Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) has had a significant effect on the hospital where I work. Incentives associated with healthcare information technology have promoted the implementation of electronic health record (EHR) system in the hospital. EHR system has simplified management and accessibility of critical patient records. HITECH has facilitated quick processing of patient referrals. HITECH has improved patient experience as they seek medical attention in the hospital. Hospital staff is more eager to provide healthcare services to their patients since HITECH Act imposes mandatory penalties in cases of willful neglect. The system has also positively improved the protection of patient records, which assures privacy and security.
Our organization has experienced improved patient care due to availability, orderliness, and storage of past diagnoses, tests, and procedures. Improvement of both service quality and patient experience associated with positive impacts of health technology. The use of digital forms is a requirement for the hospital to receive an incentive payment. Digital forms have positive effects to the hospital since it increases the incentive payment process as opposed to traditional physical forms.
The journal article titled, Journal to Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records by Murphy (2010) provided vital guidance and insight for this essay. Financial incentives initiate an improvement in patient healthcare experience and patient satisfaction. Sufficient technical support integrated with financial incentives improves service quality as evident in Medicaid and Medicare programs (Begum, et al., 2013). Patients can self-manage their healthcare by utilizing healthcare technology (Arlotto, 2010). According to Classen and Bates (2011), computerized health records reduce cases of critical mistakes as well as medical costs and improves the quality of healthcare services.
Arlotto, P. (2010). 7 strategies for improving HITECH readiness. HFM, 64(11), 90-97.
Begum, R., Ryan, M.S., Winther, C.H., Wang, J.J., Bardach, N.S., Parsons, A.H., Shih, S.C., & Dundley, R.A. (2013). Small Practices’ Experience With HER, Quality Measurement, and Incentives. Am J Manag Care, 19(11 Spec No. 10), eSP 12-eSP18.
Classen, D.C., & Bates, D.W. (2011). Finding the Meaning in Meaningful Use. N ENG J MED, 365(9), 855-858.
Murphy, J. (2010). Journal to Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records. Nursing Economics, 28(4), 283-286.