In Australia, there are code of ethics for healthcare professionals such as nurses, doctors, midwives, dentists, and pharmacists.
The Code of Ethics for Australia nurses serve four purposes. Firstly, it highlighted the fundamental standards of ethics and values where nursing practitioners are expected to commit themselves to. The second purpose is to offer nurse practitioners a point of reference where they not only reflect their conduct but also the conduct of others. The third purpose is to guide the nurse practitioners in making ethical decisions and practices. Finally, the code of ethics highlights the ethical values as well as the ethical standards which members of the community expect nurses to respect. Basically, there are 8 code of ethics for nurses in Australia. The first one emphasize the importance of quality nursing for the people. The second mention the need of the nurses to not only sow respect and kindness for themselves but also for others. Thirdly, it recognizes diversity of the people which nurses serve. Fourth, is about nurses’ role in ensuring accessibility to quality healthcare to all the people. Firth, is the importance of decision-making based on information. Sixth, is about the role of nurse in promoting a culture of safety in healthcare. The seventh code stressed the need for management of information in an ethical manner. Lastly, the eight code of ethics emphasizes the role of nurses in fostering ecological, social, and economic sustainability in the context of health and wellbeing of the people (NMBA, 2013).
The code of ethics for midwives in Australia has been basically drafted to serve three purposes. The first purpose being to provide a basis to outline the nationally expected minimum level of standards from midwives. The second purpose being to create awareness in the community on the minimum levels of standards they expect from the midwives. Finally, the code of ethics serves to offer a basis where various parties can evaluate the professional conducts of midwives. Although there are ten code of ethics, they have been broadly classified into three. The first mentions about the competency of midwives and their compliance with standards, legislation, and professionalism. The second emphasize the woman-centeredness in their framework of practice. And thirdly, the code of ethics the reflective and ethical practice in the nurse practicing environment.
The purpose of the Australian code of ethics is to describe the expectations of registered ad practicing doctors. Additionally, the code serves to set out the principles expected in a good medical practice as well as the standards of professional and ethical conduct expected by the community from registered and practicing doctors. The code of ethics for doctors is very comprehensive. It can be broadly covers many issues in detail including the need to ensure that doctors provide good care, how doctors should behave while working with patients, how doctors should behave while working with their fellow healthcare professionals, guide on working within the healthcare system, minimization of inherent risks while working, maintenance of professionalism in work, professional behavior, ensuring safe doctor’s health, teaching and/or supervising and/or assessing, and guidelines on how to conduct a research involving human beings (MBA, 2015).
The code of ethics for dentists in Australia borrows much from the code of ethics for doctors. The code has been developed to support practitioners to effectively fulfill their professional roles as well as act as guideline for making professional judgment. The code has also been developed to assist the National Boards in ensuring that they have the necessary standards in place that seek to protect the public in ensuring good standards of practice among the dentists. Furthermore, the code contributes towards enhancement of professionalism in the health system of Australia. Finally, the code acts to inform the public about the level of standards of practice, behavior, and services they expect from the practitioners. Broadly, the code emphasized a number of things about: provision of good care, dealing with patients/clients, dealing with other practitioners, working within the healthcare system of Australia, minimization of risks, maintaining professionalism in performance, professionalism in behavior as well as ethical conduct, ensuring health of the practitioner, teaching and/or supervising and/or assessing, and professional conduct during research (DBA, 2014).
The pharmaceutical society of Australia (PSA) has endorsed codes of ethics for practitioners in pharmacy. The code seeks to act as a guidance and support for all professional pharmacists. It also lay out expectations of standards of behavior and professional expected of pharmacists by the members of the society and consumers. The code has been divided into five broad areas. Each area of focus has a corresponding principle and supporting text. The five areas of focus where the code applies include the consumer, the community, the pharmacy profession, business practices, and other healthcare professionals (PSA, 2014).
Dental Board of Australia (DBA). (2014). Policies, Codes and Guidelines. Retrieved from:
Medical Board of Australia (MBA). (2015). Good medical practice: a code of conduct for doctors in Australia. Retrieved from:
Nurses and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). (2013). Codes and Guidelines: Code of professional conduct for nurses. Retrieved from:
Nurses and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). (2013). Codes and Guidelines: Code of professional conduct for midwives. Retrieved from:
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA). (2014). Code of Ethics for Pharmacists. Retrieved from: