A patient Mr. Johan is admitted in a hospital. His major problem is pancreatitis. He is in severe form of pancreatitis. We have to manage his electrolyte imbalance, and there is a need to look after the food and electrolyte effect of the patient.
In Pancreatitis, there is a disturbance in enzymatic secretion of pancreas. Usually trypsin that is used in digestion of food these are actuated in the pancreas. In normal condition, trypsin is activated in the small intestine; it acts as a central role in digestion of nutrient. When it is triggered in the pancreas, it causes inflammation of the pancreas due to the auto digestion of pancreatic cells; thus it is actuated in the pancreas and causes ignition in the pancreas. A patient admitted to hospital with an inflamed pancreas. We bear to discuss electrolyte imbalance and the issue of food in this shape.
Effect of electrolyte imbalance:
Electrolytes are body requirements that play an important role in normal and casual functions of the body. Electrolytes accelerate many metabolic roles in the physical structure. Balance of acid, base and residual in body fluids is due electrolytes. In the face of the pancreatitis when the pancreas is inflamed it may cause electrolyte imbalance in the physical structure. The pancreas is responsible in secretion of many neurotransmitters specially trypsin that is food digestive enzyme. Pancreatitis is of two types’ acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. Both of these conditions cause severe pain and electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes are the ions present in the body fluid; these electrolytes are of two types positive electrolytes are called cations and negative ions are called anions these ions should be equal in body any disturbance that effects of these electrolytes can lead to electrolyte imbalance. Increase or decrease in any of the electrolyte is called electrolyte imbalance. Electrolyte imbalance may be referable for many reasons; one of them is pancreatitis. (Bradley III, E. L. 1993).
Fluid and electrolyte balance - it is a natural part of human wellness; it helps to check all internal body systems. If there is a violation of water-salt balance for a long time, then it leads to the growth of many diseases and functional disorders, up to cancer. The measure of water for an adult should be 60-65% of the body weight, the child still above this image, merely in the aging organism amount of water could be cut to 50% of the mass body.
Effect of food:
In the case of the pancreatitis, trypsin is activated in the pancreas instead of the small intestine. Trypsin takes a part in digestion of food in the small intestine. Small intestine, food is broken down into smaller particles or generates electrolytes in the physical structure. The digestions of food in the small intestine inhibited and caused an electrolyte imbalance in the physical structure.
Effect of electrolyte imbalance and food on each other:
Trypsin digests the food in the small intestine. When food is tolerated, it is cracked down into smaller parts, and effective particles like electrolytes are taken up in the body. In a case of pancreatitis, electrolytes are imbalanced because food is not digesting properly, and electrolytes become imbalanced. (Ammann, R. W., Akovbiantz 1984)
Risk factors in-patient:
Risk factors of pancreatitis include alcohol and some medicine intake. If triglyceride is increase of it is desired, level it leads to the pancreatitis. Abuse of alcohol is a main reason for pancreatitis and in the result electrolyte imbalance in the body. In serious cases, pancreatitis may lead to the comma and shock condition.
Onset of health issue made up patient:
Pancreatitis leads to many health publications. In pancreatitis, severe abdominal pain and sometimes vomiting and nausea like feelings have to confront the patient. In serious instances, it causes coma and leads to the death. It is sometimes associated with gallbladder stone gallbladder pain before pancreatitis pain. To maintain of electrolytes is practiced by internal and parental route of electrolyte administration.
Physiological effect on patient:
Physiological effects of electrolyte imbalance due to the pancreatitis are reduction in the normal secretion of neurotransmitters from the pancreas. Enteral and parental routes are also because some problems due to these routes cephalic and gastric phase passed away. Food stimulating hormones or neurotransmitters are too suppressed.
Impact on patient and family:
Pancreatitis is dangerous and irritating in both cases like chronic or intense. The patient has to face sudden abdominal pain that is not able to deliver. It is a very critical situation effect badly both patient and his kin. A person unable to perform his daily routine works in severe cases he has to admit in hospital by allowing all functions. Family members also affected someone from the family should with the patient to get his hospital in case of serious annoyance. Pancreatitis put impact on both patient and his kin. (Klar, E., Endrich, B., & Messmer, K. 1990)
Best practice in pancreatitis:
Best practice should do by nurses for pancreatitis patient. The nurse should focus on her patient conditions. She should calculate the daily requirement of the patient according to his body weight and provide him required nutrients. Particular care and good practice reduce the probability of destruction in severe cases of pancreatitis.
