Sampling has often been used at various levels of research as a method to gather a test population for investigation. It is critical to understand that the diverse nature of the sample population makes it necessary to have a certain group of people that make up the vast population and act as a representation of their opinion. While conducting sampling, it is important to consider several research factors that will help provide effective investigation while also operating within the financial constraints (Creswell, 2014). According to the research question, I would use Probability Sampling. The elements of sampling that will be necessary for the investigation must come from a distinct population of teachers and parents. Therefore collecting the sample should often have the boundary or the frame of sample population
The useful concepts
The concepts about how to gather a sample from a population frame are the most useful. In this view, it is critical to have a list of population sample from which a randomized selection is to be conducted. During the selection, the population sample is placed in a sample frame from where the list is kept for selection. The concept is useful since it helps eliminate tedious work and unnecessary population sample (Creswell, 2014). Placing the population in a sample frame makes it easy to select since it will be from a relevant sample.
Most challenging concept
The concept of calculating the difference between the population values that are equivalent to the sample and the sampling results is the most challenging concept. As asserted in the study, this calculation requires the use of higher statistical annotations that make the selection accurate and provides equal probabilistic chance to the whole sample. Such statistical techniques are often difficult to comprehend thus the most challenging aspect of this sampling method.
Creswell, J. W. (2014). Chapter 9: Qualitative methods. Research design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications