Company Profile
Since its commencement Apple Computer now renamed to be Apple was trying to sync the customers in this revolutionary information age. This innovative technology company is dedicated to developing and sell greatest personal computers, digital music connection, mobile interactive devices, applications, wireless streaming and related software’s, hardware’s and networking solutions. It is known for its electronic products such as iPod, iPhone, MacBook, iOS 8, iTunes and for also its upcoming new Apple Watch. People nationwide buy its product through online stores, a chain of retail stores, sales force, etc. (Bloomberg, n.d.). Apple Inc. produced goods for consumers hence it keeps a close eye to what consumer demands and what value is needed as compared to competitor’s offerings. Steve Jobs was the man behind the establishment of this empire which transformed the way people live with so much ease of use in technology, simple creative design, and best quality integrated products fashioning it a leading identity.
Branding, Identity, and Communication
Marketing has taken a new route through branding. It’s all about giving experience and influencing people through communication, playing with their hearts and mind. Branding delivers value through relationship. It is an act of seduction in which people gets emotionally attached to the product they buy. It expresses the human identity. Apple have played on the heart of branding which could be considered as one of the secret to its success. It has created unique selling proposition by providing superior consumer experience. It has been successful in shaping human identity and culture. When a person buys an Apple product, for example, an iPhone, he is stared as a coolest, creative, playful, social, imaginative youth. Therefore, it’s not just a product but an identity that is being associated with it. Floating signifier effect of buying Apple product are these smart adjectives, but these are not actually there. The brand has been pictured in a way that coolness, innovative, etc. just pop in any person mind though there is no rational to it. These days when social networking has become a norm Apple promise its product as a device for self-development. It boosts a social standard of an individual henceforth resulting in good numbers for the company through confident consumer loyalty. (Lisa Cole, 2013).
Apple has gained momentum in making it as a top most brand and engaging people in digital gadgets through understanding the need of consumer in this fast paced changing the world. The concept of brand ethnography has followed in sensing what customer really wants. Steve Jobs had an empathic approach towards innovating and creating breakthrough products pondering over what will customer appreciate. Apple’s success is not just resulted because of strategic orientation or great timing for launching a product but from an intense commitment to recognizing how people use these devices and music and what affects them. Thousands and millions of customer are delighted because the company stayed close to what customer requires, people are approaching towards this brand because company is selling back customers ideas, it has deep power to focus to be in the shoe of customer and matched their desires and dreams. (Phipps, 2011).
‘Apple are no longer marketing products. They are selling brands, which induce a gentle fusion of people's hopes, dreams and aspirations’ (Naomi Klein, 2002).
Apple is extending its line of product. Brand extension are a key source for a company to progress. It’s important that in extension brand history should not get affected. Focusing on the core in what required to associate a brand. Apple have always taken care of this detail as all products are related to the electronic item. Moreover, a new name was given to a product apart from it company brand name is effective if the company is huge enough to support the brand. If Mac PC would have been titled as Apple 360 PC, it would not have been settled the same loyalty. A distinct name under a brand provides an association for progress without being troubled by existing set. (Aaker, 1990). Here in apple’s case a product is not a brand but the company itself is a brand.
Another important aspect of branding is to be ethical. The components marketed should be really present in the product and it should not deceive the customer in any way. Though companies brand themselves to make profits and offers pseudo-democracy in the name of empowerment to customers, but Apple being a high prestige brand which claims itself as a valuable product providing experience and identity following unjust practices doesn’t go with its image. When iPhone 5 launched company created the excitement of false scarcity, an illusion of scarcity to rise its demand so that the procrastinators wake up and get the product in hand to be with the trendy crowd. In order to owe this newest device to remain up-to-date, customers were ready to be in line waiting for hours, going crazy and making pre-orders. The tactic worked for them but in my opinion this intentional faux marketing should not be used. (Kaputa, 2012).
