We at Dualism Incorporated propose that we in fact hold the correct Metaphysical/Epistemological view. We assert that the spiritual (mental) and the physical i.e bodies exist in unison but are made of different elements, and reside in different plains of existence, and that humans are made of both components. The mind and body are separate entities that exist as one and have sway over each other.
It goes without saying that we understand that the world we live in is populated by physical bodies that are made of particles we know as atoms and these bodies are subject to physical laws and can be divided and destroyed. These bodies also have awareness of each other, they recognise themselves and differentiate themselves from others, and they as opposed to inanimate objects understand that they in fact exist. So we have some machinations that there is more to these physical bodies than just existing.
We propose that physical beings think and perceive and understand each other and are aware of their own existence thus we conclude that they have minds which we refer to as a spiritual component that is additional to the body but unlike the body is not comprised of parts or necessarily made of the same materials. These minds exist regardless of the bodies, they are not dependant on physical forms as much as they understand the world around them but to interact with the world is the body’s purpose. We presuppose that minds are the driving force behind the body even to assert that the mind could in fact possibly exist without a body but a body could never exist without a mind otherwise to become a lump of inanimate flesh. We also assert that these minds are not in fact physical themselves as they possess none of the same faculties and are subject to none of the same physical laws of physical bodies i.e Divisibility; The mind cannot be divided in the same way that a physical body can, and supposedly the mind is infinite and lives on past the destruction of the physical body.
Our company proposes that the body is merely an avatar for the mind. The body is that of a ship, the mind, her captain, they exist together in a symbiotic relationship; both reliant on the other but separate, existing in different plains.
We argue this relationship as we see that the mind and the body have a cause and effect connections, in other words, what happens in the mind can affect the body and vice versa so we naturally assume the two are linked because of this evidence. Further evidence is the fact that something occurring in the body can produce thoughts in the mind and it goes without saying that the mind produces actions in the body through acts of will. Therefore Dualism incorporated is the correct Metaphysical/Epistemological view and is deserved of the coveted award. Dualism is an elaboration on Plato’s two realms theory built on by Christian ideology, which is the commonplace assertion that there are physical and spiritual realms that exist separately but impact each other.