Nowadays a huge role is played by the interaction of different cultures, a complex system of relations, which in the context of cultural diversity gives rise to such a phenomenon as multiculturalism. Migration process is the most important driver of change in the economic, social and cultural spheres. Migration flows are characterized by mass migration from densely populated underdeveloped countries in the densely populated developed countries. Sometimes migrants do not accept the values of the society and do not show any desire to accept these values. In turn, the isolation of migrants, being partly the result of social deprivation leads to aggravation of social exclusion and integration is not on the principles of the host society, and on the basis of their imported social, cultural and religious norms.
In the European experience migrant communities are beginning to put pressure on the government, forcing it to make laws favorable to them. Numerous facts show that as a result of the meeting of different cultures appear assimilative structure, involving the disappearance of integrable culture in the interior of the integrating, or dominant. Multiculturalism, unlike assimilation occurs disappearance cultures, but without the danger of insulation of each individual culture. The problems associated with the process of cultural integration, arise from the fact of coexistence of different cultures in the bowels of the same social group. Modern Europe is focused on the formation of the migration policies that promote legal migration, limiting the illegal movement of persons, the simplification of rules of entry for highly qualified specialists and scientists, the integration of all residents of migrants in the territories - EU members, as well as creating a single legal framework for the regulation of migration, integration and ethnic diversity.
One of the most developed countries in Europe, Germany is suffering from the effects of increasing the number of immigrants and refugees. “In absolute terms, Germany has by far the largest foreign-born population (10.1 million), followed by France (6.5 million), the UK (5.6 million), Spain (4.9 million) and Italy (2.5 million)” (Münz, 2007, p.6). In 2015 Germany has taken the path of assimilation, which, according to German government should lead to cultural uniformity. It is assumed that germanization of immigrants will lead to the inclusion in social structure. However, a number of events indicates that the increase in the number of immigrants who do not accept German culture and do not seek to integrate into German society can lead to social tensions in Germany. For example, in New Year's Eve 2016 in Cologne migrants "sexually assault and rob hundreds of people" (Smale, 2016). In society, cultural pluralism, coexistence of different cultural groups should be seen as a stage in the establishment of an entirely new culture. Thus, the integration of culture into the bowels of a small "host" the dominant culture fits into the dynamics, the ultimate purpose of which is the emergence of two major cultural phenomena:
1) Assimilation of non-intervention in the case of a person in the public process, and the relation of forces prevail over co-existence relationship that leads to a strengthening of the dominant culture and the partial or complete disappearance of subordinate cultures.
2) Multiculturalism implies that present cultural groups, the dominant and minority, are formed at the human impact on the cultural process. They both develop in parallel until the emergence of a new group, they begin to form from the time of their first contact, using both the mutual contradictions and similarities. In this sense, the formation of a new culture should be within the framework of cross-cultural relations, based on saving and growth of the cultural traditions of each culture. The new cultural formation of complementarity in the relationship eventually prevail over antagonism. Each culture brings this multicultural community is that it is able to enrich.
It is important not only to assess the potential for integration, but also to identify risks that are the result of an inadequate assessment of the situation and a wrong decision, social and institutional challenges to overcome, without which integration policy is doomed to failure. “In the European context of low fertility, issues such as childbearing and parenting, morbidity and mortality, reproductive health and international migration – as well as global population and development trends – represent major challenges” (Penninx, 2005, p.15).T he problems of adaptation and integration of migrants not only have social significance. A variety of qualitative and quantitative terms, migration flows have a significant impact on the socio-cultural environment of the country that, in turn, can be a source of stress. Often the mass migration flows lead to the isolation of the individual ethnic groups, to ensure that ethnic society closed in their ethnic subculture.
Integration policy includes both the proper integration and adaptation precedes it, which means the understanding and acceptance of migrants traditions, norms of behavior and cultural characteristics of the host country which do not involve counter-comprehension host population of migrant cultures. Accordingly, the problems of migrant incorporation in society-recipient covers the coordination of individual and collective institutional settings with local residents (Codagnone, Kluzer, 2011). At the same time, workers in the community of the recipient are "migrant community" that is different from both the community of the donor, because they exist in a different socio-cultural context and the different structure of relations and of common donor, because they are the carriers of other plants.
In the cultural sphere we can describe important criteria:
- The identity of interacting communities;
- Discursive form communities;
- Mutual representation.
Important elements of migration policy implies possibility to create conditions for adaptation and integration of migrants, protection of their rights and freedoms, to ensure social protection. The main objective of promoting the adaptation and integration of migrants is determined to build a multicultural integration model of the state, open to migrant workers and create conditions for their integration. Adaptation is a necessary but insufficient condition for integration. Creation of the conditions for integration is the best strategy for integration policy. Alternative policy integration is assimilation, that is, the rejection of one's own culture, and segregation. As the experience of the German separation migrants are not acceptable on humanitarian grounds. The purpose of socio-cultural integration of immigrants is to establish such a relationship of immigrants with the indigenous population, in which there is unconditional acceptance of socio-cultural norms of the host of the population, the lack of moral and psychological stimuli on the basis of belonging to the local community, the awareness and adoption of standards and norms of the host society.
