1. Briefly articulate the main ideas of the theoretical reading(s). The goal here is not a litany or summary of the article(s), but to demonstrate your critical understanding and interpretation of the main thesis.
The article discusses the growing concern that has been given to the impact that people have had on the environment and the effect that this has on the perceived relationship between man and nature. The article goes on to indicate that there is a needed shift in the view that people have with nature. This is due to the effect that this view has on the way that people within society identify with the natural world. The paper argues that, historically, nature has been considered to be either conceived through divinity or, in a more complex and dynamic way, a constantly changing flux. In this sense, the current issues facing the environment are due to the present relationship that is perceived to exist between mankind and nature (Botkin 1-13).
2. A statement that connects specific aspect(s) of the theoretical reading(s) to:
a. The other readings you have done (that week or earlier the course)
b. The contents of the lectures and lecture notes
The relationship that people have with the natural world presents a major source of reflection for the impact that they have on their environment.
3. A critical statement of the strengths and weaknesses of the theoretical reading(s) not a flaccid opinion
The major strength of looking at the issue in this way lies in the ability that it provides to conceive of a new framework for understanding the relationship between people and the environment. However, this idea falls short due to the subjective nature of such a view. It is evident that defining nature in such a way will ultimately lead to major changes in the way that people interact with the natural world.
4. A design question that these readings provoke in you, and that you will seek to answer through your design project. This question must be open-ended (i.e. it must facilitate design exploration) and as such must be neither rhetorical nor answerable with a simple yes or no.
How do specific cultural or social values inform the view that people have of the natural world and their relationship with it?
5. A brief concluding statement regarding what you ascertained in points 1-4.
It is evident that there is a profound relationship between the view that cultures have of their relationship with the environment and the positive or negative impact that they have on the world around them. This presents the need to question the underlying values that people or groups have regarding themselves and their place in the natural world. Historic evidence indicates that there have been various views regarding this relationship that have led to specific consequences. For this reason, future research should demonstrate consideration for the application of these ideas.
Works Cited
Botkin, Daniel B. Discordant Harmonies: A New Ecology for the Twenty-First Century. Oxford University Press. 1990. Print.