Liberal art connotes high-quality multidisciplinary studies. This study does not prepare a student to a specific profession as is the case with law, engineering, or medical studies. Studying liberal arts in college enables the nurturing of a well-informed and an intellectually resilient person. It also fosters aspects of responsibility for the consequences of personal ideas and subsequent actions. These forms of studies are well established within the United States. A degree in liberal arts would ultimately enable one to live a responsible, productive and a creative life in today’s ever-changing world. There are various reasons for choosing to study liberal arts
- Development of a strong mind
Liberal arts enable a student develop a strong mind. Exercising the brain makes it better at grasping ideas which in turn enables a person to carry out intellectual work. Variety studies which define liberal arts enable a student to learn the habits of concentration and paying attention. It also provides a student with the ability to follow arguments as well as to make a distinction between trial and that which is important and to understand new concepts. Things become easier to understand when the mind is exposed to a wide variety of subjects.
Liberal arts expose a student to many subjects which enable a student to develop a systematic mind and every subject contributes towards this achievement in different but significant ways. A combination of such subjects as mathematics, music, and programming are essential towards forming an organized thinking that can also analyze issues rationally. These thinking habits would certainly enable a person to perform well in almost any job. Liberal studies are therefore important for a person to attain a happy life since it would eventually possess knowledge of well thought-out solutions, awareness of rational sequences, and understanding of hierarchical procedures. Such knowledge would definitely enable one to become a better psychologist, businessperson, teacher, and even a better husband or wife.
- Independent thinking skills
Liberal arts would also enable one to develop independent thinking skills. This form of education coupled with the analysis and examination skills that one is certain to gain from different studies would enable a person to develop personal ideas, principles, attitudes, and beliefs. As such, one will not be reliant on the influence from the peers, teachers, and parents. One will also make decisions that are not influenced by arrogance, bias, or impulse but every decision will be made upon personal understanding and considerable evaluation of information and evidence. As such, studying liberal arts will definitely not give grounding in how to prosecute a fellow citizen but will teach how to lead a better life. This form of knowledge is far much valuable and practical than any specific career training ever could.
- Foster understanding
Accordingly, liberal arts would increase the understanding of the world as a whole. This is because this form of study imparts a wide range of philosophies, procedures, and opportunities that make life seem clear and understandable. As such certain phenomena of life will no longer appear bewildering. A wide range of study which covers such subjects from human nature to history to environmental science would definitely provide numerous approaches towards understanding a wide range of life phenomena.
- Nurturing learning skills
This field of study will also provide learning skills. Real education that any person can get from college is not simply acquiring massive information but rather the ability to learn. There is no specific institution that can teach everything that a student wants to know within the few years that one spends in college or even in future. However, by acquiring learning skills from the study of liberal arts will enable a person to know how to organize concepts that would enhance the understanding and to facilitate a fast, thorough, and permanent learning of new materials. Good learning behaviors can also be nurtured in one subject and transferred to another. A person can freely understand new and unfamiliar subject by being trained using something that the person being taught is familiar with. As such, the more a person knows, the easier it will be to understand more in an easier and swift manner.
- Enhancement of a creative mind
Further, the general knowledge to be learnt from the study of liberal arts would enhance creativity. When a person learns more subjects, there is usually a form of interaction of ideas and a development of a complete mind that is capable of generating new ideas. Creation of ideas is usually a result of the brain working unconscious to challenges by using information that has been accumulated in the mind through the long study and a conscious thought. The greater the knowledge accumulated and the wider the scope of knowledge, the more resourceful a person will be.
The Job Market
Most of the liberal arts graduates are better suited for the current job market. This is because the job market is rife with technology and the continued global perspectives in the economy require a wide range of skills. It is only the liberal arts study that can realistically impart a student with wide-ranging skills. For instance, the recent economic downturn witnessed many highly skilled workers losing their professional careers in industries where growth was not anticipated. Conversely, the employees who were educated in liberal arts would easily be retained for their comprehensive knowledge which could be exploited in more than one ways. Even if liberal graduates lost their jobs they are capable of working in different professions comfortably unlike persons who focuses on a narrowly defined degree such as engineering and who can only perform a particular line of work.
The liberal arts education is more challenging than some learning programs. This is because the technical skills imparted through the learning process in college are ones which are mostly needed for the effective engagement with the process of searching for a job. Further, in today’s economy, most employers require employees to have more skills which is advantageous for liberal arts graduates (Gehlhaus, 2008). This is because this field of study provides more flexibility and the wide range of skills which ensure graduates are more marketable. This aspect also ensures that graduates find themselves attracted to a multiplicity of professional jobs such as law, medicine, military, and public service.
Although a liberal arts student may be intimidated by those people taking up courses that are traditionally perceived to be superior, such intimidating aspects only last through colleges because when graduates step into the job market, the liberal arts majors are as competitive as all other graduates (Sigurdson). With regard to the foregoing, liberal arts will not lead to a specific professional career but will certainly enhance one’s exploration of diverse educational options as well as provide an array of employment prospects.
Gehlhaus, D. (2008). What can I do with my liberal arts degree? Occupational Outlook
Quarterly. Accessed from
Le Beau, E. (2013). What Does Liberal Arts Mean? Fastweb. Accessed from
Sigurdson, R. Why Study the Liberal Arts? (n.d.) Accessed from