Oberoi Rajvilas Hotel is one of the best luxury hotels to stay when having a vacation in one of India’s bustling cities, Jaipur. With its exquisite amenities and serene atmosphere, it serves as a hub for locals and foreigners with affairs in the city. Oberoj Rajvilas hotels provide excellent service to its guests, while giving a touch of traditional royalty in its surroundings.
Our consultant company is committed to improving tourism and accommodation services of the hotel through approaches centered on giving the best customer service. Since the consultant company focuses on improving customer service, our aim is to find solutions and improve tactics that will benefit the Oberoi Rajvilas Hotel’s daily business operations. These tactics will also benefit the economy of Jaipur by finding opportunities for operation of small and large businesses.
For allocation of investment funds, we will be turning to potential angel investors that could help our cause. Locals and foreigners see Jaipur as one of the cities on the path of continued development and urbanization. Therefore, one of the agendas would be to find business people to help our cause. Our consultant company and Oberoj Rajvilas hotel will work together in reaching an objective that aims to increase tourism and economic activity in the area. Angel investors lean on brainstorming new ideas, while capable of making something out of virtually nothing. Through this way, our consulting company and angel investors could find new creative ideas and solutions for the hotel and its customers reap the future benefits.
One of the company’s challenges is to ensure high volume of guests during different seasons. While circumstances do not permit or make the continuous high influx of guests feasible, our consultant company and Oberoj Rajvilas will find creative and engaging ways to drive more guests. Seasonal offers will play a major factor in undertaking such strategies. Therefore, it is important to determine when to publicize marketing strategies.
The Oberoi Rajvilas, Jaipur. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2014, from http://www.oberoihotels.com/hotels-in-jaipur/index.aspx