Our group’s task and main objective was to evaluate and present a comprehensive and in-depth financial analysis of two companies. The group members were composed of the following: Chui Ka Ho, Fanqi Meng, Oliver, and me. Contact and communication among members were established through email and text messaging. The group arranged meetings after each seminar and during Fridays. Then, the group reserved a room in the library to integrate and collate all work together and prepare final adjustments, as required.
The sharing of tasks and responsibilities were done on an equal basis, according to the following: Chui Ka Ho: liquidity plus conclusion; Fanqi Meng : solvency and growth; Oliver: efficiency; and I was assigned to prepare and present the profitability, including the introduction and background portions.
The group reviewed, evaluated and acted on the work done by monitoring the performance of each member every week to determine the scope and extent of the progress and to delegate new tasks that need to be done on any particular week.
Further, the group members were able to provide appropriate feedback, constructive criticism, assistance and support through the regular weekly meeting and through sending correspondences through email and texts. For instance, when one members reviews another member’s work and has some suggestions or comments for improvements, these are immediately relayed and the needed revisions and improvements are appropriately addressed. Likewise, all the members have been appreciative and recognized exemplary contributions of each member. We acknowledge if the work done was effective through praising and providing positive remarks.
Finally, if I had the chance to work in the group again, I honestly believe that I would do the same things that were done with this group. We initially defined our goals and objectives; delegated roles and tasks equitably and according to skills and competencies of each member; and we monitored the progress of each member through regular meetings and open communication. The only thing that I could suggest was to have some social time, in between academic work, to provide some opportunities for developing camaraderie. By doing so, I believe it would contribute to cohesiveness and would enable the establishment of stronger bonds in friendship that would extend beyond the group work.