pargament. What Role Do Religion and Spirituality Play In Mental Health, American Physiological Association,
Accessed at: http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2013/03/religion-spirituality.aspx