The Ryanair Company has adhered to all requirements in the institution of employee related organizations such as unions. In the event that one of the trusted employee had represented the company in a way contrary to the company ethical status. The company has an option of consulting the employee union with the understanding of its regulations. The unions have the amicable sequence of regulations to resolve company employee related conflicts that will impartially affect any of the parties involved. As a mediatory organization, the mess that was created by one of the parties in representing the company can be resolved. The company cannot take the mandate to resolve the issue by itself. This will create a bad impression that will in many ways reflect to the employees work output. It will impact on the good relationship between the top brass of the company and the workers.
Governance in the company widely depends on good relation among the various bodies that form the whole company structure. The involvement of any of the stakeholders with the public has an impact to the company’s image. The image can further be affected by resolving the already existing conflict in a way that creates more conflicts and provide a picture of misunderstanding within the parties to the company. Unions create a medium in which all parties involved can agree to the resolution without biases. They also help maintain the trust and good relations between the employees and the company.
Business ethics abides to the principles of standardization, workability and protocol sequence drive. Standardization includes all rules that are allocable in the secrets of success. This discourages favoritism and partiality. Workability entails of practical and workable rules for tangible benefits to be experienced. Protocol sequence of work describes the procedure of driving business from top management. This should indicate a commitment in every sector (Prabakaran, 2010). Business ethics is characterized by individual responsibilities and voluntary decisions with freedom of choice and free-will. Ethical decision differs from personalities, time and place. The decision affects all the stallholders. It involves the tradeoff between costs and benefits.
Corporate governance relates to the primary goals and the strategic legitimation of stakeholders. It is founded in the economic bases, agency theory and principle-agent problem. The philosophical foundation of corporate governance is based on the collaboration approach. This approach deals with pure philosophical position (Brink, 2011).
Ryanair airline had a number of alternatives to solve the issue that had affected the company. Concerning ethics related to company’s business, the CEO under the direction of the board was to give a press statement concerning the distorted image of the company. He has to give the press release in the presence of the pilot as a confirmation to the public of company’s providential will. This is aimed to resolving the effects of the scandal. The results of the press release can impact positively to the public if the issue that arose and caused the mess is first resolved within the company. The mess calls for internal conflict resolution modalities which are best provided by the unions.
The company can identify potential ethical issues that may rise and corporate governance ways to curb the emerging conflict that will affect business. For example, the pilot in question can be interrogated by the company specialist and get the cause of his view point. The board will then find solutions to the issues so as to create an environment conducive for work. The pilot can then later be penalized in relation to company’s regulations. The regulations are always in line with excellent corporate governance and ethics in the airline business field. It is essential to consider the importance of job security to all the stakeholders in the business.
Brink, A. (ed.) 2011, Corporate governance and business ethics, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, London.
Prabakaran, S. 2010, Business ethics and corporate governance, Excel books, New Delhi.
Ryanair, R. 2010, Ethics and corporate governance essay (term papers). [Online] 17th October 2010. Available from [Accessed: 17th November 2013].