The population of any species should be preserved using any means necessary. There are genetic preservation and natural preservation. The genetic preservation strategy takes a shorter time than the natural strategy. A hypothesis was developed to establish the possible breeding options that were available. Also, lab tests were conducted on the same breeding topic. The kind of breeding strategy that was used is crucial to the development and sustenance of the population. There exists planned breeding strategy and planned breeding strategy. However, the random breeding strategy is prone to inbreeding. This refers to the breeding of species that are closely related to one another. This has some adverse effects on the offspring to be produced. However, the planned breeding strategy ensures that does not happen to the population and ensures the continued growth and sustenance.
Natural selection is nature’s way of ensuring that all living things take their course. On the other hand, the genetic drift is a way in which nature is deliberately altered to take a certain course. When these two forces are working together, they help in contributing to the overall nature of the population in existence. The population can be affected in the short term through the use of genetic alterations. On the other hand, the population can be affected in the long run through the use of natural selection (Sergio, 89). Nature takes a longer period to take its course. Conservation genetics refers to a scientific method used to engage in processes of conservation and restoration of biodiversity. The restoration of biodiversity is crucial because it helps in ensuring the environment and nature itself is preserved to ensure its continued existence. The goal of this research exercise is to develop the biological knowledge that one possesses and improve the research skills that one possesses. The diversity of the population is important because this is what makes them unique from other people. Also, it makes them stand out from the rest. Diversity refers to the manner in which a population conducts its activities. It is their way of doing things. This is developed from their beliefs and cultural norms. It makes up their character. This makes up the diversity of the population. The diversity of the population is retained suing conservation genetics. This is genetic cells and modification conducted with the intention ensuring that the population diversity is retained and preserved.
Research exercises involve the use of data collection techniques that would help in gathering the data and conducting the data analysis techniques. This would ensure proper interpretation of the information gathered during the research exercise. The research exercise used scientific experiments as the methods of gathering the required information to conduct the research exercise (Yuan, 87). The Wild and Founding ferret populations were generated through analysis of the current populations and assumptions. It was assumed that in any society, any male could mate with any female. Also, a male could mate with more than one female. This would increase the number of children that are produced by the female members. Also, a female may not mate for two generations that are not consecutive with each other. Laboratory experiments were conducted by the researcher to ensure results are attained in the research exercise. Tests on planned breeding for both male and female species were conducted to ensure to achieve the desired results. The planned breeding strategy involved the use of arranged breeding arrangements for the breeding species. However, this differed from the random breeding strategy in that the species were left to breed at their discretion. Both strategies had their challenges and benefits. Random breeding strategy encouraged inbreeding while planned breeding strategy ensured that this did not happen. These statistical experiments were conducted using SPSS computer applications to develop the chart analysis of the experiments that have been conducted. Some assumptions about male and female mating were developed and fed into a system. They provided the researcher with the necessary information required to engage in the experiment exercise. The information is then reproduced in three different scenarios. These scenarios represent the different mating available outcomes between the male and female species. These various outcomes are then assessed in the form of available possibilities that may arise.
A hypothesis was developed to examine the breeding probability of the human species. The information was conducted based on facts and figures regarding the most probable options. The results from this exercise were entered into a computer system that generated the analysis. The information was then interpreted in the form of a chart, which made it easier to understand and follow. Hypothesis generation was chosen because it would give the most accurate description of all the available possibilities in the breeding strategy. Also, laboratory tests were conducted to improve the level of accuracy for the results that were obtained.
The research exercise revealed the effects of both natural and generic selection. Table 1 indicates the characteristics of sickle-cell anemia. However, the results are under the assumption that the selected individuals are not susceptible to malaria. It indicates that the individual with normal homozygous hemoglobin is susceptible to malaria. On the other hand, the individual with homozygous for sickle cell is not susceptible to malaria. However, this individual has sickle-cell anemia.
The conversation of biology is conducted through various means. The results from this hypothesis should be rejected because the P-value falls below 1. The result is 0.465. From the results, we can establish that the hypothesis cannot be fulfilled because it is not viable. Therefore, biology cannot be conserved in this case (Flint and Woolliams, 109). If the theory were to be followed, biology would become extinct. It is crucial to maintaining the heterozygosity of the ferret population because this is what helps in retaining their unique nature, hence preserving biology. This part of the cell contains the genes, which belong to a specific genotype. This genotype is unique to any other cell. Therefore, it plays the role of preserving and restoring biology. Inbreeding refers to the act of breeding people or animals that are closely related to each other. Inbreeding has its risks that can be devastating to the community and the future generation. The offspring of such breeding actions may be formed in a manner that is not normal from the rest of the community. Deformities are often witnessed in such breeding cases. Therefore, the ferret population would be affected in that unique illnesses would arise from the close breeding activities. In the case of planned management programs, inbreeding is not likely to occur because proper research will have been conducted before the breeding exercise. However, the act is highly common in the case of the random management systems (Charnley, 100). This is because people plan for themselves their breeding activities. During this case, background searches have not been done adequately. Therefore, there are increased chances of closely related breeding.
Allelic heterozygosity can be maintained by outbreeding species predominantly. This will minimize the chances of breeding between closely related species. This program will ensure that species are breed externally on a regular basis. Also, it significantly reduces that chances of inbreeding between closely related species. The planned and random breeding strategies differ from each other in the manner in which they are conducted. The planned breeding strategy is critical regarding ensuring low costs are incurred. The planned strategy requires proper analysis to be conducted to establish the most viable candidates. However, the random breeding strategy is purely executed at the discretion of the species intending to breed. For this reason, biology is at a risk of being lost because the wrong decisions may be made. Planned breeding strategies ensure that the right species are breed together at all times. The planned breeding strategy would be the best choice to ensure the survival of the population. The introduction of captive breeding programs would reduce the social nature of the human race (Theunissen, 98). These are one of the major risks that stand to be witnessed. Also, the human race will be less productive. This may lead to the reduction of biology. These risks could be controlled should the introduction of breaks in between the captivity periods. This will increase the chances of survival for the human race.
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