During the early years in life, I struggled with the issue of finding a purpose for my life since I drew inspiration from different individuals in different fields. However, as I grew up and began interacting with more people, I began to understand the different roles of people in society. The most impactful experience in my life was during a church activity where we volunteered to help feed and clothe the homeless within the community. The fulfillment I got from this activity was the life-changing experience that made me determine what my purpose in life would be. I knew that my purpose in life was to help the vulnerable people in society, put a smile on their faces, and make positive lasting impacts in their lives. I decided that every day, I would strive to ensure that I touched a life, however little it was to ensure that these individuals felt loved. My purpose in life, therefore, is to share love and compassion with the people who need it most.
In the recent past, the three choices I have made in my life include the choice to pursue a career in the human service profession. The second choice I have made is to improve my understanding of the different cultures across the globe and improve my capacity to interact with individuals from a variety of cultures. The third choice I have made recently is to do more individual research on human psychology.
The three choices I have made were all congruent with the purpose I have in my life. The choice of pursuing a career in the human services profession provides me with a chance to help individuals in a structured and legal way. It will ensure that I have an improved capacity to help vulnerable individuals get organized, get back on their feet and overcome the challenges that life has presented to them. This choice ensures that I can contribute to the establishment of a better society. It will ensure that I have an opportunity to create a link between those in need and the relevant resources that help them meet the needs that make them vulnerable members of our society. In addition to that, I will be contributing to a positive environment in a society where individuals and families do not live in fear of crime because of the need for vulnerable individuals to acquire resources in an illegal way. As such, my choice to pursue a career in the human service profession is congruent with my purpose in life.
Additionally, my choice to have a better understanding of the different cultures across the globe is also in congruence with the purpose I have in life. In the United States and other parts of the globe, communities are becoming increasingly diverse. Individuals from a variety of cultures are living within the same communities and sharing the same resources. Cultural competence has been seen as one of the most important skills that a human service professional should have to effectively practice in the field (Jani et al., 2026). As such, this choice will help me in understanding the different cultures and the preferences of individuals from these cultures. It will ensure an improved understanding of how different persons from varied cultures perceive their issues and the best way to develop solutions that align with their cultural needs. Thus, the choice to study other cultures is also congruent with my purpose in life.
Other than that, the choice I made to perform personal research on human psychology is also in congruence with my purpose in life. It is important to understand that in addition to material needs, most individuals are also deprived of emotional and psychological needs. It has been noted that technological developments and other issues have greatly contributed to an increase in mental health cases, especially among the young (Twenge et al., 2018). This means that individuals are increasingly becoming vulnerable to mental and emotional health issues. Therefore, my choice to seek a better understanding of human psychology is central to my capacity to understand the most appropriate ways of addressing the emotional and psychological needs of these individuals. It is on this basis that this choice is in congruence with my purpose in life.
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Jani, J. S., Osteen, P., & Shipe, S. (2016). Cultural competence and social work education: Moving toward assessment of practice behaviors. Journal of Social Work Education, 52(3), 311-324.
Twenge, J. M., Joiner, T. E., Rogers, M. L., & Martin, G. N. (2018). Increases in depressive symptoms, suicide-related outcomes, and suicide rates among US adolescents after 2010 and links to increased new media screen time. Clinical Psychological Science, 6(1), 3-17.