The article has clearly brought out the importance of linking the school siting to the land use planning. Schools are very important elements of the local infrastructure since they have a direct influence on the functioning of the communities. It has been noted that constructing new schools especially the small ones within a neighborhood has vital land use implications for the growth of the residence. Through the construction of smaller schools near the residence of people would encourage smart growth policies which leads to better neighborhoods as well as more livable communities. Schools are considered to be serving a more integral role in the community hence the ideology that they are the center of the community. The design principles that define the schools as centers of the community include: Enhancement of teaching and learning to accommodate the requirements of the learners, Results from a planning process that involves all stakeholders among others.
A school located physically in the center of a community is more than just a convenient location for the school population. Therefore, some of the recommendations that improve the links between the land use, schools as well as the community include; sites being located near the center of the probable student population, school facilities being located closer to residential where students can walk easily to the facilities.
Generally, establishing neighborhood schools would make the whole community responsible towards the students and what happens within the schools. The fact that these schools are small in number will ensure the quality of the learning process. It is important for the establishment of the links between the schools and the land use planning. The establishment of the sites will be situated in areas that will be close to the community facilities thus ensuring easy access of resources.
Council of Educational Facility Planners International, . "Linking School Siting to Land Use Planning." Community Choices Tools. (n.d.): n. page. Print. < Library/Local Gov Services/gs_cct_schoolsitesumm_1009.pdf>.