Executive summary
This report clearly presents the findings of an evaluation of prevention and sensitization of people activities at the Public Health Agency. The society is affected by the diseases that arise abruptly. The diseases may rise because of different causes such as sanitation, floods, and other major causes of diseases. People suffer and in most instances many lose their lives. The aims for the activity were focused on making the community a better place to live.
The purpose of this activity was to eradicate the abrupt diseases that were affecting the community as a result of poor sanitation. The activity engaged in comprised of general cleaning up, slashing bushy areas that surrounded the community etc. Furthermore the main purpose of this activity was to sensitize people on how to improve on sanitation in order to go away with common diseases that was affecting the community. Another aim was to ensure a community disease free environment such that people do not face complications health wise if the activity and the process within it is follow appropriately.
This paper seeks to investigate and analyze a community engagement activity and thus draw a report that entails the community profile, details of the activity as well as the engagement techniques and methodology used for selecting these engagement mechanisms. Finally, critically analyze the whole activity as it was successfully performed and the ways in which people participated. This community in the United Kingdom is responsible for supporting local societies through the provision of community grants schemes in different period of time the community deals and works with local societies by providing the community with clear and health environment services in terms of general sensitization.
The community approach is based on the following features; has the society or community wide focus in healthy terms. Involves the group members from the community in the activity. People in societies decide and implement their own healthy tips and outcomes focused manner.
The organization is curing out the overall evaluation of clean up based on the principles of action research that must be followed as rules. Action research includes actively working through cycles of planning basics, action, observation as a technique and reflection to draw out study that supports and allows continuous improvement on sanitation in communities. Data was collected and arranged to assess at every level of the action research cycle, this is clearly presented and illustrated in the diagram below for clarity in this research.
Community Profile
For the last two decades, the United Kingdom’s Estate has been varnished or experienced a state of poor sanitation. This has brought different diseases in the community such as malaria, born diseases, and other diseases caused by poor sanitation. This community in United Kingdom is responsible for supporting local societies through the provision of community grants schemes in deferent period of time the community deals and works with local societies through the provision of community with clear and health environment services in terms of general sensitizing people. The community put focus on ensuring health environment, Group work, and community sensitization.
The formal assessment discovered that while these systematic plans were successful conducted in terms of helping communities and estates, it is more effective and deserving to make vigorous and improve sanitation in communities through conducting group sessions and address the present causes of issues as far as results from poor sanitation. This evaluation impacts the community meet infectious diseases role and activities of the Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection regulate at the Public Health Agency. The Agency assigned about $12.1 million for the performed activities.
Methods used to engage with community
The methods used in this activity to ensure that the activity runs smoothly without facing complications in were; The technique of dividing the group members; this method perfectly helped to reach our intended aims and objective because it was very easy in our management on the members who participated in this activity. Appointment of group leaders; in this case, selecting group leaders also helped as a technique or method that eventually led the activity to meet it objectives. These leaders performed a great role in supervising their groups in order to ensure perfect and good worker done to its expectation.
Reward on active participants; this method empowered people of the community to work hard in order for them to receive rewards of hard working. It was due to this factor that people engaged in this activity willingly without force little did they know that this activity was too beneficial in their community.
Activity and analysis
Community sensitization on health tips: this activity is basically aiming at making people to be aware on how they should create the strategies of maintaining their community’s environment in the position of health terms. This intended to ensure clean and health environment as well as sanitation at large that will help people to be in position to continue with their daily activities.
In this activity, many people engage in with a number of 100 people me inclusive. 65% were gents and 35% were ladies. The purpose of this activity was to eradicate the abrupt diseases that were affecting the community as a result of poor sanitation. The activity engaged in comprised of general cleaning up, slashing bushy areas that surrounded the community etc. Furthermore the main purpose of this activity was to sensitize people on how to improve on sanitation in order to go away with common diseases that was affecting the community. This activity to occur, there are some methodologies that were put in place so that that activity is run smoothly without disturbances. These methodologies were first analysis first to evaluate whether they can fit into the position for the purpose of making sure the activity meet its intended aim and objectives. Community sensitization on health tips is the activity that I engaged in with purpose of ensuring that the community’s sanitation is pleasing in terms of health.
People engaged in this activity in groups where each group had a leader who managed to control the group or that throughout the activity. This helped the activity to run smoothly without out resistances from members of the community. The leaders of these groups empowered others members to actively participate in the clean up activity that was the ongoing activity by that time in the community.
