The topic for the qualitative study shall be an analysis of “how to come up with proper crisis management plans that are suitable for differently sized companies”. The increment of crises in companies informs this study topic. The interview shall focus on obtaining responses from 10 managers (5 from small and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) and five from large companies). In this assignment, the study will obtain qualitative data through an interview with two senior managers (one from an SME and the other from a large company). The selection of the two interviewees is based upon the following criteria. A large company shall be one that has more than 250 employees. In this case, a senior manager from a major multinational (one that has more than 2000 employees) shall be selected. An SME shall be taken as a company that has less than 250 employees. The selected company shall be a small and upcoming company with less than 100 employees. The reason for the selection of interviewees from very differently sized companies is to give a proper view of how companies manage crises at corporations that vary in size.
The ideal interviewees would be from companies in the field of finance that have been in existence for the at least the last ten years. The ideal interviewees should interviewee should have been with the company for at least the last six years. The reason for the selection of interviewees from the same field is to homogenize the study and use similar or relatable basis in order to contrast and compare crisis management going by the size of companies (Turner, 2010; The selection of interviewees who have been with their respective companies for at least six years shall help the study to obtain information from knowledgeable and experienced people who can provide credible information. Since time is always a limited resource, an experienced, and knowledgeable, interviewee stands to offer substantial information within limited time (OWL at Purdue, n.d.; The Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin, 2009).
The Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. (2009). Conducting peer reviews. Retrieved from
OWL at Purdue. (n.d.). Peer review presentation. Retrieved from
“Interviewing in Qualitative Research” institutes/center-for-refugee-and-disaster- response/publications_tools/publications/_pdf/pr_section_3.PDF
Turner, D. W. (2010) Qualitative Interview Design: A Practical Guide for Novice Investigators, III The Qualitative Report Volume 15 Number 3 May 2010 754-760 Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA Retrieved 2 Nov 2014from