My Healthy People 2020 document by Talih and Huang measures the progress the country made in the identification and elimination of health disparities among its population. It introduced the initiative as an idea that offers evidence-based objectives for the improvement of America’s health status the year 2020. It achieves these goals through four main activities as follows. First, it directs that communities achieve lives that are free of preventable disabilities, diseases, death, and injury. Second, it would be vital to attaining health equity and improve the health of every American in the elimination of disparities. Finally, communities should create physical and social environments that help their people promote good health (Talih & Huang, 2016).
The QA objectives at community level include the following. First, enhance patient satisfaction by using educational resources to offer a wellness relationship with patients. Second, conduct a regular measurement of health outcomes and performance indicators as realized through education, outreach, and disease management efforts. Third, use qualified peers to offer recommendations on disease diagnosis and treatment mechanisms. This objective aims at ensuring that the community receives health care that appreciates patient safety as core to its operational efficiency. Fourth, exercise patient-centered need by offering care that is responsive to individual preferences. Finally, use evidence-based practices (EBP) to offer treatment in the production of beneficial and measurable outcomes.
The following are ways that my community could meet these goals. The first strategy would be to focus on preventive care and general community wellness. In this case, the community could do through the promotion of preventive and wellness activities for its members across all demographics. It should concentrate on health seeking behavior regular cancer screening and constant exercising. The second strategy would point at the monitoring of individuals with chronic and acute conditions including asthma, CAD, CVA, diabetes, among others. The last move would include updating and adopting practices that adhere to national wide health guidelines for behavioral and medical health-oriented initiatives (Fielding, Koh, & Teutsch, 2012).
Fielding, J., Koh, H., & Teutsch, S. (2012). Health Reform and Healthy People Initiative. The American Journal of Public Health, 102 (1), 30-33.
Talih, M., & Huang, D. T. (2016). Healthy People Statistical Notes: Measuring progress toward target attainment and the elimination of health disparities in Healthy People 2020. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.