America took the initiative to create the security mechanism to involve the majority of democratic countries and stabilize Europe, because the fact that the Soviet Union no longer controlled the surrounding countries increased the tensions in the region. In April 4, 1949, the countries signed a final treaty that established NATO. The USSR has strongly opposed the formation of the organization. In a response, it created its own structure to maintain its stability in the Western Europe. Not all countries became beneficial because of the creation of NATO. Some countries found themselves on the wage of the war with post-Soviet system. Nevertheless, the preamble of the organization underlined its defensive nature and the desire to maintain peace in the world. The country members supported the determination to defend the power of the democracy of the Western type and the dominance of the law. They found a resistance from the former Soviet Union, which started the process of the world’s division for the zones of influence.
Keywords: NATO's expansion, treaty, organization, global peace
The events in the postwar period have influenced at the measures of the world’s security. During the Cold War new issues emerged at the surface of international relations. They characterized the policy that the United States held in Europe trying to establish its areas of influence closer to the borders of the Soviet Union borders. America took the initiative to create the security mechanism to involve the majority of democratic countries and stabilize Europe. It planned that the new organization will include the Western European countries, ex-Soviet states in the Central Europe and apparently Russia with post-Soviet republics. NATO's expansion meant stability and a military alliance for several countries in the world. These countries had to show their ability to oppose any military, political, or economic danger. The fact that the Soviet Union was not able to control the surrounding territories increased the tensions in the region.
The Major Preconditions for the Formation of NATO
Twice for the last two hundred years, Europe changed the system of security. Both times it occurred in a peaceful way. Today, the world is close to the new change, because a current system does not provide the necessary effect. The first mechanism that had to guarantee security was the treatment issued during the Vienne Congress in 1815. It eliminated the conflicts for the next century. The next time it occurred in Versailles in 1919. It was unsuccessful try that led to the war in 20 years.
In 1945, after the World War 2, the security system based on the principles approved at the Potsdam meeting and the Conference in Yalta. Two years after, it became clear that these documents are insufficient to stop the Soviet expansion. It was the most important reason to create NATO.
In the period between 1945 and 1949, the Western Europe and their allies in North America had the acute need of post-war reconstruction of the economy. Adopting unpopular reforms, they anxiously watched the successful expansion policy that the USSR had been provided. Having reduced the military force and almost the half of their defense structures, the governments of Western countries felt increasing concern, because it became clear that the Soviet Union had the intention to fully maintain its armed forces. Moreover, due to the declared ideological goals of the Communism, it became clear that the Soviet Union would not respect the UN and other international treatments established in the post-war period. Besides, the Europe saw totalitarian and undemocratic methods of governance that the USSR introduced in the occupied territories. It did not guarantee the sovereignty and independence. The Soviet Union on its territories brutally suppressed all manifestations of the democratic principles, human rights and freedoms.
That is why, December 10, 1948, the United States of America and Canada began the negotiations about the North-Atlantic alliance. The Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Iceland and Portugal took part in the signature of the treatment in Washington DC. In a result, April 4, 1949, they signed the final treaty. According to Peter Duignan, “NATO had three purposes: to keep the Russians out, the Germans down, and the Americans in Europe” (Duignan, 2000, 9). In 1952, Turkey and Greece joined the organization. In 1955, the Alliance joined the Federal Republic of Germany. In 1982, it was Spain to enlarge the participants. The USSR has strongly opposed the formation of the organization. In a response, the Soviet Union signed numerous bilateral acts about cooperation, friendship and assistance with Central and Eastern Europe.
NATO emerged as the union of all independent states that proclaim democratic values and are interested to keep the world’s stability, safe the human rights and freedoms and provide necessary military, humanitarian or other help in the case of aggression, military conflict or terroristic act. It means that this interest is mutual. The Union represents the solidarity of free countries that want to preserve security, peace on the basis of mutual guarantees and respectful relations.
NATO in Action
The parties in the limits of the NATO’s agreement signed a treaty called ‘The status of military forces of the NATO participants’. According to the treaty, USA has rights to keep its military forces at the territories of the other participants. The act was adopted in 1951 and since that time, it has noticeably changed the world’s order. The treatment proclaimed the formation of new arm forces institute on the territory of Europe. It was impossible without German Federal Republic. In a result, the democratic countries made all possible to recover the state’s economy and military potential, develop the country and integrate it into the European structures. France proposed to build the European Army. But the idea remained unrealized. All major limitations imposed earlier to the FRN were canceled. It ended into the acceptance of the state into the block of NATO. The Soviet Union reacted negatively. The Communist regime canceled all political relations with France and England in a response to rebuilding of the Western Germany. It could signify the beginning of a new war in Europe. The USSR created its military organization. In Warsaw, USSR, Bulgaria, People’s Democratic Republic of Germany, Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia signed the agreement in 1955 (Barany, 2003, 12). It was an effective mechanism of the East-European forces to protect the security of the region.
Since that time, all NATO’s decisions are taken by consensus, after long negotiations between the participants. Moreover, its decisions have to be approved by all its members because any country has not supranational powers. The preamble underlines the defensive nature of the organization and the desire to maintain peace of all parties. They support the determination to defend the power of the democracy of the Western type and the dominance of the law.
The most important goal of the NATO is the protection of all members. It is beneficial for all participants. They can be calm that their interests would be respected and protected by all possible military and political means. It was seen numerous times in the major world’s conflicts during the last decades. Respecting the basic principles of democracy, law and human rights, the organization has been maintained the peace in the world. This goal is good for all members, because relates the American security with European countries. All participants can implement their collective efforts to support their common interests. The organization of the North-Atlantic alliance has to implement all the goals of the democratic world. The countries members keep their sovereignty and independence. This organization is a forum at which they conduct joint consultations in case of any problem or conflict and make decisions on political and military issues relating to the issue of global security. It means that the country is sure to be able overcome the aggression, military threat or another danger with the help of neighbor states. It is beneficial for the countries because they have different level of military preparation. Those that does not have an army could feel themselves secure. It gives the possibility to Europe to concentrate on its internal economic, social and cultural problems, to finance actively these fields of the state and correspond to the necessities of people.
