Thesis Statement
The intellectual movement and transformation of postmodernism emerged to challenge the modernist theories that arose in the era of Enlightenment. Some of the themes that postmodernism focused on are the reasoning of human beings, the inevitability of progress, and scientific positivism (McHale and Len Platt, 20). The postmodernists resisted distinctions and categories that made it difficult for them to procure a worldview (Wolfe, 31). This essay looks at both sides of the coins, that is, the different criticisms concerning postmodernism and arguments in support of the postmodernist theories.
Literature Review
According to Brooker (12), postmodernism entails an after modernity culture that started in the late 20th century. It arose from the French as a way of departing impressionism to a postmodern form of art and painting (Ding, 31). According to Lee (11), postmodernism has raised concerns over its dignified conceptual framework. For example, it is hard to consolidate postmodernist theories and paradigms in fields such as music, architecture, and art with specific postmodern trends in anthropology, sociology, and philosophy (Gaggi, 7). Postmodernism is challenged based on the reflection of its consequences and truth. Some of its criticisms include that the theories of the discipline undercut the enterprise of truth and education, right protections, proper analysis, and idealism (Hossain, 175). Postmodernism also introduces ultimate relativism, hyper-individualism, over-generalization, assumptions, and language trade-offs. It contradicts its values and purpose while trying too hard to secure the truth (Mansfield, 44). Postmodernism has comprehensively challenged the naturalistic humanism that reigned during the modern period. It is quite helpful in developing a Christian world view (Joselit, 62). The postmodern theories have been skeptic about the efficacy and errors of modern beliefs. The approaches attempt to demonstrate the certainty and objectivity that cannot be provided by science (Dimendberg, 39).
The paper relies on qualitative information from publications, articles, and journals to outline well-detailed descriptions and examples to support the thesis statement. The articles and books are retrieved from databases using search terms such as postmodernism, postmodernism in art and architecture, criticisms of postmodernism, and the arguments for postmodernism.
Findings and Conclusions
The results obtained from the search are synthesized to provide the appropriate definition of postmodernism, the critics, and supporters of the trend. The information indicates that postmodernism reminds people of the power and usefulness of their culture as a source of reference in art and architecture (Bergesen, 302). Conclusively, the postmodern theories try to eliminate the oppressive structures and practices introduced by the artistic elements of modernity.
Works Cited
Bergesen, Albert. "Postmodernism: A world-system explanation." Strukturelle Evolution und das Weltsystem. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016. 299-307.
Brooker, Peter. Modernism/postmodernism. Routledge, 2014.
Dimendberg, Edward. Diller Scofidio+ Renfro: architecture after images. University of Chicago Press, 2013.
Ding, Guanghui. "“Experimental Architecture” in China." Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 73.1 (2014): 28-37.
Gaggi, Silvio. Modern/postmodern: A study in twentieth-century arts and ideas. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015.
Hossain, Dewan Mahboob, and M. S. Karim. "POSTMODERNISM: ISSUES AND PROBLEMS." Asian journal of social sciences & humanities 2.2 (2013): 173-181.
Joselit, David. After art. Princeton University Press, 2013.
Lee, Pamela M. New games: postmodernism after contemporary art. Vol. 4. Routledge, 2013.
Mansfield, Elizabeth. Making art history: A changing discipline and its institutions. Routledge, 2014.
McHale, Brian, and Len Platt, eds. The Cambridge History of Postmodern Literature. Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Wolfe, Ross Laurence. "Stalinism in Art and Architecture, or, the First Postmodern Style." Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination 5.1 (2013).