Existing theories are important for shaping an individual’s critical thought process. Through a close follow-up of an individual’s responses to theoretical issues, tracking one’s changing thought process is easier. Different people understand leadership behaviour differently, and so are the theorists who come up with explanations of how people should exhibit leadership among one another (Drath, et al., 2008). Despite these, the general leadership behaviours in personal and professional environments are important for several reasons. For organizations, values and moral practices are closely tied to the organization’s vision. To achieve this vision, the organization must consistently implore the employees to behave ethically in their interactions. The fundamental benefit of good leadership in both individual and professional environment is to establish mutual trust between interactions. On individual levels, good leadership helps us coexist peacefully in societies. The determination of what is morally upright is first made by the society. Different societies have different judgments of leadership models.
The aspect of leadership has changed for the last seven decades. The actions and activities of great men helped shape contemporary leadership ideologies. Fitzsimons, Turnbull James & Denyer (2011), argues that the most effective leaders will be the leader that rejects elitist and hierarchical notions of leadership based on power and status and is committed to teaching their followers to become leaders.
Contemporary leadership has been identified as the vehicle to effectively bring about the long-term evolution within the leadership taught. In nearly every sector, the Great Man model of leadership has prevailed over contemporary leadership model. Studies conducted on the effects of different types of leadership in the society revealed that controlling or manipulative behaviours on the part of leaders jeopardized both morality and performance of those being lead. Great Man Theory of leadership prevails where power belongs to one individual having the responsibility of using that power to ensure achievement. A Great Man Theory ideologies leader tells employees what to do and uses the organizational rewards and punishment system to achieve objectives. This authoritative model of leadership empowers the individual to punish those who disobey orders while rewarding those who are obedient (Fitzsimons, Turnbull James & Denyer, 2011).
Many cases of discernment among employees is normally experience since the junior staff feel left in contributing in decision making towards attaining the laid objectives. Contemporary leadership is a leadership style that involves working together with others. It creates a situation where the officers involved participate in the process of leadership. The modern leadership model advocates for distribution of power, such that everyone participates in leadership. This means that a contemporary leader is the one who is able to engage the effort of others to attain a common objective. Contemporary leadership involves the ability to communicate objectives and goals to everyone involved to elicit their support. The contemporary leader must motivate the people involved and effectively communicate to encourage teamwork. Eagly & Carli (2007) opined that contemporary leadership is inextricably linked with higher order values.
In contemporary thinking, which is described as a decision sharing process as opposed to Great Man model of leadership, the cooperation is earned since contemporary leadership goes beyond task-oriented rewards exchange and takes leadership to a higher realm by creating a climate where ideas and decisions are made by the group rather than by an individual in a top down manner and is possessed with the ability to percolate ideas up, and ideas can flow up as well as down, new ideas emanate from and for the group and employees assists in development and implementation in order to alleviate this disenchantment.
It is imperative to note the difference between management and leadership. Management is the process of organizing and planning human resource whereas leadership is the process of inspiring the people involved in the process. Management is based on the Great Man theories of leadership where the leadership is positional and does not go beyond the give and take relationship. However, in contemporary leadership the relationship between senior and subordinates extends beyond the norm of the relationship and is defined by qualities of participation, empowerment, consultation and inclusion and transcends the autocratic style of Great Man leadership, although Fitzsimons, Turnbull James, & Denyer (2011) highlights aspects of Great Man Theory of leadership, e.g. contingent reward which also provides a basis for effective leadership.
The first requirement of implementing contemporary leadership is having organizational transparency. This refers to a situation where the division is open to scrutiny by the shareholders. Transparency in leadership sanctions the subordinate knowledge of their seniors’ actions that generates trust. Openness calls for accountability of those in leadership, as they cannot engage in corrupt activities (Fu & Yukl, 2000).
The second consideration when integrating contemporary leadership is ensuring that ethical decisions are made. This is imperative as it enhances trust by the junior employers to decisions made by the leader. Ethical decisions are made to benefit the leader and the subordinates. They are decisions that are moral and geared towards attaining the set objectives. This means that if the juniors take bribes the leaders are vicariously liable; the leader also has the moral and legal authority to apply appropriate sanctions on the juniors who are found engaging in such activities (Fu & Yukl, 2000).
Another imperative thinking in integrating the contemporary leadership is effective use of performance appraisals. The performance appraisal is important tool of evaluating employees’ performance and capabilities as well as the objectives and expectations that they have met. Appropriate and honest performance appraisal is necessary in motivating the employees to higher performance. There is need to have well formulated ways of evaluating the performance. Another important aspect in performance appraisal is ensuring that the junior employees evaluate seniors’ performance and leadership skills. The feedback from these evaluations provides a good insight on areas that need improved overall performance (Eagly & Carli, 2007).
