The Weight of the Nation feature film presents pertinent issues regarding health and wellness. Whereas ‘The Weight of the Nation-consequences’ documents the extent and epidemic nature of obesity, ‘The Weight of the Nation-Choices’ film provides a presentation on why no effective for obesity is existent hitherto. From both films therefore, insightful thoughts can be borrowed and applied personally to avert adverse health outcomes.
‘The Weight of the Nation-consequences’ presents the case of Cindy, a mother of two adult sons and also a grandmother. Based on the HBO account, Cindy has struggled with obesity since being married at 99 pounds. Her situation, however worsened upon delivering her first son. Based on the film, correspondences between early childhood behaviors and adverse health outcomes later in life are drawn. The Bogalusa Heart Study for instance in which Cindy was part of, assert that obesity comorbid conditions such as cardiovascular conditions are plausible even in young children with obesity. Based on the film, the onset of obesity is traceable to some thirty years back and is a pertinent issue with a high disease burden. This mercurial rise of obesity is attributable to sugar laden foods, high caloric intake and the intake of foods rich in saturated fatty acids. Of greater concern is the high number of children with obesity. Albeit it can be prevented, many Americas are hitherto obese, and at risk of numerous health conditions. This fact makes obesity a pertinent public health concern issue. The film proposes that in the fight against obesity, concerted efforts are required.
‘The Weight of the Nation-choices’ on the other hand addresses a pertinent issues which most overweight and obese people ask, the reason as to why no medication exists. Despite the fact that technological advancement is at an all-time high and lots of research have been done, there seems to be no pharmaceutical or technological solution to obesity. On the contrary, research efforts, according to the film, are geared at preventive measures. Among these preventive strategies is the issue of healthy living where proper diet is advocated. Additionally, physical exercise is advocated as effectual in managing obesity. Contrary to popular belief based on the TV film ‘The Biggest Loser’, physical activity must work in tandem with diet in order to achieve wellness and physical health. According to the film, the average adult spends most their time leading sedentary lifestyles at work or in cars and even at homes. The proposal of making deliberate efforts in being physically active is thus realistic in combating obesity. Consequentially, the film opines that upon successful attainment of physical health, an effort is needed to maintain it, lest one predisposes themselves to more obesity comorbid conditions.
Personally, both films are quite insightful on the present day effect of obesity. As a healthcare professional, the adverse effects that obesity presents are not only of great public health concern, but are also pertinent personally. In this regard, the films encourage me to take an active role in mitigating against the risk of being obese. Like Cindy in ‘The Weight of the Nation-consequences’, the onset of obesity can lead to adverse health outcomes which are a threat to life. Therefore, the film’s encourages me to ensure that I take a healthy diet always and also engage in physical activity so as to prevent the risk of obesity. Furthermore, as a nursing professional, creating awareness of the disease will also help in reducing the disease burden by ensuring that [people adopt healthier lifestyles.