A reality that has been always considered a hoax by many as they believe global warming is because of the changing nature of the Universe and how the planet rotates. Global Warming is real because while it could be naturally influenced, the concentrations of the greenhouse effect emmissions causes the rays of the Sun to remain on earth, further influencing climate.
The dispute that rages over this issue is unresolved because “experts” have shown “proofs” (for and against) based on scientific data. Supporters of the non-existence of Global Warming, basically offer the arguments as that the climate has changed in the past also, hurricanes are not linked to the Global Warming phenomenon, the rise in sea levels has been exaggerated. Supporters of the existence of Global Warming, describe the arguments propounded by those against as myths and I join them. The greenhouse effect and global warming is not a hoax anymore, it is reality.
Global warming is understood as the increase of heats on the earth and oceans. In the last few years the average temperature of the earth has increased by about 0.80 C. Trapping of heat and light from the sun by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor nitrous oxide and methane causes the temperatures to rise. These greenhouse gases are produced through activities such as deforestation (Houghton, 1994). According to the studies conducted by the United States of America the population of the polar bear in the Northern Beaufort (NB) and the Southern Beaufort (SB) sea area of Alaska are being nearly driven to the point of extinction. This is due to the global warming issues that are destroying these animals’ natural habitats in the wild. There are a few ways to prevent these occurrences from happening and reversing the cycle of harm that has inflicted over the past several years (Kazlowaska & