It is essential to state that in general, the ethics of Confucius focus on the structure of human relations, and especially on the basic relationship of the family that shows a perfect model for all other relations. Therefore, one may say that political and social philosophy is created according to how the family looks, and is more hierarchical and paternalistic than modern Western approach. In general, Western philosophy is distinguishable for its accent on the basic human rights and individualism. (AMES) Furthermore, it must not be amplified that philosophy of the Heavenly Empire perceives by the Western philosophers, scholars, students as being far less abstract than its equivalent from the European philosophical thought.
However, the focus, particularly in the thought of Confucius and next philosophical approaches, is on the human creature itself and the relation to other people with the help of self-cultivation. Whereas the Western approach shows a strong abstract rationalistic disposition starting with Plato and ending up with glorification of Descartes, Chinese philosophy, and in particular, Confucian approach, seems to be rationalistic in more practical ways. Moreover, according to the Western thought, society is perceived “as an abstraction of atomic individuals”(AMES), and every single person has particular inalienable rights. Confucius, per contra, generally has perceived the community as being the source for the limiting some characteristics and traits of a person. Thus, the community and society is, according to Confucius, is a vault of relics and is not perceived as a place for realization people’s opportunities and possibilities, as one may see in Western world. Basically, people become concrete example of value and should be imitated as act of prudence. "The exemplary person seeks harmony rather than agreement; the small person does the opposite. (AMES, 201)
Also, one of the main ideas of Confucius was that people should be treated equally, and one should always respect other - "There is shu: do not impose on others what you yourself do not want." (Jones, 7) Hence, one can come to the conclusion that Confucian ethics and rights theory reveals us broad aspects of political and social life. With the help of this might be not quite clear, but reasonable view on human relation, and in general on life, Westerners could learn a lot and understand how their relationship with other people and with themselves could be improved and changed.
Work Cited
AMES, ROGER T. Rites As Rights: The Confucian Alternative. 1st ed. 2012. Print.
Jones, David. Teaching/Learning Through Confucius: Navigating Our Way Through The Analects. 1st ed. 2011. Print.