Transtheoretical model is the most convincing model since it integrates the process of intentional change. This model is better than the other models because it incorporates the central constructs from the other theories into a comprehensive theory of change and applies widely to various fields of behaviors, populations, and settings. The transtheoretical model recognizes that change occurs in a progressive manner involving five major stages of change that can either take place in a linear of a non-linear way. The steps include pre-contemplation (not ready), contemplation (getting ready), preparation (ready), action and maintenance. This model played a major part in my transformation process towards better eating habits. In the beginning, it was a difficult decision to quit consuming so much junk food, but, finally, I took the step to make a change, got ready for the change, took an action of reducing junk food consumption and subsequently maintained the habit.
The health determinants that influence our health include the personal characteristics and behavior, social, economic and environmental factors. I must acknowledge that the book made a good case on how these factors influence the health of an individual (Kwasnicka et al. 277-296). The interrelationship of these health determinants has played a significant role in determining the health status of society both at an individual and population level. From my point of view, I believe that a person's behavior as a health determinant governs whether one will be healthy or not. How one behaves defines their personality is and thus an effort to change an individual behavior can help reduce some of the health risk issues associated with things such as substance abuse, physical activity, and diet (Kwasnicka et al. 277-296). An individual's effort to change his or her behavior towards a particular habit can also help in improving health. For example, a person may quit smoking and thus reducing his or her chances of acquiring respiratory of heart disease.
Jeni Cross’ discussion on how to create change was a powerful speech in which she acknowledges common sense as the greatest adversary towards making a change. She outlines the three myths that people base their belief on which include believing that education will change behavior, the belief that you need to change people's attitude to change their behavior and lastly the myth on how people think they know what motivates them. All these factors are myths that can only play a vital role in effecting change if and only if common sense prevails. This issue of creating change by using our common sense can best apply to health problems such as obesity. This weight gain is health condition that is a serious concern, and if only people could use their common sense and realize that abstaining from unhealthy eating habits is better than exercising later with the aim of reducing weight, then this life-threatening health issue would be eliminated.
Work Cited
Kwasnicka, Dominika et al. "Theoretical Explanations for Maintenance of Behavior Change: A Systematic Review of Behavior Theories". Health Psychology Review 10.3 (2016): 277-296.