Question 1 (Word Count = 332)
Is there a difference in hemoglobin concentration at enrolment between women with detectable peripheral malaria parasites and those without detectable parasites?
In order to test whether hemoglobin concentration recorded at enrolment is different in women with detectable peripheral malaria parasite from those without detectable parasites, a Student t-test is required. Using the student, the mean of two samples are compared to determine whether there is any significant difference between the two samples.
Analysis of the data for “Hb at enrolment visit” variable and the “Malaria at enrolment” variable was done using SPSS to obtain results as shown in Table 1 and 2 below.
In Table 2, the Levene’s test shows a significance level of less than 0.05. This is an indication that the two samples have variances that are significantly different and thus the results for the T-test for equal means in the equal variance not assumed row will be used. The means between the two groups were significantly different (ρ<0.05).
The question aimed to test for any difference in hemoglobin concentration at enrolment between women with detectable peripheral malaria parasites and those without detectable parasites. The number of women who had negative results during enrolment was 419 while the number of those with positive results was 221 with a mean of 10.96 and 10.21g/dl respectively (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Hb concentration during enrolment
Question 2 (Word Count = 218)
Is mother’s hemoglobin concentration at delivery related to the presence of malaria parasites in her placenta?
In order to test whether there is any relationship between the hemoglobin concentration and the presence of malaria parasites in the placenta, a correlation coefficient is suggested. The analysis was conducted using “Mother’s Hb at delivery” and “Malaria parasites in the placenta” as the variables. Using the correlation coefficient analysis, the data was analyzed, and the results recorded in Table 3 below.
The question sought to determine whether there is any significant relationship between mother’s hemoglobin concentration at delivery and the presence of malaria parasites in her placenta. The data analyzed gave a ρ-value of 0.059 and a slight negative correlation of 0.082 indicating that the relationship is not significant.
Question 3 (Word Count = 206)
Do the women’s hemoglobin concentrations change between enrolment and delivery?
The question sought to determine whether there is any significant difference between the hemoglobin concentration during enrolment and at delivery. The level of hemoglobin at delivery was significantly greater that the level during enrolment.
Question 4 (Word Count = 294)
Based on the enrolment data, is there any evidence that malaria has a seasonal pattern in Burkina Faso?
The analysis results gave the number of positive tests and negative tests in every month and the total number of visits. From this, the percentage positive tests recorded in every month were calculated using the formula:
Percentage Positive Tests=Positive ResultsTotal Tests ×100
The results obtained were used to plot a bar graph as shown below (Figure 2).
Figure 2: A bar graph on the percentage positive tests in different months
The question focused on the possibility of a pattern in malaria incidents in Burkina Faso. From the results malaria may three different seasons with the highest number of cases being reported in the months of April, August and November (Figure 2). The month of October was not considered since only one participant was recorded.
Question 5 (Word Count = 222)
Is there an association between having an adverse birth outcome and having hemozoin present in the placenta?
In order to determine whether there is any association between having an adverse birth outcome and having hemozoin present in the placenta, a correlation coefficient was suggested. To perform the analysis, the hemozoin in placenta and adverse birth outcome were taken to be the variables and the person correlation conducted. The results for the analysis were as shown in Table 7 below.
The question aimed to determine the association between the hemozoin in placenta and adverse birth outcome. The results from the analysis gave a ρ-value of 0.874, which means there is no significant association between the hemozoin in placenta and adverse birth outcome.
Question 6 (Word Count = 324)
Is there a relationship between infant birth weight and the time of year that the infant was born?
The question aimed to determine the presence of a relationship between infant birth weight and the time of year that the infant was born. The analysis gave a correlation coefficient of 0.130 and a ρ-value of 0.002. These values indicate a relationship between infant birth weight and the time of year that the infant was born exists.
Question 7 (Word Count = 254)
Is there an association between infant birth weight and week of amenorrhea at delivery? If so, how well does week of amenorrhea at delivery predict infant birth weight and what is the predicted birth weight for an infant born at 40 weeks gestation?
The equation shows a good prediction of the infant birth weight by the week of amenorrhea at delivery. Using the equation, the birth weight for an infant born at 40 weeks gestation can be predicted as follows:
=3.02 kgs
The question aimed to determine the association between infant birth weight and week of amenorrhea at delivery and to determine the prediction of weight of the infant given weeks of amenorrhea. The analysis gave a significant relationship between the two variables and the weight of the infant was determined to be 3.02 kg.
Question 8 (Word Count = 279)
Do mother’s age or hemoglobin concentration at enrolment influence infant birth weight, after adjusting for weeks of amenorrhea at delivery?
The question aimed to determine whether hemoglobin concentration at enrolment influenced infant birth weight, after adjusting for weeks of amenorrhea at delivery. There was no significant effect on infant weight by the hemoglobin concentration or a combination of hemoglobin concentration and week of amenorrhea.
Question 9 (Word Count 158)
Is there is a significant relationship between the weight of the infant and the malaria parasites in the placenta?
The ρ-value was greater than 0.05 and, therefore, malaria parasites in the placenta has no effect on the weight of the infant. The question aimed to determine the effect of malaria parasites in the placenta on the weight of the infants. The ρ-value from the analysis results was greater than 0.05 and hence there is no effect of malaria parasites in the placenta on the weight of the infants.