Clinical setting:
Clinical settings also affect the disease management if the clinical setup is fully supplied and all required things are available than the patient can heal easily. Clinical settings should as the patient needs. All things that patient may need should available there all times. Nurses should there for 24 hours, and it should include the basic duty of nurses to calculate the body surface area of the body and body mass index. Tables and formulas should present in the clinical setup for calculations of drugs and electrolytes according to body surface region and body volume index. (Lerch, M. M., & Adler, G. 1994)
Clinical setup should agree to the need of patience and well-educated staff should present there to serve the patient 24 hours.
Future of nursing practice:
If nurses provide their best service, they will finally able to get an award by doing special care of the patients. Nurses are doing their job well. In future nurses will get more facilities and relaxations if they continually do this hard working. Nurses should update as knowledge about any disease updated in future. Nursing practice is going well and in the time to come, It will be increased. However, nurses do the best, and provide a great service. (Banks, P. A., Freeman 2006)
How did a nurse help to correct the problem and when?
As I am a nurse, I am executing this job to look after Mr. Johan I can rectify the troubles connected to patient as patient suffered from the pancreatitis. I can redress all the values and calculations about the drug and electrolyte administration in the body. I recognize really well how and when I have to perform my roles. I was with the doctor when she was on round; I noted all necessary precautions and advised which doctor made for the patient. I stuck to all instructions while dealing with patients. I received enough knowledge about the pancreatitis, and I knew the electrolyte imbalance in-patient. I knew how I had to get by the deficiency of electrolyte.
Pancreatitis is the circumstance in which inflammation of the pancreas occurs. Excitement leads to an electrolyte imbalance. Several neurotransmitters are released from the pancreas in the condition of excitation of the pancreas these neurotransmitters are also involved. Result electrolyte imbalance in the physical structure. In this shape, exceptional attention is required for nurses to manage all problems linked to this disease. As the pancreas secretes trypsin that is actuated in the small intestine and digests the food in case of pancreatitis, it is activated in the pancreas that inhibits the digestion of the intellectual nourishment in the little bowl. So in the case of pancreatitis food intake should not allow for the patient body requirements are satisfied by external sources like TPN bags are supplied to the patients for the completion of body requirements. It is the responsibility of nurses to calculate the electrolytes in TPN bag and expect after the patient. Nurses should well familiar with the total requirements of the electrolytes in the physical structure. Nurses should know how to calculate the body surface region and the body volume index to calculate the correct amount of drugs and electrolytes in the patient’s body. The patient can be cured soon if nurses provide exceptional attention and perform a duty.
Bradley III, E. L. (1993). A clinically based classification system for acute pancreatitis: summary of the International Symposium on Acute Pancreatitis, Atlanta, Ga, September 11 through 13, 1992. Archives of Surgery, 128(5), 586.es:
Ammann, R. W., Akovbiantz, A., Largiader, F., & Schueler, G. (1984). Course and outcome of chronic pancreatitis. Longitudinal study of a mixed medical-surgical series of 245 patients. Gastroenterology, 86(5 Pt 1), 820-828.
Klar, E., Endrich, B., & Messmer, K. (1990). Microcirculation of the pancreas. A quantitative study of physiology and changes in pancreatitis. International journal of microcirculation, clinical and experimental/sponsored by the European Society for Microcirculation, 9(1), 85-101.
Lerch, M. M., & Adler, G. (1994). Experimental animal models of acute pancreatitis. International journal of pancreatology: official journal of the International Association of Pancreatology, 15(3), 159.
Banks, P. A., Freeman, M. L., Fass, R., Baroni, D. S., Mutlu, E. A., Bernstein, D. E., & Vakil, N. (2006). Practice guidelines in acute pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol, 1, O1.
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