Annual personal development plan
Overview and objectives
For the last one year, I have experienced massive changes in my career evaluated through academic achievements. As a first-year pharmaceutical science student, I have experienced academic challenges, which have acted as a platform for improvement. On the rate of one to ten, with ten being the highest, I have gauged my achievements in various disciplines, in relation to poor and excellence. Based on the evaluation parameters, I have the strength in tackling Chemistry-oriented subjects especially in the topics of organic and inorganic science. The fact that I scored above eight out of ten indicates significant achievement in chemistry. On the other side, there is a weakness in Biology subjects based on the average performance in the last one year. The course entails tackling four main disciplines namely Biochemistry, Chemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, and Laboratory Science. The practical sessions have improved my skills, experience and knowledge. I have developed skills such as communication, problem-solving, analytical and writing within the laboratory perspective.
More so, I have acquired personal skills through theoretical and field studies such as studying, critical thinking and report writing. Overall, the total academic performance on the four disciplines within a year is relatively above average scoring six out of ten. I know that part time job and poor time management are some of the factors that are affecting my academic performance. As a result, I aim to uphold new strategies that entail proper time-management, interaction with teachers and formulation of study groups, which will help in the development of studying skills and integration of the necessary information. I also aim to score an A in the four disciplines through total commitment in academics.
Self appraisal
I am an average student based on the overall academic performance in the program. On one side, I have seen that my strengths lie in Chemistry-related subjects in subjects such as organic and inorganic whereby my score was an A. More so, I have a great passion in conducting field-oriented assignments and practical based on my improvement in analytical, report-writing and problem-solving skills. The mathematics and statistics-related topics in the course form the strength of the career because I can easily calculate and solve questions with numbers. Similarly, the weakness lies in Biological-related subjects whereby I find it hard to analyse, integrate and apply theoretical information. The vastness of biology and more theoretical information pose a major challenge to my studies. I believe that Biology requires more time to study and understand which lacks in my time-table. Consequently, I am planning to allocate more personal study time in Biology. More so, I am planning to seek experts in the field such as tutors who will complement class work through discussions. In addition, I will conduct weekly peer discussion on the areas of weakness that entails the question-answer model of studying. The plan is aimed at improving my problem solving skills and critical thinking in the overall course.
Skills development and action plan
Problem-solving skills- I can rate my problem solving skills on a scale of nine over the last one year. In essence, I have acquired problem solving skill through laboratory and theoretical approach. The fact that pharmaceutical course consists of the evaluation, generation and implementation of ideologies calls for integration of problem solving skill. The technical application of laboratory work especially in Chemistry forms the application of problem solving skills. There is statistical analysis, mathematical calculation and comparison of ideas to reach a conclusive solution. In Biology, the effectiveness and workability of drugs and nutrients depend on devising strategy that shows the success probability, in relation to laboratory application.
Action plan- Next year, I intend to uphold my problem solving skills and integrate a multidisciplinary application to improve problem solving skills. On the same, I intend to conduct versatile field and class work to acquaint with problem solving styles.
Information Technology skills- I have average information technology skills based on the fact that there is minimal interaction with computers. Contrastingly, I have come to realise that information technology skills are vital in analysis and evaluation of pharmaceutical-oriented problems. More so, internet forms the integral platform for the acquisition of information. In laboratory work, the report writing requires vast use of sources to provide an original final work. It is through acquisition of skills such as evidence-based research that aids in interpretation and understanding of information. I have average familiarization with referencing style, search engines and dissection of critical information on the internet.
Action plan- Next year, I am planning to enrol to computer classes to learn basic information technology concepts, which will help in the maximum use of internet. More so, I intend to adopt computer-oriented analytical process in my academic studies, which will save time.
Report writing- My career incorporate more of report writing. I have above average skills in report writing. I have done many practical in the laboratory and class work, which incorporates report writing aspect. I have relatively mastered styles of report writing through the use of scientific porches. As a result, I use proper grammar, language, diagrams, tables and referencing depending on the subject of the study. In practice, I can produce a piece of writing in scientific English to an acceptable level.
Action plan- I intend to retain the developments in report writing by engaging in versatile laboratory work. More so, I intend to learn more about new scientific writing styles through the use of internet to upgrade my existing knowledge and experiences.
Aspects of the career
I have a great passion in Chemistry and laboratory application of pharmaceutical information. In addition, I have great interest in solving problems related to organic and inorganic compounds. The chemical reaction and formulation act as strength in tackling Chemistry subject. The pharmacology and biochemical subjects are stronghold of my career because they relate to life of human beings. Apparently, my weakness lies in biological subjects such as reproductive health and biochemical processes. The chain-reaction and biological cycles create major challenges of my career based on the interpreting and application of information.
Action plan- I intend to allocate maximum time to biology and biochemistry through group work, tutorials and evaluation tests. More so, I intend to integrate new studying styles such as the question-answer model.
Career direction
In accordance to overall academic results, I scored a B. My objective is to improve holistically in all subjects by scoring an average of A. Currently, I am using peer-discussion group to address my challenges in Biology and Biochemistry subjects. The process is successful so far because I have started understanding the integral concepts of studying the disciplines. I intend to adopt time-oriented studying style in next year that allocates more time to poor-performing subjects. More so, the time-table will address social interaction and part-time jobs through minimizing on the same. I plan to dedicate maximum time in academics to eliminate external disruptions such as part-time jobs. Overall, I am applying a multidisciplinary approach in studying the challenging disciplines of my career.