Human resource management plays an imperative role in the operations of an organization as it ensures that an organization acquires the best talents for effective operations. There are numerous functions played by the human resource management department in an organization such as planning, recruiting among others. This paper focuses on the recruitment function of the human resource management department, in particular the selection process of an entry level of an operations manager. The selection process is one where the organization seeks to discover the characteristics and suitability of a given candidate for the job position (Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2012). A good selection procedure involves a methodical approach to find the best person for the given job.
The operations manager leads the operations of an organization and plays an essential role in the overall success of the organizations. For example, the operations manager heads the external relations of an organization with lenders, vendors and the community in general. The manager also plays different roles in the production processes and marketing of the organization products. The manager plays an imperative role in ensuring that the operations of the organization are up and running in the achievement of the organization strategic plans and vision. Therefore, the position requires a comprehensive selection process, which will ensure that the selected person has the capacity and capability of performing the stated duties efficiently (Cornelius, 2001).
The position of an operations manager is a key position as the person selected oversees the achievement of strategic objectives of an organization through the development of a clear vision how the operations achieve the objectives. The person develops the operations strategy through numerous decision making that align with the organization long-term goals. The person also designs the operation’s products, processes and services ensuring the planning and control of the operations. The person also continuously monitors the overall performance with the aim of improving the performance of the organization’s performance.
The Selection Process
The selection process involves a comprehensive procedure that ensures the suitability of the selected candidate. The procedure starts with a preliminary interview of the candidates followed by selection tests such as the aptitude and psychological tests among others. The process also involves an employment interview, reference and background analysis, physical examination, job offer and the employment contract finally (Karim, 2013). The sensitivity of the position in this case requires the due process to be followed to the letter to ensure that the selected person matches the requirements.
Steps in The Selection Process
Preliminary Interview
The selection process involves picking candidates with requisite qualification and competence that fills the entrant management position. It facilitates the elimination of unqualified applicants and the identification of the right candidates for the specified job. The basic purpose of preliminary interviews is to facilitate the elimination of unqualified applications based on the information provided by the applicant in the application forms. It enables the interviewing panel to identify misfits through the securing of maximum information from an applicant in determining their suitability (Catano, 2009). It is among the most effective process in the selection procedure as it provides a direct confrontation between the panel of interviewers and the interviewees.
There are different types of interviews that can be adopted such as structured interviews, which involves advance preparation of the questions aimed at getting specific information from the candidate. The structured interviews also provide details on how the interview will be conducted and time allocated for each applicant. Unstructured interviews on the other hand, are relatively unplanned, and the panel asks general questions. A stress interview is another form of the interview where the panel adopts a hostile approach towards the applicant asking questions that are likely to annoy or frustrate such applicants. Semi-structured interviews are also common where questions in regard to certain specific areas are prepared prior to the interview, but they do not follow a strict pattern allowing free discussion (Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2012). Applicants can also be interviewed as a group with the objective of assessing how people handle different tasks and situations.
Selection Tests
After the preliminary, the applicants who pass are called for the selection tests and the tests that are called depend on the job. In this case, an entrant operations manager for the position of operations manager requires numerous tests, which will ensure that the selected candidate is the best candidate for the job. The tests vary from aptitude tests, personality tests, ability tests, graphology tests, medical tests and psychometric tests. In this case, achievement tests will also be included in evaluating the achievement of the applicant, which will measure the confidence and knowledge of an applicant in performing the duties. The tests will also include vocational tests since they are essential in an effective selection process assessing the likes and dislikes of the applicant (Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2012). Identification of a person's interest will facilitate the identification of career prospects of an applicant enabling the panel to evaluate if such interests are in line with the job specification.
Psychological Tests in the Selection
The position of an entrant operations manager in the organization requires a comprehensive approach in ensuring that the selected person matches the requirements. Psychological tests are most essential in deducting and demonstrating talents, which would otherwise not be more evident on a normal selection assessment procedure such as an interview, reference checks and academic performances. However, a combination of the selection procedures enables the prediction of future job performances. They facilitate the minimization of the errors of selection enabling the employee to maximize potential fit between the job and the selected candidate. In the current corporate world psychological test have highly been adopted in measuring personality characteristics of the job applicants, which are more essential in predicting future job performances (Gatewood, Feild, & Barrrick, 2010). The five major personality dimensions evident in most psychological tests are extroversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience.
