Executive summary
Marketing strategies are specific and should be selected appropriately based on the industries for which they are adopted. The Supergeek community is a company that offers services to organizations, and individuals so that they can utilize blogging and advertisement services among other appropriate services . To ensure effectiveness in marketing and brand planning, it is necessary develop a marketing handbook. A marketing handbook is used as a guide for the company to enable it to undertake approaches that lead to successful establishment in the market. A marketing handbook creates awareness about the nature of the products of service offered by a particular organization. It details important information that the organization should keep and present to clients, as well. Supergeek community is an organization that utilizes significant marketing strategies and brand planning. The supergeek community in this particular case provides services to clients who include individuals and entities, as well.
The organization offers different category services to different category clients. The marketing handbook depicts the various aspects of the entity and the functions that it serves . The handbook provides the readers with clear information from which to decipher the role that the organization serves. A marketing handbook has several sections based on the scope of activities of the organization. The handbook addresses several aspects that are consistent with the legally recognized and accepted activities of the company. The handbook presents relevant information that markets the services and the products of the company. the handbook provides a platform for the members of public or target group to access credible and reliable information that enable them to make appropriate decisions about buying the products or utilizing the services presented in the handbook. Essentially, it is also important to have a prezi tool for an organization.
The prezi tool is very significant in offering a summary of the nature of the services and products offered by the company. An effective prezi tool shows images of the products or services offered . The prezi tool has navigational slides, which address different topic regarding features of the product or service being marketed. For instance, the slide may present various product and service attributes like price tags, quality, material, after sale services, nature of the service of product among other appropriate features. These attributes help both existing and prospective clients to have a clear view of the nature of products or services. As such, they are in a posuition to analyze the products and services based on their features. As a result, it is possible to make appropriate purchase decisions.
Brand planning is a key aspect in marketing that requires special attention.
Effective brand planning involves the creation of an appealing brand name, determination of the market segment for marketing the brand, the prices attached to particular brand units, and the method of production of the brand among other aspects of concern. Consideration of these aspects of brand planning has significant implication concerning the success or failure of the brand. An organization should plan the activities associated with the creation of a particular brand appropriately. Planning enables the company to develop appropriate strategies to ensure effectiveness in marketing the brand. The marketing strategies should be integrated as appropriate whereby manual and digital aspects should be used as appropriate to ensure optimum functioning. Proper functioning has significant results for the products or services being marketed . Considering this case for instance, the services offered by the supergeek community should be marketed through digital and manual means where appropriate. These methods of marketing will enable the development of an effective marketing handbook as well as prezi tools that serve important functions in marketing.
An organization should devise an appropriate marketing strategy, which enables it to penetrate the market successfully. The marketing strategy adopted should be technology compliant and highly effective in countering competition. The marketing strategy adopted by the company is quite deterministic of the direction the performance of the organization takes . Essentially, the marketing strategy adopted should entail effective tools like marketing handbooks and prezi tools. These tools are effective in enhancing communication to clients to create awareness of the products and services offered. Supergeeks community is a company that offers an opportunity to clients who would like to post advertisements and other suitable information concerning politics, security, and economics among others to ensure that they reach the public via the company’s websites. Still, it is possible for clients to blog using the websites of the organization, as well. It is quite important to ensure that the company plans its brand effectively . This sets the foundation for firm establishment of a brand in the market. The paper focuses on developing a marketing handbook and a prezi tool for the indicated services offered by supergeek community limited, to ensure effective marketing.
Marketing handbook
About us
We are a community of bloggers who offer different services to our clients. We post information that clients want to be presented on the internet. We serve individuals and entities, as well. We market our clients’ products, ideas, and opinions among other items that clients deem necessary.
Super bloggers community offers an opportunity to clients to publicize information and create awareness of products and services for companies in our websites. The opportunity enables our clients to keep the public continuously aware of certain issues prevailing in society or even about products and services.
What is a supergeeks market?
The market of supergeek community comprises people interested in computer created information. Our competence in offering opportunities for clients has enabled the development of this service for our clients in order to meet the current prevailing demand. The market is a single market for information technology fanatics, which requires specific services to ensure effectiveness.
Purpose of this handbook
This document has been created to enhance awareness of the availability of opportunities to create information and present it to the public via our websites. Supergeeks community has noted an increasing demand for blogging services whereby clients would like to post information or advertisements through the web . The demand has triggered the creation of the company to provide services to clients.
Our goals
Our main goal is to offer an opportunity to our clients to advertise their products and services as well as allowing for posting of information by individuals and groups concerning routine activities occurring in our society like politics and security among others. Our objective is ensuring that we present the information of our clients to the public as timely and conveniently as possible.
Planning is a key aspect, which should present all the marketing activities. Planning is necessary in order to help save money by cutting on some costs. Still, this provides an opportunity to identify possible sources of funding and hence establish a platform for effectiveness and efficiency within operations . Our brand planning entails development of effective strategies to price and market the services. Our websites offer specific and general avenues for advertisement and posting important materials that clients would like to present to the public.
The community has specific sites and slots for different category items as specified by the client. For instance, we offer a section for political posts and security information posts among others. We also offer particular slots for advertisements in order to ensure that the needs of our clients are well met. These components are effective in enhancing our routine operations and tasks, which revolve around offering quality service to clients.
Prezi tool
Supergeeks community offers a variety of services to clients
Our clients include:
- Individuals
- Corporate organizations
- NGOs
- Educational institutions
- Others
Services offered:
Advertisement-for products and services offered by corporations and companies front different places across the globe
Blogging services- clients can create blogs and post them via our blog websites. Main topics for blog articles are politics, security, religions, sociology, culture, technology, economics, and many others.
Since we serve a diverse client base, we offer different slots for different category purposes in order to serve the needs of our clients satisfactorily.
Company brochures
We have different templates for different category content that we post for our clients.
We also tailor the brochures appropriately to meet client needs.
Tailoring the brochures is necessary to offer service in consistence with customer demands.
Our company produces digital brochures, which are distributed to our clients in different regions to ensure they get.
Company websites
Our company operates different websites
The websites are designed to function differently.
The functions of the websites are based on the type of service offered.
For instance, there are websites designed specifically for an advertisement.
Other websites are designed for blogging. However, they are also used for advertisement.
Our company offers a variety of services
Our clients have a wide range of services to choose from
Services can be tailored to suit customer specifications
This enhances the level of service delivery
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