Radicalism and revolution have been an issue when it comes to discussing changes in all aspects of life. A potential situation of revolution is possible in many colonies, and social conditions are associated with the revolution. Most white Americans according to many historians have a greater prosperity as compared to other people in all parts of the world. Social changes that took place since history have left Americans thinking about the sense of such changes. Revolutions to find a better America is misunderstood by many people because social changes are complicated and relative. African Americans requested for freedom in 1977, and this shows some form of inequality between the whites and the half whites. This paper explores an emphasis of liberty from the society of oppressed and viewpoints from historians will be presented.
Most Appealing Historian Viewpoint
Virginia Patrick Henry gives warning to the British so that the American liberty can still be maintained. Historians like Gordon talks about Americans being more fortunate as compared to other races. The ideas that contain what is meant to be liberty at some point contradict because it is not easy to change power and wealth like the arguments present. Giving liberty to the oppressed is fine and fair but it does not mean those who have should suffer because the oppressed are supposed to gain. Like Gordon sees that denying liberty is risky, Virginia argues that in the process of gaining equality it is good to let the capable also be. Virginia is more appealing because she maintains that despite raising the low, the high should not be blamed or made to get low because that will not be giving liberty. I prefer the essay from Virginia because she states that demonstrations have taken place in the cry of liberty, but more violence has come up. The additional violence is disregarded, and that is why what may be wanted may not be accomplished as it is seen to be causing more problems.
Opposing Arguments
Every historian is talking about equality that should be granted to the other mankind apart from Americans because the Americans are seen to be prospering ahead. It is proper to be in a liberal world, but that should not mean those who are ahead should suffer for the freedom required. Virginia is opposing the other scholars and mentions that so far monarchy is approved such that America is the king. John Adams and Abigail even further demand women’s rights, but Virginia opposes mentioning that it does not mean the men should now lack rights. Land that is present can be given to those who feel that they have no rights, and those who have should not be denied their rights.
Virginia opposes arguments stating that those who have and are eligible must be respected just like Britain should respect America. Virginia, however, states that those who own what is not theirs and oppress the poor are the ones who should be questioned for equality. Such situations can then involve blaming those who have, and it is, therefore, good to balance what liberty means. Virginia mentions the government to be responsible for protecting its people, and suspicion creates mean souls. In occasions where those who don’t have suspect those who have, and then the society becomes bad.
History has information about the oppression that has been experienced, and there is a request for equality. Historians and scholars have wanted that the low are given liberty, but this should not be at an expense of hurting the high. There is the will of diversity, but it is not a must because some people may not be ready to work for that liberty. The poor, women and African Americans are all put in the class of those who don’t have and are oppressed. Virginia contradicts that the arguments presented may contradict, but it is good to face reality and live with what is presented as changes wait for. Virginia states that what is complained about is past, and people have lived with it, and the problems are familiar in people’s lives although changes can still be made. Virginia continues to add that the problems will exist, and people should adopt until independence is achieved, unlike other scholars who want changes in no time.
Scholars presented in the historical books state that if there will be no change then the world will live with unpleasant businesses. It is because of liberty that should be given to the oppressed making the scholars give their opinions. It is only that one of the scholars involved, Virginia discusses the need for liberty but suggests that it should be practical. Other scholars are not practical and do not observe problems that come up when demonstrations are held for liberty demands. It is right to demand liberty and equality but first it is proper to find the cause of such inequalities before going to the streets. Virginia, therefore, stands out to be the best scholar in her arguments because she is systematic and is not willing to interfere with other people’s rights for the sake of others.
Griffith, Robert, and Paula C. Baker, eds. Major problems in American history since 1945: documents and essays. DC Heath & Company, 2011.
Norton, Mary Beth, and Ruth M. Alexander. "Major Problems in American Women's History Documents and Essays." (1996).