Today the most acceptable in the world is considered to be the policy of multiculturalism. Adaptation coming, especially other-ethnic population through such forms of relations with the host community, which would transpose arriving standards of conduct, effectively integrate human resources, to create a society tolerant attitude towards immigrants - the main features of multiculturalism. For Europe, the processes of external labor migration are contradictory value. Its positive role is to the economic integration of European countries participating in the exchange of labor migrants in the development of certain economic sectors - construction, trade, agriculture, increasing income of banks in the form of interest rates on the money transfer to the departure of migrant workers, growth of the competitiveness produced in country goods due to the reduction of production costs. However, the obvious negative consequences: the growth of the shadow economy, dumping on the labor market, wages, services and consumer goods, leakage of funds, a depressing effect on the ability of labor productivity growth, the growth of economic crime, the transformation of the ethnic composition of the population, the formation of ethnic enclaves, increase ethnic tensions. Multiculturalism implies the willingness of the majority to accept cultural differences and change in accordance with the social behavior in society. The basic contradiction of the policy of multiculturalism - it is a question about the possibility of the integration of migrants, which is not accompanied to their assimilation, as the host community can no longer assimilate migrants, and migrants are more do not want to assimilate.
The negative consequences of the "assimilation" of integration can only be avoided through the creation of cross-cultural social structure, which could overcome the logic of double standards, according to which force prevails over right. Legal rules that will govern the relations between the groups, the society put a difficult task: to integrate the various components of the cultural space based on the norms of relations arising from intercultural dialogue. It is the process of creating a new culture, overcome the antagonisms and enrich the best qualities of the previous crop. The decisive role belongs to the state cultural policy. Priority of state cultural policy is a painless adaptation of the society in general and individuals in particular to the changing conditions of social life by means of culture, and above all the mass. In the field of culture should be launched innovative projects to reach a new technological, organizational level in this area. In other words, states need to create a modern industry culture, which fully provide the mass market high-quality cultural information and help every member of society and society as a whole, use the information in the interest of the general welfare. The basis of the necessary coexistence of cultures should be tolerance and acceptance and understanding of democratic values and the practical implementation of social interaction. These issues should be priorities in the field of education and enlightenment. It is necessary to clearly understand the needs of the labor market, the region's ability to cope with social problems coming, as well as the economic feasibility of attracting foreign labor. It is necessary to carefully analyze the integration potential of the host community, adaptive risks and opportunities of migrants arriving, the level of willingness to communicate the local population and authorities.
Socio-cultural adaptation is a process that requires the efforts of both sides, so there is a need for the host community to accept the changes socio-cultural environment in connection with the increase in migrant flows. Hence the host community must be ready to interact with other cultures. Of course, this process of interpenetration must be based on mutual respect and tolerance. This involves education on the development of basic knowledge about other peoples, their culture and identity, awareness of the value of each ethnic group in the world of diversity. It is essential that within the model of multiculturalism has not happened pushing ethno-cultures, and their interpenetration and addition that, in turn, will reduce the potential for conflict is certain. The integration of migrants can mean their structural adaptation to a new environment, namely a degree of involvement in the life of the host country because they do not differ from the majority of the local population for the objective (socio-economic) indicators. Cultural figures thus relegated to second place. It is assumed that, as long as the individual has managed to successfully blend into the labor market, it has the necessary language competence.
The integration of refugees implies preparedness to adapt to the host community without abandoning their cultural identity. This means respect for the country of asylum law and respect for human rights and democratic values. From the point of view of the host society, integration implies willingness to adapt the willingness to adapt institutions to changes in the population profile, kindly favorably accept refugees as part of a country's population, and to take measures to facilitate access to resources and decision-making processes in order to promote good race relations between all ethnic groups.
The result is that only the coexistence of different cultures within a single social organism models each of them, giving rise to new elements of social integration. New socio-cultural structure is formed of the new components generated by the initial encounter of cultures. So, in the process of cultural integration, there is a new culture based on coexistence - complementarity of cultures in the form in which they acquired as a result of the interaction. With the current state of inter-cultural dialogue, integration reproduces the dominant culture, provoking widespread disappearance of the slave, or the slave culture. Cultural pluralism disappears. Formation of the tolerant climate in general and tolerant attitude to ethnic and cultural diversity of migration, in particular. There are very important joint efforts of the state and civil society. Defamation of tolerance as a value is an alarming symptom. We should not forget that the alternative tolerance is intolerant, and the latest results in aggression and violence. However, genuine integration, innovation essentially repeats the existing cultural model, on the contrary, it aims to build a more advanced model of culture. At the same time we must not forget about the legal regulation of migration flows: the excess capacity of the region to adopt migrants inevitably exacerbates the problems of adaptation and causes social tension.
Codagnone, C., & Kluzer, S. (2011). ICT for the Social and Economic Integration of Migrants into Europe. European Union Centre in Taiwan.
Heckmann, F. (2008). Education and the Integration of Migrants. Challenges for European Education Systems.
Münz, R. (2007). Migration, labor markets, and integration of migrants: An overview for Europe (No. 3-6). HWWI policy paper.
Penninx, R. (2005). Integration of migrants: Economic, social, cultural and political dimensions. The new demographic regime: Population challenges and policy responses, 137-152.
Smale, A. (2016). As Germany Welcomes Migrants, Sexual Attacks in Cologne Point to a New Reality. Retrieved 9 March 2016, from