The success of developing, implementing, and evaluating the DNP Project can be attributed in part to the support obtained and strategies employed. Because the initiative was my first time leading an evidence-based project, I was initially apprehensive and there were many instances when I was not sure what to do. Given my knowledge of different nursing roles, I knew that the person most capable of helping me out with leading change was the director of nursing. She has 35 years of experience in nursing with the last 12 years in the correctional setting making her an ideal source of knowledge and wisdom. She became my informal mentor and her advice and encouragement kept me going. I am also fortunate to have been given greater flexibility at work which helped me achieve a degree of work-life balance or a state of harmony between different roles that contributes positively to health and wellbeing (Simmons, 2012).
Meanwhile, using a timeline was a helpful strategy. Detailing my day-by-day and week-by-week tasks and practicing self-discipline by making sure I accomplished them along with the demands of both career and family helped me manage by time and get the project accomplished eventually. The success gained from using a timeline validates the project management recommendations made by DeSilets, Dickerson & Shellenbarger (2009). I also found stress management helpful. Listening to music, breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation were the most effective techniques. Spending time alone the length of two or three of my favorite songs after work each day provided sufficient boost that allowed me to focus on family concerns and my coursework at home. Stress reduction is an important part of self-care and prevents burnout (Ressler, 2007).
My only concern is the feedback pertaining to my project. I would prefer that peers also evaluate how the project was planned, implemented, and evaluated to elicit as many possible perspectives or insights as possible. It will help me determine better practices that I can employ in the future. Learning from others in this way will help me grow further as a person and as a professional. I would also want to give feedback to my peers in the hopes that they will benefit in the same way. Overall, however, my project experience has been positive despite the challenges.
DeSilets, L.D., Dickerson, P.S., & Shellenbarger, T. (2009). Time and project management tips for educators. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 40(7), 292-293. doi:10.3928/00220124-20090623-08.
Ressler, P.K. (2007). Stress management for nurses. Retrieved from
Simmons, S. (2012). Striving for work-life balance. American Journal of Nursing, 112(1), 25-26. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000410173.98529.f6.