The psychological tests fall into several categories, which include the aptitude tests, which measures the potentiality of the candidates. Achievement tests, which measures the proficiency of an individual achievement and the intelligence tests, which measures the ability of a person to understand the world around them. Psychological tests also involve neuropsychological tests, which measure the deficits in a candidate cognitive functioning. Occupational test also fall under psychological tests, and they enable one to understand the interests of a candidate in a given career. These tests facilitate the selection of the right candidate through evaluation and identification of the right personality. There are numerous advantages of adopting psychological processes in the selection procedure as they result to low employee turnover (Karim, 2013). They facilitate the revelation of more information about the candidate abilities and interests through identification of personality traits needed for this job.
In the job analysis there are various specifications such as the ability to complete tasks, decision making, orientation and training, conflict mediation and liaison with the executive that have been laid out. Psychological testing is among the selection procedures that can aid in identification of an applicant's ability to meet the aforesaid requirements such as decision making and conflict resolution among others. The legal and privacy issue involved in this selection procedure is ensuring the protection of the applicant against disclosure of information to the external community (Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2012). Therefore, all supervisors within the institution have been trained in regard to confidentiality, which limits the extent of liability resulting from disclosures.
Test of Motor and Physical Abilities
Based on the nature of the job it is essential to measure the physical capabilities of the applicant, to ensure suitability of the candidate. There are various tests used by different employees in measuring motor abilities such as finger dexterity, manual dexterity and reaction time. The physical capabilities are measured using the static strengths, dynamic strength, stamina and body coordination.
Work Samples and Simulation
Therefore, the process will involve the development of a comprehensive work sampling procedure identifying various crucial tasks in the performance of the given tasks. It is also essential to involve management assessment centers, which will provide simulations, where candidates can perform realistic management duties and tasks under expert observations. The experts will appraise the applicant's potential in the performance of the given tasks. For example, it will involve leaderless group discussions, management games, individual presentations, interviews and objective tests (Catano, 2009). Although assessment centers have been identified as essential for selecting a management position for promotion, it will be essential in this case due to the sensitivity of the tasks involved.
Polygraph and Honesty Testing
The job analysis provided seeks for identification of a competitive candidate, who will match the requirements of the job with the skills. A polygraph is an instrument used in detecting when an individual lies through measurement of different physiological changes such as perspiration. However, the current laws do not allow employees to use these tests for pre-employment screening and checks. However, there are other tests such as paper-and-pencil honesty test, which tests an applicant proneness to dishonesty and other counterproductive behaviors. The requirements of the job set in the job analysis and the responsibilities that the applicant will bear require a comprehensive process that ensure the suitability of the candidate (Karim, 2013).
Guidelines of Developing and Administering Tests
The administration of tests and other various selection procedures adopted in this selection process will disregard the races, color, sex, origin and age of the applicants. The selection procedure will be based on merit and the qualification of the applicant without discrimination. In addition, the success of an applicant will not be based on the success on a single test. Rather, they will be based on numerous tests and the applicant with significant success in the tests will be selected. In addition, the selection tests will also seek to explore expected changes in the performance of the job and responsive of the applicants to such changes. In addition, the panel and the conduct of the selection process involves a highly experienced team of experts with the ability to identify the talents that suit the requirements of the job. The experts will be able to identify the selection tests effective at any given time since the success of the conducted tests depends on understanding of the tests by the experts. Therefore, employment selection tests should be properly tested and validated in identifying the position and purpose for which they are used (Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2012). Test selection should be based on job requirements and the expected outcomes from such selected tests.
