Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolutions in the Federal system are being mitigated within its own jurisdiction. State and Local government councils sits on a meeting to resolve conflicts and other issues within its locality before they escalate into a court case. Resolutions discussed in council meetings are detrimental in maintaining order within the locality particularly in resolving local issues and areas for development. For this evaluation, the November 5, 2013 council meeting held in the council chambers of Columbus, Georgia Council will be the focus of this discussion.
- How was the meeting advertised? Was it advertised adequately so stakeholders were aware and able to attend?
The Columbus Georgia council meeting is advertised in its website with information of time, date, issue to be resolved, and venue. Emails are also being sent to notify the concerned parties of the meeting details to ensure that all stakeholders are informed. Correspondences sent to the stakeholders and postings of its details in the government website allows all concerned parties to allocate their time to accommodate the meeting. In addition, the number of web users in the area that visits the website be able to participate in the meeting by becoming the audience.
- How was the room arranged?
The Council Chambers where the council meeting often being held was arranged in a court-like manner where the city councilors sits in a oval podium with the mayor sitting in the middle of the podium. The audience and those that has been called fro the meeting sits at the front row of the podium. However, if the stakeholders are attending to discuss a conflict resolution, the chambers require that they would sit separately in either side of the audience panel. This will minimize the tension from building up while an issue is being mitigated.
- What was turnout like? If there were too many or too few participants, was it handled appropriately?
The meeting encompasses discussion of several issues, which determines the number of participants. In one particular segment of the meeting, City Mayor Teresa Tomlinson acknowledged the official recognition of an organization called Literacy Alliance by announcing a proclamation. This particular segment is composed of several representative of the organization. However, the council was able to handle the segment successfully. First, the Mayor announced the representatives of Literacy Alliance and gave a brief overview of what will transpire during the segment before turning over the announcement of the proclamation to her fellow councilmen.
- Was there a clear agenda and did the facilitator stick to it? Alternatively, if it became clear that the agenda was not working, did the facilitator make reasoned changes?
The council presented its agenda in the meeting right after a short opening ceremony. There were mixed agendas to be discussed during that particular day. However, the presiding council announced the agenda early in on the meeting to provide the participants an idea of how the meeting will commence. For example, in the proclamation of the Vocabulary month celebration spearheaded by the organization Literacy Alliance, the Mayor, and the presiding councilors followed the agenda by announcing the participants, brief overview of decision and followed by the reading of the proclamation.
- Take the temperature of the room. What was the level of interest, anxiety, excitement, or anger?
There were no indications of tension within the council chambers during the meeting. There was a high level of interest among the audiences and participants, but the most interesting to see is that the presiding council was able to set a very light mood throughout the meeting.
- Was the decision-making process or the purpose of the meeting clear to attendees? Was their role in that process clear? How was it received?
The decision-making process including the purpose of the meeting was made clear to all participants and attendees. The role of each participants were made clear by giving them enough time by the council to speak their thoughts about the issue being discussed. For example, on a discussion about the resolution to accredit an organization as represent the educational interest of the children in the city; the council made it clears to the participants of the role of the organization being formed. The resolution was received through a recognition declaration.
- What mechanism was used to gather public input or share information with the public? How effective were these mechanisms?
The mechanism used in gathering public input is public participation. The effectiveness of this mechanism relies on the interest and suitability of resources by the public in a collaborative process (Raines, 2013, p. 360). In addition, public participation a set of procedures designed to involve, consult, and inform the public to allow those that will be affected by the decision to have their own inputs in the decision itself (Raines, 2013, p. 361).
- How did the meeting end? Were next steps discussed with those present? Will there be minutes shared publicly? Will there be additional opportunities for input or information sharing?
The meeting ended successfully with future expectations being mentioned in connection to the resolutions made that day. All of the issues discussed in the meeting at that day were resolved immediately. Therefore, there is no need to provide steps or follow ups to be discussed with the participants. Although, there were no actual written minutes to be shared publicly, the fact that the entire meeting was recorded on video and posted on Columbus, Georgia website, the public can review what has transpired in the meeting for future reference by watching the recorded video. This approach is enough to satisfy the need for additional opportunities for input and information sharing.
- What recommendations for process improvements would you make?
The only recommendation for process improvement for Columbus Georgia council meeting is to have all the participants to introduce themselves to the council. At some point during the meeting, large group participants points to only representative to speak for the entire group. It would be better to encourage every member of the group to express their thoughts during the meeting because it will demonstrate greater participation and allow more inputs for better decision-making process.
References (2013, November 5). November 5, 2013 - Council Meeting [Video file]. Retrieved from
Raines, S. S. (2013). Designing and facilitating effective large-group process. In Conflict Management for Managers: Resolving Workplace, Client, and Policy Disputes. San Francisco, CA, USA: Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, pp. 360-361.