The film short for paper is a very short film running for approximately one and half minutes. This film begins with a high angle shot as a lady is sleeping before she is woken up by noise form outside. As she wakes up she realizes the voices of people singing making her change her mind and she goes back to lying on the bed pretending to be fast asleep. Then a young guy by the name Zhang and his lover approaches while singing and dancing. The lady pretends that she is fast asleep so these two lovers do not recognize her presence. Zhang sees her and reaches for her hand. She takes the hand though not whole heartedly and joins Zhang for a dance though she is a bit shy. She dances for a few seconds before sitting down as Zhang continues to sing for her. The other lady who came with Zhang is now feeling jealous and she tries to pull him away from her. She succeeds finally and takes Zhang away as they sing and dance merrily while the other lady is left alone in the room.
This film applies continuing editing style as it cuts to maintain a clear narrative action. The eye-line match is done well as the first shot directs us to some noise we do not know its origin. The transition is done in continuity making it hard to realize. The contrast in the film is low leading to a naturalistic lighting. The focus used is shallow to keep our attention on the subjects of the film. The shots in the film are also a little bit exposed making it hard to clearly see the subjects. And the reframing is done to ensure the camera remains on the subjects that it is intended.
The lighting of this film is low-key because it uses very little fill light. This lighting creates a strong contrast between the brightest and darkest parts of the scene making it hard to see some of the subjects. The sound bridge is done well to suit the continuing editing style when we hear the voice of Zhang and the lady singing before they appear on the screen. Sound and dieresis in the film is not so straight forward as we can hear sounds at first without knowing their origin until Zhang and the girl appears. There is no off-screen sound as we can see the origin of all sounds of the film on the screen. It is a synchronous sound because it is matched temporarily with the movements within the film.
. The main information being put across through this film is love and deceit. The man is seen to be in love with both women. He is unable to make a strong decision on which among the ladies he should be with. It is an educative and entertaining film to say the least. Short for paper film is worth watching to actually understand the plot well. Although the production was not done perfectly, it is worth watching just to find out what it is about. Through this film, one is able to learn a lot about film production and how to come up with a better one. The only problems it has are the shortness and the lack of clear explanation of what is going on within the scene.