The documentary focuses on several medical crises that resulting from environmental problems. In the documentary the nightmare in question is the rapidly mutating bacteria that are hard to defeat once they get into an individuals body system. The antibiotic resistant bugs are evident in many places and that have become critical threat anywhere they are found. According to the documentary, doctors can not find any antibiotic protocols that can handle the rapidly evolving bacteria that c an kill people if no rapid diagnosis it done.
The documentary uses basic strategies of introducing people to the problem by focusing on personal stories of two people; a young girl of eleven years and a man of mid-twenties. The two develop devastating bacteria infections that are hard to treat even with the modern medicine's protocols. The documentary further elaborates of on the National Institute of Health's Clinical Center Disaster (NIHCCD), where nineteen patients are found to have superbugs that are antibiotic resistant. The danger of the new bacteria that kills seven people is pointed out by the inability of the most prestigious hospitals to handle the catastrophe.
The documentary uses basic reform strategies, interviews with doctors, nurses, patients and administrators in an attempt to both personalize the tragedies and at the same time focus on the universality of the problem represented by the bugs. The environmental problems contributing to the eccentric situation include poverty, overuse of antibiotics, huge population struggling to survive without basic necessities and immense introduction of antibiotics to the food chain worldwide. In keeping with the documentary, the ever-increasing demand for poultry, meat and fish by large populations has paved way for factory farming techniques that allow for enormous use of antibiotics to fasten animal products production. The increased use of antibiotics for animal feeds is suspect.
Conclusively, profit has been put before any regard to human health. According to the documentary, creation of superbugs at the point of basic food production has emerged to be a key problem to health worldwide. With the increase of these production techniques frontline documentary effortlessly exposes the potential consequential tragedy. As such, Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria helps our understanding of the evolving nature of antibiotic resist bacteria and at the same time sensitizes people to various why the superbugs has become a threat in the modern world.
Work cited
David Hoffman. Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria. 2013. Documetary