In the given paper, two movies, “To Die For” and “Drop Dead Gorgeous”, will be considered in terms of evil and daemonic sides of the souls of the protagonists. The factors that moved the girls and urged them to commit violent acts will be determined as well. In the author’s opinion, evil and daemonic side exists in the soul of every person, but someone has limits, while others make evil and daemonic side prevail all the other qualities and traits. In the selected films, the latter type of people is represented by the female protagonists whose evil side is a factor of success, and daemonic side is a means to achieve this goal. As a result, we have two pictures that tell about the careerist girls in a bad sense of this word. In the two endings, the morality lies in the fact that no one can manage to hold on to "the top" for a long time based on the evil deeds.
The film “To Die For”, directed in 1995 by Gus Van Sant is known as one of the early works of Nicole, which brought her the first Golden Globe. What is the movie about: as in the case of “Drop Dead Gorgeous”, the girl wants to achieve fame by any means. He has all the necessary inclinations: hypocrisy, beauty, perseverance and diligence, cruelty and obsession with her idea. The point is that she cannot use them. The situation is hard: her husband's family cannot stand her, the husband does not satisfy the interests of the girl, and the work at a local TV channel clearly does not lead to fame and success. Any other equally ambitious woman would have just moved to a large city in her place. However, here, there are clearly visible a series of strange activities. Crazy ideas result in the dull activity of three teens. A desire to become famous leads to strange conclusions: cheap public relations at the expense of her husband's death. Husband is murdered by the very young people (at her personal request) and she seems to have an alibi, but suddenly the children betray the main character. Here the camera and thousands of journalists, eager to learn the epic story, appear, but only our ambitious protagonist has no benefit from that hype.
This film, among other things, carries the right message, directed mainly at the careerists. On careerists in the bad sense of the word, which are fraught with the very evil and daemonic side, which turns the fate of other people into a nightmare. In principle, this is the main idea of the film. The protagonist had a dream of working on television, but after viewing, everyone clearly understands that the game is not worth the candle, that the goal is not to justify the means. Besides, a logical question arises: was it worth it?
The film is a benefit of Nicole Kidman, who sticks on the image of a bitch to the core. The image fits like a glove and does not move down one millimeter. What do you imagine when you hear the word "bitch"? Undoubtedly, sexy blonde, who produces a poison behind the blue eyes and charming mouth. She can turn your head, make you do whatever she wants – and then throw to the dogs to be devoured. These girls are full of evil in their heart. She is compelling, cool, and has a goal: almost Jungian archetype, filled with men's fears and the thousands of works on the treacherous female behavior. The film by Gus Van Sant is one of such works, the product of the fatal women's daemonic, which they use as an advantage over others.
It is a very interesting and instructive film, whose female character will use any means to achieve the desired goal, using other people and thus breaking their fate. Her sexuality and nature put an end to the lives of people who love her. Nicole Kidman is not only forcing audience to hate her, but also impresses with her imperfections, or rather the imperfection of her character in the sense of an adequate perception of reality.
Nicole agreed to get married as her husband supported and cherished her, which was quite consistent to the conceited character. In addition, he was a good financial support, giving her the opportunity to work for peanuts in a small studio. In addition, the female protagonist could not be called especially talented – stubborn, persistent, calculating, attractive and angry – yes, but not talented. That is indeed a good example that the more addiction is, the less sense and prospects it has.
The main character of “To Die For” is a collective image of American television divas: she prefers career over philistine happiness. She is ready to put in motion all evil and daemonic, which are hidden in the most secret of her soul particles. The image, created by wonderful Nicole Kidman, is truly a collective – the diva with the appearance of Barbie dolls and ambitions of Napoleon.
However, crime is not to remain unpunished, as is the case with the film “Drop Dead Gorgeous”. Here, the evil is punished and daemonic wins. But this is not a happy end in its direct sense, because instead of our protagonist comes a new generation of leaders in the face of schoolgirl named Lydia Mertz, who participated in her documentary and was invited to talk shows after shootings. She learned from the main character the very evil and daemonic, which can bring dramatic and incredible success. In total, there is a grim comedy about the fact that television culture can spawn monsters, even in the guise of charming ladies.
