[Institution Title]
The medical profession is continuous improving. The need to make modifications in existing system has more to do with trying to fit in new and significant findings into the current practice. One area of the medical profession that constantly needs updating is the medical coding system. About the third quarter of 2015 there was major change in the medical coding billing system which was called ICD-10 . This paper would like to review the article which discusses these changes and the progress and drawbacks that ICD-10 has been able to deliver.
Medical coding's makeover looking prettyso far
According to Bertha Coombs (2015) by the last quarter of 2015, the medical profession in the US have introduced a new medical coding billing called the ICD-10. While many were expecting that the launch would cause some problems, it surprisingly delivered positive feedbacks. Hospitals have already anticipated several complaints but needless to say less than 500 failures have been reported. There were quite a number of codes--76,000 codes assigned for medical procedures and 68,000 codes assigned for diagnosis that needs to be utilized in the new medical billing coding system. Despite the bulk, there were minimal issues and errors documented. Dr. Andrew Kleinman informed the public that the success of the new coding system relied to extensive development and tests. This allowed the community to understand how to operate and work with the new system before really launching the new system.
This was an interesting article because it allowed people to understand that not all innovations and modifications are bound for failure. It is just a matter of planning and risk management to get something to work.
Coombs, B. (2015, October 9). Medical coding's makeover looking prettyso far. Retrieved from CNBC New: Health Care: http://www.cnbc.com/2015/10/09/medical-codings-makeover-looking-prettyso-far.html