Personal Statement
I am an enthusiastic international student from Taiwan, who is studying in Seattle Central Community College. My major is computer science, and I am applying to transfer to the University of South California (USC). Throughout the course on Computer Science and Physics, my grades were superior in the class, and I left a strong impression to my instructors. As a result, I accepted an offer to do a project on computer science, since many times I find myself thinking of new exciting ventures that are not the mainstream. I am a future engineer, who is aware of new challenges ahead of him. Peers call me a nerd because I have an exclusively practical approach to things in life. Nevertheless, I love playing around ideas very much. As a student, I have initiated and completed two projects to give back to my community. One was to build an online precious-metal trading market with lower investment prices. The other was a project of parking record system. My manager got very impressed to the efficiency of it and considered to buy the scheme.
As a nerd, I possess above average intelligence and uniqueness to accomplish new tasks. I see that I do not even need other people around me to become a successful and innovative leader in engineering. Technology and inspiration mean everything to me, not awards or recognition. I never stop at difficult assignments, but rather dig into to find the best solution. I am both a geek and a nerd by nature when it comes to computers since I am passionate about new brands and technologies. My hobbies include multifaceted games and chess. I also teach students in the learning center of the school, but during the spring quarter, I will start working in physics lab as an assistant.