A bar graph is a diagrammatic representation of statistical data. It consists of rectangular bars. Each bar represents a particular category. The bars start from a common base line and have equal width . The lengths of the bars represent the value of the relevant category that the bar represents. So it is easy to compare the magnitude of the different categories represented in the graph.
For example, we can represent the annual costs and revenue of a firm for a few years in the form of a bar graph. We can compare the difference between the costs and revenue for each year by comparing the heights of the bars and also study how cost and revenue has changed over the years. Bar graph is suitable for comparing several categories. We can compare the production of a number of firms for a year with the help of bar diagrams. This comparison can also be done for a number of years.
In our daily life also we can make use of bar graphs for better understanding of certain matters of interest and concern. For example we can plot the expenditures incurred every month under several heads like food, clothing, entertainment, conveyance etc. in a bar diagram. Each bar will represent an item of expenditure. Through this bar graph we can compare the expenditures we make for the different items each month and can make changes and amendments accordingly to suit our purpose. For comparing the expenditure categories for several months we can use different color schemes for each category and use this scheme for every month. So we can see in which months the entertainment expenditure is higher than food or in which expenditure on education is less than food.
Thus we see how bar graphs can be used to present interesting details about certain matters both in our professional and personal life.
Das, N. (1991). Statistical Method. Kolkats: M.Das&co. .