Having started her career as a weather girl on a provincial cable TV, Susan immediately set out a goal to become a real big star, because in her representations, only the "on-screen man" known to everyone, is the only full-fledged.
Beautiful and merciless Nicole Kidman, similar to the mechanical doll, then an obsessive perfectionist, sets a documentary tone to the story. Gus Van Sant collects scraps of information about the girl, who had so wanted to make a career of a successful anchorwoman, but settled in a provincial town with her husband, two-three suits and absolutely non-life program for teens.
Susan’s assertiveness makes an impression of non-integrality. Because why a woman, fixated on career, married, frankly, not so rich representative of the Italian diaspora, Larry, and then ventured adultery with an anxious schoolboy Jimmy to finish off her husband with his help? Larry’s fault is theoretically that he hinted to his wife that she should step away from her great American dream to be on TV, but without a dog and a red car, Susan would have felt bad in independent living. However, on the other hand, probably not having found any sort of compromise solutions and ways, it is in such a situation when the girl woke up her evil and daemonic side. And the killing as a way to become famous immediately began to look acceptable.
Although Susan’s manipulations were effective, but the collapse of other people's lives leads to the elimination of her own. Caressed by the media attention and active suspicions, Susan ends her life under the blades of crazy glory. The human factor is once again ruining the carefully crafted plans.
The audience of these films is wondering: is the career so important? Rather, it is terrible when the career becomes the meaning of life. Susan was obsessed with the dream. Everything else faded into the background for her. She was not interested in anything at all. Also, it was terrible to use teenagers’ help to carry out her evil plans. Here, evil side of Susan, who does not even think about morality and uses measurable influence on the adolescents, manifests as well. The children were delighted with Susan. Jimmy turned the head so that he was ready to do anything for her. For all the girls she became an idol. Even after the exposure of Susan, Lydia says with admiration about her. In fact, Susan broke the life to the three children.
So, summing up the film again, let us mention the evil and daemonic in Susan that not only entices and seduces her adoring teenagers, but also encourages them to murder her own husband, who determined to prevent the stellar career of the wife. Manipulating teenage complexes in the same way as mass media, idolized by her, manage public consciousness, Susan is thereby only demonstrating her suitability for the fourth power. She considers herself to be one of its henchmen. Completing the gallery of the TV monsters, among which in the first half of 1990 particularly memorable is the female character of "Kiki" as well as a fanatic presenter of "Natural Born Killers" by Stone, a blond "Angel" leaves not only seduced and deceived souls behind her, but the corpses in the literal sense, as she approaches the target.
“And what I am capable of in order my dream to come true? - That is the question, which arises in the viewer’s mind after watching this movie. And where is the boundary, after which the pursuit of a dream usually ends, and the very fanaticism and said evil and daemonic begins? For the viewer, this film is a drama. And this drama is not about one man. It is the drama of thousands or even millions. After all, over the years, the number of women like Suzanne Stone, not only does not decrease but even increased. They have ambitions, they have the ideas and behind them as they say, is the future. But many of them will go through Susan’s path and cross the line of the law. So this film is largely a warning for every person. For the people of both sexes, as men and women are affected by fanaticism in equal numbers.