The structure of NATO is branched. It has numerous departments. Such scheme provides its effectiveness and stability.
The main goals of the organization are to support its military capacity, sufficient for the prevention of war and effective defense in case of the potential danger. It concentrates on the development of democratic institutions. The organization has the aim to help in case of the crisis and to cooperate actively with countries participants. The organization provides the role of the regulator in the conflicts in third countries, that include measures of disarmament and arms control. In general, the basis and main principles of NATO are beneficial for the countries members of the alliance.
A Crisis in the Current System of International Security
There is almost half a century passed from the establishment of NATO. Today, it keeps all its major principles: supports the democratic values in the world, keep peace and regular military conflicts in all parts of the world. Nowadays, the organization is much larger than it used to be 50 years ago. Besides, the situation between West and East has been completely changed. The Soviet Union collapsed in the 90’s. The United States remained the most powerful country in the world. The European Union has strengthened and widened its borders. Many post-Soviet countries joined the EU or chose the democratic way of development with future prospects to become a part of it. Besides, in 1990, after German reunification, “the former German Democratic Republic joined the Alliance” (What is NATO?). NATO succeeded in the realization of supportive programs in Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Check Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. There were numerous reforms conducted in 1990. There were attempts to establish democracy in Romania, Georgia and Ukraine. Unfortunately, not for all those states the path of democratic changes was easy and peaceful. In many of them the process is still continuing. Russia took the role of Soviet Union. The country kept all its treasures, industry and economy. Nowadays, it provides the policy, which is aggressive for the post-Soviet states. That is why the NATO expansion is very harmful to some states.
The consensus decision-making system, established in the EU and NATO from the very beginning, turned to be ineffective in the modern world. NATO and European Union spend a lot of money on educational military programs, but have many problems with the factual implementation of the knowledge and strategies. Its basic democratic principles and liberalism turned to be weak in front of serious military aggression imposed by Putin, first in Georgia in 2008, then in Ukraine in 2014. When there is a threat and the need to act quickly, consensus does not work. The weak coordination of decisions of participants could be seen in Afghanistan. The same situation we can see in Ukraine. All the sanctions imposed in Russian political elite have no harm and does not stop Putin to occupy the territory of another sovereign country. Moreover, Russia had been a guarantor of the Ukrainian safety, when post-Soviet Ukraine refused from the nuclear weapon. The inconsistency of the positions of members of the Alliance could lead to a military defeat. The current situation in the East of Ukraine and the crisis of democratic values in Russia is a good example of the inability of liberal Europe and international institutions to solve the conflict. Weak European institutions turned to be unable to withstand the Russian aggression in Ukraine. All sanctions and restrictions taken in the political level did not stop Russian intervention in the territory of another state. In this situation, the Alliance demonstrated to have the problems. There is a lack of unity regarding the pace of promoting Ukraine's membership, which is a subject to compliance with the relevant obligations provided in Bucharest to Ukraine. Besides, there are questions about perception of its determining of further way towards Euro-Atlantic integration. A liberal policy that Europe conducts against Russia is ineffective. It turned to be a danger to the whole world, because can provoke change in the borders established after the war. According to Behnke, “now NATO expansion is an expected of an expected and welcome goal of evolutionary process taking into account political and security developments in the whole of Europe” (Behnke, 2013, 121).
The countries that are presented in NATO as well as in EU, specifically, France and Germany, gradually advocated the development of a priority component of the EU in Europe. Increased pressure on European allies could lead to a build-up of effort of the European security and defense policy and to the weakening of the Trans-Atlantic bloc. Besides, Western European countries are seeking the development of stable and foreseeable relationship with Russia. The fact that the EU decided to resume talks with Russia on signing a new strategic agreement, despite its military intervention into the territory of South Ossetia, is a confirmation of this fact.
Nowadays, we can see that the liberal approach towards international policy isn’t always successful due to its softness and impossibility to combat radical realism. Today, NATO remains the most stable and consistent in its actions military and political organization in the world. With the liberal approach, the world is not able to influence countries that are violating international rules and the rights of their citizens. Nevertheless, I think that nowadays, with certain changes it’s the only possible approach to overcome the aggression in the world.
NATO's expansion meant stability and a military alliance for several countries in the world. These countries had to show their ability to oppose any military, political, or economic danger. The fact that the Soviet Union was not able to control the surrounding territories increased the tensions in the region. The Alliance embodies the transatlantic partnership between the European members of NATO and the United States of America and Canada. Goals of the partnership between the European and North American members of the Union are, above all, political, on joint defense planning, military cooperation and consultations in the economic, scientific, environmental and other relevant areas. On the one hand, it is directed into the strengthening of the democratic values, keep peace and stability throughout Europe. The NATO expansion seemed to keep peace on the planet. However, in fact, it caused many military conflicts. For the economically strong developed states, the membership in NATO is beneficial. They reduce their military expenses, feel secure and safe. While, weak, politically unstable countries with young economy feel a great number of problems in all life fields. Those countries that are under Russian influence, nowadays, practically, conduct war for the sovereignty and self-determination.
Behnke, A. (2013). NATO's security discourse after the Cold War: Representing the West. London: Routledge.
Barany, Z. (2003). The future of NATO expansion four case studies. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Duignan, P. (2000). NATO: Its past, present, and future. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press
What is NATO? (the official web-site of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization). <>