The organization is curing out the overall evaluation of clean up based on the principles of action research that must be followed as rules. Action research includes actively working through cycles of planning basics, action, observation as a technique and reflection to draw out study that supports and allows continuous improvement on sanitation in communities. Data was collected and arranged to assess at every level of the action research cycle, this is clearly presented and illustrated in the diagram below for clarity in this research.
It has encouraged and supported the engagements of each society or community leadership group in the action research that is being conducted, as the study the gain can be a valuable material for their ongoing work that is was performed at the local level in the estate. Since 1 match2011, it has collected data on the initiative in each of the two communities to enable an evaluation of forwardness and the impact of the activity. Gathering or collection and analysis, the results underlying structure has been developed clearly with keen interest of put clarity in this study. The framework has joints of how organization is expected to give in order to the sustainable communities. The framework also identifies the immediate results of the organization approach on community health whereby; information is available for decision in health terms, aspirations are defined. Partnerships and working jointly have emerged in the societies. Governance and leaders have emerged and are able to sensitize people in their communities as far as poor sanitation is concerned. Have they defined what a success and healthy community looks like?
The community people or members are experiencing benefits and advantages for themselves, their families in particular and the wider community at large,
Results have started to emerge
Partnerships and collaborations are realising results,
Have a powerful sense of their own advantage and strengths healthy wise.
The outcomes that were anticipated, along with any unplanned results, will be supervised as the implementation of the organization activity proceeds as intended. The results framework is based on the things that are assumed as true and this are; some societies need better sensitization and access to support to support their healthy stability. The support and health information to these communities can act as the first source and implement the solutions to their health. Local means to local requirement will improve and support the health and wellbeing of people and the community over time, and slight changes in health and wellbeing of the people will actually lead to more compressed, sustained and well led societies. The results underlying structure was used to help and alert the development of indicators and information and data collection tools within the research.
The assumptions and the likely outcomes that guided and shaped this evaluation to be perfect with clarity are as follows: Each community began the organization in process of clean up from a unique social, cultural, physical context. It is very early to declare and present result evaluation as information indicating change in communities in terms of health. The achievement of the consequences takes long to emerge. The use of various information and data sources will provide the complicated view of the organization and make sure that voices from both the society and the department were captured accurately.
The engagement of every community in the activity in the gathering and collecting of information was mostly considered as an important element of the health improvement technique. As illustrated during the first year, the Department collected and gathered data in form of information at every point of the action research cycle for the purpose of informing the evaluation. In this case each data collection technique is clearly described and analyzed in more detailed way. This was to make sure that society perspectives were got and captured.
However, despite the fact that the Department has some challenges, it successfully begin the organization trial of the activity of implementing health activities. The Department has managed the activity, established healthy information sharing across members of the community and established funding running in the activity processes and tools that can support the society. The organization has been encouraged and supported both two participating society by the regional community advisory staff.
Furthermore, there are studies the Department should continue following and looking after them in the implementation process of the organization trial on the activity of clean up. The process of investing in staff development and activities is critical in the process of introducing anther initiative in the communities. Similarly, clear lines of conducting are fundamental sessions in making other initiatives can work perfectly for participating societies. By Providing staff and society members with clear area or places the principles of managing and keeping the clean at the recommendable status with the help of tools and gargets that would have made the implementation so effective and efficient at its intended status.
The two communities have access and the ability to the support and sensitize needed to clean the environment and curry out the locally defined techniques and methods to solve to local issues healthy wise. The groups of leaders have taken the processes of participating clearly in the activity of clean up in way that organization and responsive the community. In this case Communities have opportunity to approach flexible funding that spans for all the elements of society wellbeing restrictions are not imposed in terms of what activities. It can take good time before the results of the approach is clearly changes to community wellbeing and consequences Recommendations
In terms of recommendations, much focus is put on what the communities has learnt from the activity that took place their communities and what aspects of the power could be more effective and recommendable for good sanitation. They are provided for the case of communities having problems as a fact taken into account when making decision on health programs in this case.
The Department must be sure that its processes of implementing health tips in form of clean up for working with societies and support, the proposition and practices of this act.
The Department must also provides consistent advice and shaped pieces to leaders of the communities groups and regional groups, and presents the establishing skills gaps of staff through studying and advancements activities.
The Department make sure that decisions are well documented and supporting matter is recorded in accurate form.
The Department controlling situation monitors used for particular purpose and manage any identified change in agreed series of actions through regular meetings between the project team and regional.
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