Management systems play a great role in ensuring that matters affecting an organization are dealt with in accordance to the stipulated terms. They are used by the top executive to aid them in the process of decision making and to assist them in ensuring that only the relevant policies are adopted by an organization. According to the journal of management information systems by Zwass, (2014, p.175), management systems provide information that is real-time and perform analytical functions that will help in making decision. The author adds on to say that different organizations have different management systems and each organization has to choose the system that fits to its functions and structure.
Girdhar (2013, p. 43-44) in his book titled Management Information Systems explains that the data used by management in this level is sourced from other levels in an organization. The systems, therefore, have a role of integrating all the information from lower levels of management and make it useful and beneficial to the organization. The information in management systems include that of sales, figures, expenses and other crucial information and it is the responsibility of management to decide the best course of action to take and rectify those terms.
In the words of Linda Banks, (2014, p.1)in her article on the role of Management information system, she explains that these systems give a better understanding to the managers on how best to run their respective departments. Managers discover the weak departments and those that require polishing as the systems provide all this information to them when it is assorted. Her assertions are seconded by AsefehAsemi, (2011, p.167) who in the International Journal of Business and management says that these systems allow management to make informed decisions. The information provided in the management systems is sufficient to allow managers to come into logical conclusions about issues that affect their businesses.
Asemi, A. (2011). the role of management information systems and decision support systems for manager's decision making process. International Journal of Business and Management , 164-186.
Banks, L. (2014). Role of Management Information System. Chron , 1-3.
Girdhar, J. (2013). Management information systems. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Linton, I. (2014). The Role of Management Information Systems in Decision Making. AZ Central , 1-4.
Zwass, V. (2014). Management Information Systems. Journal of Management Information Systems , 171-176.