“Drop Dead Gorgeous” is a dramatic comedy, filmed in 1999. We see a provincial town, and there is a beauty pageant queen contest. We see the charming contestants and a real war with the intrigues and death for the title of the most beautiful girl in town. “Drop Dead Gorgeous” is a black comedy with a touch of drama and detective story, in which the beauties kill each other, and we face a dark story of a hard way to the road of beauty and glory. There are a lot of dark jokes about death. For example, sayings about someone's mother, who because of the lack of money is lying in the basement and if successful can then be transported to the cemetery. And it was the most gentle from such statements. Perhaps, this film can be attributed to the genre of "black" comedy. There are a few funny moments. Rather, it is scary. After all, almost every participant has a dark side, concealed some evil and daemonic. This film is an exaggerated version of the beauty contest. It is quite possible to depict the situation, which is going on at such events. After watching this film, the viewer is frightening, and yet many people are willing to go over the heads of others for the sake of illusory hopes of richness and fame. The film is imbued with alien soul and darkness, although the plot is banal and limited to the struggle of good and bad, rich and poor, honesty and falsehood. From the beginning, we see more than 8 contenders for victory, and each has a dream, passion and desire to win. Although exaggerated enough, we see the life of the two daughters of ex-princesses. There is a contrast between Amber Atkins and Rebecca Ann Leeman. Amber is sweet and kind, though not of the most prosperous families, but she has retained a love and desire to help people. She works at the morgue. It would seem that anyone working there can make inward, but she was not discouraged and finds this as a positive thing: she can improve in the tap dance. She finds time to help the last winner of the competition, was admitted to hospital with a terrible diagnosis. But Rebecca Leeman is a complete contrast to Amber. Although her beauty is not in doubt, her soul is black from envy, anger and selfishness. The real evil is hidden in her, and it is manifested in the course of the contest. She has everything: a beautiful home and a mother ready for everything for her victory (even murder is not an obstacle for her), and in general throughout the city there are no richer families. She was used to getting everything she wanted, but if something or someone is preventing it, it disappears from her path thanks to her mother. All of her actions are the game to the public.
Throughout the contest, several murders take place in the town, for which the authorities simply turn a blind eye. On the competition, all the judges are people who were bribed by Rebecca’s mother. It is already clear in advance, who will win. But as they say: curses come home to roost. But this is a movie, and here we have a happy-end, but in life often just those win, whose soul is full of evil and daemonic. They force to be afraid of them the most popular and authoritative, and then subordinate everyone else to themselves.
These two films are identical in their promise. Main characters are the real careerists, who go over the heads of others to achieve their goals. For some, the goal is to win a beauty contest while for someone to become an important person on TV, it does not matter. The main thing is that both female characters are evil and daemonic, what they use as a means of achieving the goals. This side of her goes beyond the limit according to the ordinary human standards. It is extremely difficult to believe in what they are doing for the sake of their meager "peaks", but it is the truth and these are the facts. That would be the center of attention to kill her husband and get rid of obtrusive questions about children to just concentrate on her career – the balance is not the most typical. The main problem of these two characters of films is that they do not realize that to go over the heads of others leads to making enemies, and to recruiting, so to speak, unfavorable karma. These films tell about the two characters, whose dark side of the soul outweighed the good, and that behind the masks of cute and friendly girls hide the real monsters that nobody could believe. In today's society, careerist woman is perceived as a kind of "iron lady", persistent, persevering, working to devote all her time and absolutely not aimed at creating a family. Few people think that there is a difference between love for the work and so-called "careerism". In the first case, a woman enjoys her work and does what she likes. As a rule, she makes a conscious choice. In the second case, she desires to make a career as a substitute for everything else, and often associated with the need to earn money and to step to universal acclaim. And when the woman replaces everything, putting aside the feelings, the most natural to her, then there is only the evil and daemonic, which are becoming the solutions of problems related to career development. Therefore, these two films are so important to make people aware of the problem. As I said at the beginning, a piece of evil and daemonic, exists probably, in each person, it is not just about girls-careerists. But these films show the line that should never be crossed to reach the goal, the more such petty goals that the female protagonists have followed. Both of them were ready to go to the worst deeds, if only they had heard, seen and remembered. It clearly does not meet all standards of morality. That is why the analysis of these two films in terms of the evil and daemonic, as an integral part of both the characters’ soul, we are convinced that this anger and walking "over the heads" can lead to a rush promotion, but to destroying everything in seconds as well. That is what happened with the female characters in the film. They made enemies, they got bad karma – they have become hostages of their own evil and daemonic, hidden inside them.
Good Example Of Essay On Evil / Daemonic
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