The Pilot g-2 07 is a mechanical pen that is used for writing text on paper. It is popular for the smooth writing process it has been associated. The price of the pen ranges from between $8.55 to $15.99. The price difference is because of the different sizes that the pen has been manufactured. The pen comes in many ranges like black, blue, red, purple, green, burgundy, orange, and teal among other colors.
The body of pilot g-2 07 has been covered with countered rubber grip so that the users will have comfort and good experience while using the pen. It is designed in this manner so that the users will not find slippery body which will be hard to write. The rubber extends down to the tip of the pen so that the users can make use of firm grip for most of the body of the pen. There are different nib sizes that the pen has been manufactured. These include bold (which is 1.00mm), ultra fine (which measures 0.38mm), extra fine (which measures 0.5mm), and fine (which measures 0.7mm).
The pen is retractable and refillable. The tip will preserve ink so that it will be dry when not in use. This will prevent straining on clothes of bags. The pen is refillable and allows the users to use the pen for a long with the only thing they will be looking for is to buy ink. This is an important aspect that needs to be assessed when looking for long use of pens. The ink should be readily available. The refillable parameter allows it to be used continuously.
The Pilot g-2 07 pen has the following measurements:
Dimensions - It is 1x2.8x5.8 inches.
The point type is - fine
Weight – 5 ounces
Figure 1: Image of Pilot g-2 07
There are many parts that are found in a Pilot g-2 07 pen. The parts have several functions and have been designed so that they have better parts that make up the pen. The main parts of a Pilot g-2 07 pen are the upper part which is used for holding the pen, hereby referred to as gripping assembly, then there is the barrel part which is used for operating when to open and close the writing part. This is the side that holds the pen on the shirt.
Figure 2: Parts of Pilot g-7 07
The Pilot g-2 07 gripping assembly is a part that is made mainly from a hollow rubber that has been designed so that it is able to protect the internal parts of the pen. There is a transparent covering that enables the users to view the level of ink that the pen has so that they are able to know when to refill. The rubber is used to avoid sliding of the finger while writing. It is used to grip the finger while writing so that it will not slide.
The gripping part measures 38mm which is the rubber part alone and the con cap measures 16mm. The rubber assembly covers a metallic body of 39mm.
The metallic closing that has been covered by the rubber barrel is hollow with a diameter of 7mm.
There are three other components which are contained in the gripping assembly of the Pilot g-2 07 pen. These are the cone cap, lead rod, and the rubber-gripping barrel.
The cone cap is shown as follows:
The rubber barrel shown as follows:
The leading rod is the rod that is used to write and is the smallest part of the pen. This is the part that needs the most protection.
This is the hollow cast that is found near the tip of the pen. The main function of the cone cap is to protect the Pilot g-2 07 outlet of the lead rod. This is the main part of the Pilot g-2 07 which needs to be protected. The cast is metallic so that there is proper protection of the main writing part of the pen. It is important to understand that the leading rod is the most important part that needs protection from the outside barrel.
There is the part that connects the cone cap with the rubber gripping barrel. This is a firm part that ensures that there is firm connection of the rubber barrel with the cone cap. The cone cap is metallic and the rubber barrel is rubber. There is a need to ensure that the two connect and the connection is firm because of the difference in density.
Figure 3: Connecting rod between cone cap and rubber barrel
This is the part of the barrel that is used to hold the pen so that writing can be smooth and not sliding on the finger. With the rubber gripping part of the pen, the Pilot g-2 07 pen will be firm between the index finger, thumb and middle finger. There is a tapering at the middle of the pen which enables the user to hold the bottom of the pen firmly without losing any control of the pen.
Figure 4: Rubber barrel
- Lead rod outlet
This is the part which is used to protect and let the lead rod from the other parts of the pen. It should be firm and be able to stand the bruises when the pen is being used. It is important to have this part to be able to protect the internal part of the pen.
This is the part which used to protect the internal part of the pen. There is also the part that is used to hold the pen on the pocket. It is the pocket clamp holder. It is used to balance the pilot g-2 07 pen while it is being used. The part is connected to the gripping barrel.
- Spring mechanical system
This is the part that is used to eject the lead rod part of the pen. It is important to have this part because it has parts that are used to get the lead rod in and out of the barrel. There are strings that are used to eject the lead barrel out of the pen and are used to get the paper working and effective. The spring is has 4 revolutions which enables it to eject the lead barrel.
The body of the pen is smoothly finished with a plastic covering. The plastic that is covered with will not have sharp shards when there is accidental breakage. The ink that the pen uses has been manufactured using Dynamic Gel Formula; it is smooth, and smear-proof.
It enables the users to have long use of the pen. The ink is acid-free. This makes them good and suitable for documentation and record keeping purposes.