There have been countless controversial issues in the world. One of the most controversial issues is abortion. In recent years, the rate of abortion has increased. In some countries worldwide, the government has already called for the legalization of abortion. Abortion must not be legalized at all due to the many negative consequences it brings including misinformed youths, depression, and law violation.
Abortion must be made illegal because it misinforms the youths by giving them the negative notion that abortion is an acceptable procedure. Abortion, for some people, is the easiest way to get rid of the growing fetus. This lack of responsibility among soon-to-be parents is something that is uncalled for. Abortion is murder because it kills the life of an unborn child and puts the woman’s body at risk (Marquis 184). Abortion impacts the community by telling the youth that getting pregnant is not a difficult thing as there is always a way out. Rather than teaching the youth such wrong notion, it would be more essential to teach the youth to abstain from sexual activities.
Abortion violates the Fourth Amendment of the constitution and the laws of morality. The Fourteenth Amendment of the United States was created to offer protection to the unborn fetus (Brown, “Three Legal Reasons”). Even before the time that the Fourteenth Amendment was promulgated, abortion has been considered illegal, and some countries have disallowed abortion. In every state, abortion is an act of felony. Senator Jacob Howard claims that unborn fetus must be given the same rights with that of their parents as they give the same rights to the poor and the wealthy. Fetus removal turned into a wrongdoing and a transgression for a few reasons. A pattern of helpful change in the mid-nineteenth century expanded liberal backing for criminalization, in light of the fact that around then premature birth was a risky method finished with rough techniques, couple of cleaning agents, and high death rates (Faheem 166). At the time the baby was conceived, the baby is a living being. Through the pulse may not yet be visible or the heartbeat is not yet fully felt, the baby is still a live being. Morality tells us that no person has the right to take that life from the baby, and no amount of justifications can eradicate the fact that killing the baby is an act of murder. The fetus in the mother’s womb is a helpless creature that cannot prevent the coming of his death or even seek help when forceps already clump his underdeveloped skull. The baby is a living organism from the time it was born. Abortion, even when it is done during the first trimester, is still an act of killing and taking away human life.
Abortion must be made illegal because it can only lead to depression. Abortion merely cause individuals who have had them done typically feel sorry later on because they realize that getting an abortion is not the correct approach to escape pregnancy. Fetus removal is an extremely depressing and regrettable choice for the individual since it cannot be altered or changed after the procedure has been completed. It causes depression to the people involved and their families.
Fetus removal is not a clever act to engage in. It ruins families and people since it is an irreversible procedure. It misinforms the youths by letting them have the connotation that abortion is an acceptable and moral act. Finally, abortion violates the law of man and the law of morality. There are numerous different alternatives for a man to pick as opposed to murdering off their unborn child. Pop-Eleches (744) posits that children who were born after the abortion ban “attained more years of schooling and greater labor market success.” Why then should we not give the unborn child that chance to make a contribution to the society?
Works Cited
Akhtar, Faheem. "A Conceptual Study about Legal and Illegal Abortion Circumstances in Pakistan and Is Effects on the Social Ethics of the Society." Kuwait Chapter of the Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review 1.9 (2012): 166.
Brown, Kristi. "Three Legal Reasons Why Abortion Should Be Banned". N.p., 2014. Web. 31 July 2016.
Marquis, Don. "Why abortion is immoral." The Journal of Philosophy 86.4 (1989): 183-202.
Pop‐Eleches, Cristian. "The impact of an abortion ban on socioeconomic outcomes of children: Evidence from Romania." Journal of Political Economy 114.4 (2006): 744-773.