The formation of large-scale recycling industry is an important economic task that will lead to the development of the economic system of recycling. This will lead to the improvement of the ecological situation, will increase the number of small medium-sized businesses, will create new jobs and preserve the natural energy resources.
The problem of waste reduction is closely related to the issues of sustainable economic development.
Description / Background:
Rising costs for waste treatment creates permanent environmental hazard in the form of unauthorized dumps. It requires additional expenses for construction of new landfills with transfer stations, stimulate the transition to industrial waste.
Researchers formulate the necessity in state regulation in the field of collection, recycling and waste management according to the concept of sustainable development.
Advance preparation and transfer to waste management will reduce environmental pollution, will ensure maximum extraction of mineral raw materials from waste.
I. The reduction of waste in the country due to the growing demand for raw materials. It implies the ultimate depletion of natural resources.
A. Efficient use of resources is critical to ensure the raw material of social production. The buildings define new limits energy consumption and thermal pressure on the environment, as well as energy prices in the future (Yusof, Mydin, Azree, 2014, p.115).
B. Energy-saving measures are also a means of reducing overall energy consumption so “recycling was publicly promoted for the first time as a method of energy conservation” (Miller, 2006, p.16). Despite the decline in international oil prices the population need to be aware the global trend of rising energy prices. Controlled air circulation and well-regulated heating device is an important parameter of energy consumption at home.
II. Waste recycling will ensure a significant substitution of required raw materials. The use of secondary resources will improve technical and economic performance, since energy savings can be substituted by secondary raw resources.
A. Improving the efficiency of waste management is one of the most important tasks of the sphere of material production. The observed increase in waste generation shows that priority should be given to prevent the reduction of waste, the maximum possible involvement of waste the economy (Kinnaman, 2006, p.219).
B. It is necessary to ensure the sound management of waste during the production of services at disposal of hazardous waste neutralization.
III. Waste production is a critical issue standing in the way of a balanced development of the world community because “they provide a low cost way to reduce residential consumption levels” (Bernedo, Ferraro, Price, 2014, p.448). The importance of this issue is evidenced not only huge reserves of all kinds of industrial waste, but taken in the vast majority of the world legal regulations aimed at regulating the support for activities related to the recycling of waste recycling.
A. Public activists can help to create a data bank on disposal of production and consumption. This will allow for targeted policies to reduce the negative environmental impact of waste disposal of production and consumption.
B. Experience of different countries has shown that market relations by themselves are not able to effectively regulate the processes of waste treatment and the processes of resource saving.
The urgency of the problem of waste continues to increase. Only a few states able to stabilize or reduce the volume of waste and to achieve a high efficiency of their processing and composting.
It is increasingly important to develop technologies for recycling of garbage because it is possible to obtain new and useful products, as a result, to achieve a positive economic effect (Carlson, 2001, p.1234). Particular attention should be paid to the development of enterprises for the production of finished products using secondary waste (fiber, film / sheet, composites), as well as activities for their promotion. Different scope of products manufactured from waste provide ample opportunities for small business.
Bernedo, M., Ferraro, P. J., & Price, M. (2014). The Persistent Impacts of Norm-Based Messaging and Their Implications for Water Conservation. Journal of Consumer Policy, 37(3), 437-452.
Carlson, A. E. (2001). Recycling norms. California Law Review, Vol.89, No.5, 1231-1300.
Miller, R. G. (2006). The ins and outs of curbside recycling programs. Science Scope, Vol. 30, No. 4, 16-21
Kinnaman, T. C. (2006). Policy watch: examining the justification for residential recycling. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 219-232.
Suttibak, S., & Nitivattananon, V. (2008). Assessment of factors influencing the performance of solid waste recycling programs. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 53(1), 45-56.
Yusof, S. H., Mydin, M. A. O., & Azree, M. (2014). SOLAR INTEGRATED ENERGY SYSTEM FOR GREEN BUILDING. Acta Technica Corviniensis-Bulletin of Engineering, Vol.7, No.3, 115-122.