Effective leadership requires departure from traditional communication models that advocated for one communication channel hence the opinions of juniors hardly get to the top management. Currently, instructions emanate from top to bottom where the leaders at the top control the juniors and direct them to do what their duty requires. Contemporary approach to leadership enables better communication in the work environment by preventing miscommunications. This style of leadership recognizes that effective performance requires two-way communication which is imperative in ensuring that there is proper flow of information from one quarter to another (Eagly & Carli, 2007).
The two-way communication ensures that everyone participates in the leadership process as well as attainment of the set goals. This one way communication and dissemination of information may apply using the Great Man style of leadership but it is unacceptable and ineffective in the 21st century when the employees are expected to play multiple roles, and have a higher standard of performance than it were in the previous century (Fu & Yukl, 2000).
Contemporary model of leadership maintained that women and men roles are believed to be naturally predetermined, but they are instead challenged by Great man theory of leadership that these are classifications that are socially constructed. The intention of such move is to lock out women from leadership arena. The society, family as well as communities believe that women are secondary and inferior whereas men are powerful and superior. This perception creates unfavourable environment for women because they appear deficient in autonomy and power (House et al., 2004). This notion is upheld by the fact that most governmental and corporate institutions are headed by men, with males taking up almost all the senior and big positions. Women, on the other hand, take support positions that help men to remain in leadership positions. In that connection, the power, privileges as well as prestige enjoyed by male in power, rely on the support position held by women. This arrangement strongly has far-reaching consequences for those women seeking leadership positions. The existing patriarchy values in society have structures that hinder promotion of gender equality in leadership positions.
Despite its positive and beneficial role that contemporary leadership could play in the reform of society culture and image, conservative leaders has placed barriers of resistance to implementing contemporary theories of leadership since the authority relied on to implement “are too deeply immersed in the internal cultures and ‘imbued with the prevailing ethos of the organization.”
According to Haslam & Platow (2011), both contemporary and Great Man leadership constructs are dynamic and viable forms of leadership styles. Northouse (2013) argues that the application of leadership theories to different sectors cannot be generalized as the roles and requirements differ depending on the rank.
Leadership has many dimensions, which researchers have discussed, defined, and argued. No one single instrument has emerged as the perfect measurement device. Critics of Great man style of leadership argue that it may be ineffective in areas of law enforcement where authority and power are necessary in enforcing the law otherwise lawbreakers may have their way.
Conversely contemporary leadership has been associated with the superior team performance needed to improve the overall image and effectiveness of the organization especially in the unfavourable environment that the employees are forced to operate in, and despite the fact that research still needs to be done to fully understand when and in what specific settings contemporary leadership is more effective. Drath, et al., 2008 suggests that lack of evidence of contemporary leadership theory prevents leaders from specifying preferred leadership styles and appreciating that leadership should change to effect the required organizational change and enhance performance (Engle & Lord, 1997).
In conclusion, this essay examined and analysed how the evolution of thinking from Great man to contemporary theories of leadership leads to more results and performance in different sectors and inspires public confidence thereby eliminating the adverse negative image of the society, bearing in mind that an organizations can present change, but, hardly any of them can implement it accordingly. Contemporary leadership gives rise to a new mode of operations in persons as well as organizations in order to contribute to the success of an organization. Eagly & Carli (2007) asserts that senior leaders remain autocratic, and that before entrenched practices are changed, the culture of the organization must change.
Therefore, individuals may need to lead ethically to benefit from social relationships and have a peaceful coexistence in societies. Individuals also need to lead well to gain acceptance in social circles. This helps in directing ones’ whole life. With good leadership, an individual forms interpersonal relationships with people who can be friends, spouses, employers and relatives. This gives the individual a social support circle, which is needed throughout a lifetime.
In professional environment, proper leadership is fundamental for building trust between the organization and its employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. This is essential for the expansion of the organization. Proper leadership motivates employees, increases sales and improves staff recruitment and retention. The moral standing of an organization also improves its credibility to stakeholders and the public. To maintain professional respect, practitioners must adhere to the moral principles of leadership in an organization. Though it may not be possible to adopt an open mind to all leadership situations, learning the existing theories and practices helps one adopt a wide thought path (Eagly & Carli, 2007). This helps in understanding the people around you, by understanding situations. In leadership settings, it is helpful when drawing the line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. The dilemmas in leadership environments sometimes occur when leaders are confused about what is morally upright. When quick decisions need to be made, understanding contemporary theories helps one make them. Today more than ever ethics is an integral part in leadership. Society asserted democratic values by demanding that leaders allow them a voice.
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