Globalization of Apple
It is a transformation process that has made the world flat. Distance, time, space and languages make no difference in one’s life. Isolated feeling now makes no sense. With this advancement in globalization, Apple have taken the lead in the global market. Apple retails store are now all around the globe. 2014 statistics revealed that Apple phones are available in more than 115 countries which are a huge figure for proving its global market. Apple have changed its strategies in light of rapid effects of globalization. For example: Apple used to advertise specific target market of young innovative, educated people but now they are promoting the abstract ideas, so that customers may put revolutionary thought over its ads and product outreach to every desired person. Also, apple 5C is much cheaper as compared to 5s which is clear evidence of its shift in the target market so that the even low capital market can interact with its product.
Furthermore, Apple is great in taking hold of global opportunities. It outsources its strategy in foreign hand. Apple is creating more jobs overseas rather than local ones, especially China. This Chinese favor is due to cheap employment available there. All money earned comes back to Apple and company had made significant earning through globalizing its practices. (Is Apple the Good or Bad Guy in Globalization? 2013). Apple is winning the impression of global by standardization in all regions with exact same engineering masterwork customization, supreme ideal design, features, and price. Even Apple website has a same set standard look in all 125 regions irrespective of country. It has shaped itself as a global brand with a distinct strong identity. (Hovivian, 2014).
Apple’s Culture, Relationship, Leadership and Meaningful Work
Apple accomplishment relates to Steve’s leadership competences, greatly capable employees, and its resilient culture. Apple gets its drive from its inner talented circle. Its people are its greatest asset which help in the promotion of product and sent positive messages to convince others and gain support. Apple supremacy on its exceptional culture is the influence of Jobs with no exception. From decision making to implementing, from strategic orientation to the original product, from simplicity in designing to packaging Jobs has always been in the spot light. He shaped a vision and motivated his employees to have faith in it. Apple also adhere to its goal of making a contribution. A contribution towards culture, towards making a difference through learning the advance technology, towards engaging the customers into meaningful work. Employees feel enthusiastic Apple never followed organizational rain, its structure was kept flat with no traditional practices and moving on with hierarchy so that employees could have relationship with each other as well as the leader with supportive structure. Apple intends to hire like-minded people, ones that fits best with its culture. It makes their employees feel special by letting them participate in organization decisions and valuing their ideas. Apple emphasizes on the task time rather than clock time. It has no normal routine of staying at the station from 9:00-5:00 instead it focuses on work done in right way. The company provide training to retail store employees about how to great and meet customers when they enter the store. For this welcoming behavior and relishing the customers Apple provides good compensation packages, medical benefits, stock option, transportation facilities and also discount vouchers to buy apple products as happy employees makes happy customers and after all reasonable compensation gives rational of happy living. (Apple Inc.’s Ethical Success and Challenges, n.d.).
Apple’s Future
Apple is confident about its future growth. It has outclassed in providing best solutions to its customers. With evolving the technological industry, the company is being able to keep up the pace. From its inception, it has been great in fulfilling customer’s needs. Its products are always inspiring. Apple 5C, which created a shift, might be Apple’s biggest flaw yet, but it is soon to make any stance. Nevertheless, it provokes powerful positive sentiments that competitors aren’t able to make sense of. Also, the company show no indication of discontinuing its energy and customers also show no sign of reducing its admiration towards Apple.
Aaker, D. (1990). Brand Extensions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly | MIT Sloan Management Review. MIT Sloan Management Review. Retrieved from
Apple Inc.’s Ethical Success and Challenges (1st ed.). New Mexico. Retrieved from
Bloomberg,. Apple Inc: Company Profile - Bloomberg. Retrieved 23 June 2015, from
Hovivian, F. (2014). Globalization: Apple’s One-Size-Fits-All Approach - Brand Quarterly. Brand Quarterly. Retrieved 25 June 2015, from
Kaputa, C. (2012). 5 Marketing Tools Apple Exploits To Build The Hype. Fast Company. Retrieved from
Lisa Cole, N. (2013). Apple’s Seductive Brand Promise: Cultural Capital & Social Mobility » Sociological Images. Retrieved from
Mamorrish,. (2013). Is Apple the Good or Bad Guy in Globalization? (3rd ed.). Retrieved from
Phipps, B. (2011). The simple secret of Apple’s brand strategy. Retrieved from