The film produced by Tennessee Williams “The Glass Menagerie” begins with the current-day describing different scenes in the film. Conflicts develop among the actors and this causes a lot of turmoil and Tennessee Williams tries to come out with resolutions to make the protagonists and antagonists come to relate well.
The film produced by Tennessee Williams “The Glass Menagerie” begins with the current-day describing different scenes in the film. Conflicts develop among the actors and this causes a lot of commotion and Tennessee Williams tries to come out with solutions to make the protagonists and antagonists come to relate well. The film has many actors including Tom who was abandoned together with his sister Laura and mother Amanda many years ago. Tom develops a bad attitude towards his mother, his mother hates his job but Tom says that he has a responsibility to cater all the family needs. Tom finds a lover for his sister but later on, Laura discovers that Jim, his lover is engaged with someone else.
In the film, Tom is a protagonist. He does all the family responsibilities despite facing opposition from his mother. Tom is full of contradiction, his attitude towards Laura and Amanda has turned everything down though he caters all the needs. He is cruel to them but sometimes he acts so kind towards Laura .Tom has a confusing behavior indicates an attraction to Laura and later feels guilty about that. Amanda bothers Tom into being sad and restless; she pleasures Tom to drinking and going to movies.
Williams Tennessee brings out the idea of the inability of true flee. In scene four, Tom sees his life together with his family and at the apartment as a kind of suffocating situation in which he is confined. Williams shares out the idea of the unrelenting power of memory where Tom is locked into his life with his family and he chooses to free himself from the tough situation in life.
Tom has a role as a character who acts the dramatic truth unlike the other characters in the film .He speaks to the audience aiming to give a detached assessment what is happening. Amanda plays a role of being a clear representative towards her audience. Laura is the character who accommodates everything to herself without hurting her audience.
Works Cited
Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. New York: New Directions, 1999. Print.