Timekeeping PolicyPermissionsObjectiveThis manual aims at giving an outline for the policies of The Mohamed Family Healthcare Center regarding timekeeping. Here at the Mohamed Family Healthcare Center, we want to make sure that all staff feels well treated and that their time is respected. Similarly, they should comply with the clinic’s time management policies. It is the responsibility of every non-exempt employee always to report with accuracy his or her time worked. On the other hand, the Mohamed Family Healthcare Center’s responsibility is to keep such a record to calculate its employees’ benefits and pay.
Unless the management approves in advance for a nonexempt employee to work away from the clinic’s premises in writing, employees are not permitted to work from home or away from the hospital or the job site.
The supervisor should conduct preapproval requests for compensatory time and annual leave. This means that the employee will have to make the request before the end of the shift before the time he/she is requesting. Asking for leave will be done by filling the leave card.
Unscheduled personal leaves and sick leaves will be recorded for reporting by the unit’s procedures.
Break time of not more than 15 minutes is considered time worked.
Employees should contact the doctor or their supervisor not less than one hour before the start of their shift.
The clinic does not approve of early signing in or out. Employees will then sign their regular working hours unless their supervisor has approved for them to get compensatory time or overtime. An employee that wants to deviate from the workday that is, normal working hours should first get approval from their superior.
For non-exempt employees, they will receive overtime payments, particularly, when they work for periods exceeding five minutes and recorded in 6-minute increments. The employees have to complete a voucher for overtime and record it on the time sheet.
For an exempt employee to get compensatory time accreditation, he must have worked for at least a half an hour more than what their regular workday is.
The timekeeping procedure policy for the clinic; helps all to know how to plan for our time and what to do when they have an issue concerning time. For example, when the members of staff follow these guidelines, the clinic runs smoothly, and they enjoy their work. Time worked is all the time that one is required to deliver mandates and duties for the practice. It is used to decide on the amount of overtime pay that non-exempt employees receive.
At the end of each week, employees should not submit inaccurate or late work time. Failure to follow this rule may lead them to disciplinary action. The company has the right to give the type of discipline that a certain circumstance requires. If an employee receives a warnings after violating this policy, his/ her ability to get involved in job postings by the company will be affected.
Tardiness is unacceptable especially if it becomes a habit. In addition, tardiness due to reasons such as traffic jams, car engine failures, oversleeping, forgetting to set alarm or unfavorable weather conditions will not be accepted. Employees that exhibit continuous tardiness and shackling of duty more than two times within a month will face consequences. The consequences include verbal warning, written warning, suspension and/or termination of contractual obligation depending on the escalation and degree of the violation. However, certain circumstances warrant excused absence such as medical appointments, vacations, attention to judicial matters and funerals. The exemptions must be supported by written reports such as medical reports or court summons or any other document to that effect.
These are the normal working hours on specified business days. Working hours are normally capped at 40 hours a week. Work hours apply to both hourly employees and salaried employees. They include breaks, starting time, lunches, and stopping time.
The clinic’s office is expected to be staffed and operational from Monday to Friday 8:30 AM through 5:00 PM. Employees working regular hours should conform to this and always be punctual.
These include the times when a worker is:
• On duty at his principal site or another remote location helping patients
• On a paid leave
• At a training seminar, that is a job assignment
• At the clinic’s premises and is waiting to get call for work
• Not at the hospital’s premises but is waiting to get called for work and his other activities are restricted
• Changing into the clinic’s uniform so as to work
• Participating in job-related activities immediately before beginning or finishing their shift
For example, the working hours for practice in the clinic are based on the flow and demand of the work and in tandem with patients’ appointments calendar. Therefore, even the employees working full time do not have the guarantee of minimum work hours. Compensation will be based on the hours worked and not on the regular weekly salary.
An employee should not misrepresent the amount of time he/ she has worked. Misrepresentation of facts concerning time violates not only the business ethics and code of conduct but also this policy. If an employee knowingly falsifies or misrepresents documentation about the time he/she worked, he/ she will get disciplinary action. He could be warned verbally or in writing or even terminated from the job depending on the seriousness of the matter.
A meal or lunch period is the time approved by the practice in a non-work and non-pay status. It interrupts a workday or overtime period to allow the employees to eat, get refreshed, and engage in personal activities that are permitted.
Under the law, all employees should break for 15 minutes after every four hours. Supervisors are expected to schedule lunch and rest breaks throughout the day to make sure that there is a full coverage of all units.
All members or staff working full time are given a whole hour to go for lunch. Employees working part-time are free to take lunch but unpaid.
The hour lunch break is not part of the time for compensated work.
Breaks such the break time or lunch break may sometimes get staggered especially during the starting times to make sure that the office is always open.
The clinic recommends that employees leave the work premise at lunch breaks.
However, employees can choose to have them at their work are or outside the clinic.
During these times, they should observe the office’s decorum to ensure that they do not send negative messages that reflect negatively on the office.
Unused time for lunch breaks are not considered overtime and cannot be carried over and do not accrue. For example, an employee cannot accumulate rest breaks to lengthen a meal period or to get a 30-minute long break.
An employee is not allowed to either clock in or out for another. If this happens, the two employees will be summoned to the disciplinary committee and get punished. An employee who does not clock out of their lunch break or who clocks out late is assumed to have not gone back to work after lunch and is deserving of pay cut if he/she does not have a good excuse. All employees are expected to clock out for lunch at noon.
Sometimes, the employees will be asked to work for more than 40 hours in a week. The employees might also want to work overtime.
All overtime will have to be discussed and approved by the doctor before it starts.
The management will first have to see whether there other alternative ways to do the assignment before resulting to overtimes.
For non-exempt employees, overtime will be paid at 1.5 times their regular pay.
For example, when an employee who works for seven days in the same week, from Sunday to Saturday, without taking a break works for more than 40 hours, he will be paid overtime for the whole of the seventh day’s hours.
An employee should not misrepresent the amount of time or times he/ she has done overtime. If an employee knowingly falsifies or misrepresents documentation about overtime, he/ she will get disciplinary action. He/she could be excluded from bonus consideration. Continual to misrepresent overtime information for an employee who has gotten the last written warning could receive immediate termination.
I was given a copy of this employee manual so that I can review it. I had the chance to take it home with me and read it at my own free time. I consulted with people of my choice to get answers and opinions. Besides, the employer answered all the questions that I had about the policy in a way that I found satisfying. It is my understanding that I am employed in subject to the provisions set forth clearly in the employee manual:
Employee Name
Employee Signature