Once growing up, children have different experiences, which emanate from different factors. The experiences model the children so that they will adopt a particular code of behavior that they always follow in their routine actions. As a child approaches maturity, he or she develops feelings that increasingly influence their behavior towards peers. In the early stages of growth, a child may be envious or jealous of another from a different family if he or she thinks that the other is better positioned in material or otherwise possessions.This may result to developing negative attitudes and behaviors towards the child experiencing better conditions by their other. Various childhood mistakes make them appear as irrational beings (Nguyen, 69). Growing up by children appears in different forms, which affect their adult lives. Whilesome forms are pleasant and desirable, others are unpleasant and unacceptable. In this exercise, we will look at how children conduct themselves while growing up before they reach maturity in which they can make worthwhile independent decisions.
Growing up involves passing through various phases and stages of childhood. Children in their initial stages of growing up have low intelligence ability. As a result, they are prone to make various mistakes, which demean the expectations of the adults regarding the wellbeing of the children. Notably, there is a big difference between the actions that a child will undertake andthe actions undertaken by adults (Nguyen, 67). This clearly indicates that children are prone to act indecisively at times hence being incompetent in what they do. Considering this case for instance, Jennifer and her friendenjoy playing different childhood games, which they would otherwise not do in their maturity age. A child needs to experience high self-esteem, which may emanate from having plenty of material passions. This is evident in the case of Jennifer and her friend. As they grow, through different childhood stages, they have various experiences stemming from their family differences. While Jennifer’s family believes in God, her friend’s family doe not believe in God. This emanates from different family backgrounds
In the process of growth, a child gradually achieves maturity. During this process, a child will develop different behaviors at different instances toward the peers. For instance, Jennifer and her friend begin to brag to each other about certain experiences from their families that the other do not undergo. This creates strive between the two. As a result, jealousy develops so that Jennifer’s friend behaves inappropriately. Considering the time when Jennifer’s family flies to Florida for vacation, it is evident that her fiend is envious and jealous of Jennifer. She and her sister secretly creep into Jennifer’s room and cause great defilement on her property. This clearly indicates that children behave different based on their emotional influences so that they achieve the desires that develop within themselves. However, it is important for parents to nurture their children and teach them good ethical practices, which do not encourage havoc or harm on others. Behaviors of children should be modeled by parents through training and teaching them to do well.
Growing up takes different forms based on the background of the family of a child, whichmay as well influence their adulthood (Nguyen, 64). For instance, consider Jennifer’s friend. A stepmother brings her up. In the initial stage of her growing up, she relates well with Jennifer without envy towards her. However, as she comes of age, she begins to notice differences in family set ups. For instance, she notices that Jennifer’s parents provide her with various material possessions, which are indeed ideal for her at her age. This is not so with her in her family. She ends up committing an offense by involving her sister to defile Jennifer’s possessions in her room. This is because of envy. Evidently, Jennifer’s friend admits, “my heart ached when Jennifer’s parents finished the rest of their basement and created a new room and next-door bathroom for her” this occurs after the encounter of the fathers of the two girls confronting one another when Jennifer’s brother falls down. They begin to compete with possessions causing each other to feel the impact of not possessing something that the other had.
Work cited
Nguyen, Bich, Minh. Stealing Buddha's Dinner: A Memoir. New York: Penguin Books, 2008.