Fitness is an important element of living that we all should strive to maintain and achieve. Being fit allows a person to work, play, study and live to the fullest extent possible. For students, being fit improves one’s ability to concentrate, decreasing the adverse effects of sitting and being sedentary for most of the day, and increases energy, confidence, and the ability to fit illness. For these reasons, as well as others, we have decided to develop a fitness program for university students. We believe that university students not only will benefit from a fitness program but are also an age-group that is naturally interested in fitness and more capable of the long-term planning needed to complete a fitness program so that its benefits can be realized.
Work Completed
In the first week of the project we have held a several of brainstorming sessions, discussions and meetings to identify and consider a number of options on what we want to be included in our fitness program. Additionally, we have also debated what would be the most effective means to advertise our program in order to persuade the largest number of university students possible to participate in our program.
We have decided that the fitness program should include options that are both desirable for students and that are easily accessible in the normal life of a student on campus. This would make it more easy for student to find a reason to get fit rather than find an excuse not to participate. Additionally, we decided to use Microsoft Publisher and Weebly to create advertising media. Both of these software applications are easy to use and are quality products.
Work Planned
Over the next several weeks of the project we plan to complete the following actions to complete the project:
Complete background research on fitness programs and facilities located around the university includes activities and services provides, and hours of operation.
Research student fitness interests such as what programs or activities do students like to do in order to stay fit.
Draft a range of fitness program options that take into consideration student fitness desires and habits as well as available resources for fitness activities on campus. For example, there will be different programs for losing weight, increasing stamina, toning muscles, and eating healthy.
Draft a brochure and create a website that explains all the fitness programs and well as the details of how students can participate in the programs. We plan to make sure that both provide relevant information that will attract student participation.
Disseminate the brochures and advertise the website to students. One means of doing this might include bringing bicycle machines to the campus mall and inviting students to ride on them for 20 minutes. Those students that can last the full 20 minutes are provided with a free T-shirt advertising our fitness program. In addition, we will set up an information table at the CUB as well as distribute student flyers about our program
A potential problem for our program is whether or not it will be able to persuade those students that can get the most benefits from the program to join. For example, students that are less fit or who have lower fitness self-esteem, such as if they are overweight, may feel embarrassed or intimidated to join the program. While our goal is to improve the fitness of all students, we are particularly focused on creating an environment where the least likely to get fit on their own would feel comfortable, even happy, to participate. Accordingly, if the program only attracts fit persons or nearly fit students; we will not have satisfied one of our most important goals.
In some initial talks with students about or program we have gotten positive feedback. Additionally, our own planning meetings and discussion show that there is a high level of confidence that the program we be able to attract a significant number of students. As we complete the next steps of the project we will undoubtedly be able to get a better understanding of whether or not our programs have a chance of success and in what ways can we adjust it to satisfy the desires and concerns of the students.
I would be happy to hear any suggestions or comments that you feel will help us more effectively bring about a suitable start to out fitness program.