Reference and Background Checks
Background and reference checks are among the essential steps of the selection procedure and involves seeking of information about an applicant’s past, which might affect his performance presently or in the future. This will also facilitate the acquisition of independent information about dependability, innovativeness and creativity of a given applicant (Cornelius, 2001). The main source of an applicant’s information includes schools, previous employers, referees, government administration and religious leaders among others.
Selection Decision
The steps outlined are aimed at acquiring information and suitability of a given candidate for a given job. Therefore, after acquisition of all information the most critical step is the determination of the selected candidate. The decision made by the panel is based on preliminary interviews, conducted tests, final interviews and the reference checks conducted on the applicants (Jackson, Schuler, & Werner, 2011). In addition, the views of the top management who will be working with the manager will be incorporated in making the selection decision.
Medical and Physical Examination
After the selection of the successful applicants, the selected candidate is required to go for a physical fitness and medical test. Therefore, an offer will be contingent upon the applicant’s passing of the physical fitness and medical test. The medical and fitness test determines the suitability of the applicant in regard to physical and medical fitness. The checks also serve the purpose of revealing any complications with an applicant that require medical treatment (Ivancevich & Konopaske, 2012). The organization is also able to develop the medical history of the applicant.
Job Offer
The applicant who will have passed all the selection process procedures and hurdles is sent a job offer through a letter of appointment.
Therefore, the job analysis provides a guideline that guides the criteria used in the selection process of an entrant operations manager in the organization. The selection tests and procedures identified are specifically directed towards the selection of an applicant who is well suited for the job. For example, the psychometric tests and work samples among other tests are essential in ensuring the suitability of the selected candidate.
EFL Ratings and Job Analysis
The selection process will centrally consider the EFL ratings provided in the job analysis. For example the psychometric analysis such as the personality checks will seek to establish the ability of the applicant to complete tasks in terms of the time taken, ability to learn new concepts, whether committed mistakes are simple to correct, the centrality of the job rates of reassignment. In this case, the selection test will consider an applicant who takes a small amount of time on tasks, learn tasks quickly and make slight mistakes while considering the central part of the job. This reduces reassignment rates since the majority of the tasks are done to the right standards. The sensitivity of the job, duties and responsibility of the selected applicant requires a high agility person ready to work in a challenging environment, making numerous decisions.
The work samples and simulations will facilitate understanding the ability of an applicant decision making orientation and training. EFL ratings that will be considered in this case will be 3 or 2, but it will also depend on the ratings of other tests such as decision making process and complete tasks efficiently. Hiring and firing decision making will be based on the decision making of an applicant but higher ratings of 4 and 3 will be considered. Conflict mediation of an applicant will be based on polygraph testing and various other testings since it will test the honesty of an individual in dealing with issues. Personal checks will also be essential in testing conflict mediation of an individual as they will test the ability of an individual to deal with other individuals. The ratings considered in this selection process will be either 3 or 2 based on the sensitivity of the duties and responsibilities of the job. Salary and benefits considered in the selection process will be based on considerable rate and market rates offered for the job. However, this will not be a major factor to consider in the selection process since it is a competitive process that will include competitive rates from different able applicants. The applicant selected for the position must have very good communication skills, which will facilitate liaison with the executive. The duties and responsibilities encompassed in this job requires an applicant who is able to liaise with the applicant since the majority of the operations of the organization requires executive interventions. Therefore, an EFL rating of 5 will be essential for the applicant.
Catano, V. M. (2009). Recruitment and Selection in Canada. London: Cengage Learning.
Cornelius, N. (2001). Human Resource Management: A Managerial Perspective. New York: Cengage Learning EMEA.
Gatewood, R. D., Feild, H. S., & Barrrick, M. R. (2010). Human Resource Selection. New York: Cengage Learning.
Ivancevich, J. M., & Konopaske, R. (2012). Human Resource Management. New Jersey: MCGRAW-HILL Higher Education.
Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S., & Werner, S. (2011). Managing Human Resources, 11th ed. New York: Cengage Learning.
Karim, M. R. (2013). Recruitment & Selection: ‘Psychometric’ and ‘Social perspective’ model. New York: GRIN Verlag.