So many people around the world have the passion to following Christ and his teachings, but they are distracted by one thing or the other. According to Idelman, people talk less about money but it is the ultimate dream to many people. Besides, she adds that were it not for the god of achievement, it would have been easier to follow Jesus. Whatever she says it is true, people are too busy to seek the god of achievement, and live no time to following the teachings of Jesus because they are too busy doing other things (Idleman, 2013).
People seldom live with intentions of spending their time with Jesus, because they are busy chasing to what they believe will make their lives brighter. The scripture says in Mathew 6: 33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Even though the Bible promises to give everything to those that seek the kingdom of God first, people need money to buy basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter, and they also need achievement and romance to see everything runs smoothly. Therefore, they are too busy looking for those things, leaving no time to seek God. Besides, many people are more linked to earthly pleasures than kingdom of God as depicted in Luke 12: 13, “Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me. (Idleman, 2013)”
The only thing people can do to prevent achievement and success from distracting them from God’s relationship is by obeying God’s word and having faith in Him. If the scripture says everything will be added unto people if they first seek his Kingdom, so shall it be. Therefore, people should create time to do what is right by dedicating their time to seek the kingdom of God, doing the right things at the right time, praying without ceasing, and teaching the word of God to others, and surely, success and surely, success and achievement shall not distract their relationship with God.
Idleman, K. (2013). Gods at War: Defeating the Idols that Battle for Your Heart. Harper Collins.