Kouzes and Posner came up with the five practices of exemplary leadership they researched and developed on it using case studies. They are: challenge the process which is the main focus in this case, inspire a shared vision, model of the way, enable others to act and encourage the heart. They believe that “one is not born with leadership traits, but they are learnt”. (Posner, 2011). We shall focus on one practice of exemplary leadership, which is the challenge in the process. It is criteria used by management whereby they take risks which involve making mistakes and failures; these are used as learning points (Posner, 2011). The leaders are determined “to change the status quo of the organization; they, therefore, take advantage of all the opportunities through innovative means”. It encourages moving outside boundaries that are to make change using innovation.
Challenge the process
Coca-Cola Company has created a stimulating and innovative environment for its employees. Coca-Cola Company is one of the largest company globally which has created an innovative environment by using challenge the process. As such, it has used this monopoly to control the market and has very many people who use their products and also those who work for them. By, using challenge the process, it has achieved various goals such as, clarity on responsibilities of individuals, trusting the firm’s management, strong motivation, and pride in the workplace among other goals. All over the world, Coca- Cola Company has initiatives that are aimed at empowering women and girls. In these initiatives, the company engages in sanitation which primarily means the provision of clean water, and professional development, support of economic empowerment.
One of the various strategies that the Coca-Cola Company has used to keep people engaged in innovation and change is 5 by 20 strategy. In this initiative, coca- cola aims at empowering about 5 million women entrepreneurs across the world by 2020. To achieve this target, the company is identifying and breaking the barriers that women entrepreneurs face in their small businesses. Such small businesses include; fruit farmers, artisans, and shopkeepers. To do so, coca- cola uses strategies such as; offering skills training courses, access to financial services, and access to support networks of mentors and peers.
Replenish Africa Initiative (RAIN) is another strategy meant to engage its employees in innovation and change. “This initiative focuses on water and sanitation projects so as to improve the lives of 250000 women and girls across Africa, Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco” (Agno, 2007). In total, coca- cola has committed 30 million to RAIN. This is aimed at providing safe water for drinking as well as by 2015 improving in Africa sanitation to at least 2 million people.
The Women Leadership Council is an initiative that was established in late 2007 as a key strategy used by Coca-Cola. It is used to accelerate the global recruitment, advancement, development, and retention of female workers at the company. Coca- cola has set an ambitious goal of having half of the middle and senior positions filled by women by 2020. This council has a primary advisory role to the company’s leadership team.
Coca Cola employees appreciate the company and respond positively to the company's initiatives. They feel Part and parcel of the great team that makes global impact to people. The employees participate in the company’s initiative with a common goal. The ranking of the company is one of the motivators that motivate its employees to respond positively to its initiatives. Coca-Cola is ranked among the 10 top most employers worldwide. It has 700,000 systems of employees. Recognition and awards are also another reason why the employees respond positively to the initiatives of the company. Coca- cola ensures that its employees stay focused on its initiatives, by recognizing its employees’ efforts (Meridian Leadership Institute, 2013).
The organization reaps many benefits that are attributed to the presence of an innovative environment. The Coca-Cola Company being one of the largest companies in the world controls a very large market share. This includes making very large sales and hence getting a lot of profits. The Coca-Cola Company is ranked among the top ten organizations that provide employment worldwide. This is very positive role that it plays since the employees are independent. The company has also served as a financier in funding other small and upcoming businesses. It has benefited by the various positive responses it has achieved from the strategies it has used. They have taken other opportunities for instance sponsoring football teams. This strategy is important as it brings people together and also serves as a means of promoting and encouraging sports. (Agno, 2007). Also during times of crisis, they have taken up other responsibilities like promoting peace among the conflicting groups during wars. When individuals are, faced with tsunamis and drought they provide foodstuffs. It has also focused on women empowerment the women leadership council is an example in this case, where it seeks to increase the number of female holding a leadership position in the Coca-Cola Company by 2020. This strategy, which also is a focus of the millennium development goal, has been well appreciated by other organizations. They take up other responsibilities like drilling boreholes to provide water to agricultural areas, and also clean water and sanitation for the members of the society (Meridian Leadership Institute, 2013).
A number of ways can be implemented to challenge the process. Venture into other businesses totally different from the beverage industry such as tourism and the hotel industry. By diverging assets, we minimize the risk of making losses. We can change the packaging of the beverages in terms of quantity; this ensures that it is more affordable. Every organization should use challenge the process to improve its productivity. Develop new product lines; this enhances the spirit of innovation and creativity in the business. Employees will be motivated to come up with ideas on how to improve the organization's performance.
Various processes or methods can be used to infuse the firm with new ideas and develop an environment that is amenable to innovative thinking and change. Engaging in corporate social responsibility activities such as construction of schools and dispensaries especially in regions, where they are scarce. These activities gives the employees of Coca Cola a sense of belonging and responsibility thereby developing an environment receptive to change and creative thinking. Regular employee training is critical to the process of creative thinking and change. “Training is a form of non-material inputs which raises their productivity”. Another method is imitation of pioneer ideas which have succeeded in the past. Introduction of such methods will curve a success path for the current employees.
Agno, J. G. (2007). Five Principles of Exemplary Leadership. Coaching Tip: The Leadership Blog.
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2011). The five pracices of exemplary leadership. Richfield: Pfeiffer.
Meridian Leadership Institute. (2013). The Five Practices - Traits that Define Leadership. Retrieved 01 23, 2014, from Meridian Leadership Institute: