Weight Loss Diet: The 20/20 Diet by McGraw (2015).
Weight loss is a hotly debated topic. There are thousands of platforms out that with insurmountable volumes of information on how to get rid of excess weight. Some of the sources are erroneous and some if correct (Byrd-Bredbenner et al., 2013. In this essay, I will focus The 20/20 Diet commonly advertised in Dr. Phill’s Shows). There is no doubt that Dr. Phil McGraw is an extremely resourceful person. He is a psychologist, life strategist, and television host. He earned his degree at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas in 1950. After four years, he began his master's and Ph.D. in psychology from the University of North Texas.
Dietary Habits Encouraged/Discouraged
and Why
In the 20/20 Diet, McGraw recognizes seven reasons other diets do not yield the result wanted by the people from time and again. They include hunger, cravings, feeling of denial, unfeasibility, and cost, monotony, temptations, and unsatisfying outcomes or plateaus. He further focuses on each of these barricades by utilizing the latest research and principles that have come forth since his last best seller: The Ultimate Weight Loss. McGraw and his team have designed a plan that anyone can start at any time and continued the rest of one’s life. In the 20/20 Diet, followers will start by consuming only 20 main ingredients, hence the name“20/20 Foods.” Theoretically, these ingredients improve the body’s thermogenesis and while maintaining satiety. However, that is just the start. The perception goes further to make one understand why obese and overweight people have not been able to lose the weight before. It then empowers people in the cognitive, behavioral, environmental, social and nutritional sense to funnel one’s efforts to the set goals and to learn lifelong healthy habits to maintain such results (McGraw, 2015).
Some of the foods, chips, candy, soda, white bread, sugary cereal, pastries. One should get rid of these foods from their kitchen cabinets because a) they mostly offer empty calories and b) they are addictive. The special diet comprises of 20 foods at the core the 20/20 Diet. During the first five days, one is supposed to be eating only these foods. One needs not to worry because there numerous delicious ways to combine and one will have a particular, easy to prepare and follow recipes. Upon completion of the five days, one will start adding in lots of other tasty and nutritious foods. The aim is to balance between fruits, vegetables, protein, and starch in the meals in an ideal way that can fuel the body with the correct nutrients amounts to meet the body’s needs.
Motivation and Information
The motivation behind the 20/20 diet was Dr. Phil show audience. People come to the show with all sorts of life issues for Dr. Phil McGraw to solve. The host of probably America’s number one daytime talk show, McGraw presents himself as a highly experienced psychologist and a Dr., who understands the functioning of the human body in current America and the world over. He has designed many other diets and programmed that have yielded great results. I think the diet program is sound for weight loss clients. Diet approach because it uses well researched scientific facts and theories. It also takes into consideration easy and doable, even enjoyable, activities that are executable at a home set up.
McGraw, P. (2015). The 20/20 Diet: Turn Your Weight Loss Vision Into Reality. Bird Street Books
Byrd-Bredbenner, C., Moe, G., Beshgetoor, D., & Berning, J. R. (2013). Wardlaw's Perspectives in nutrition.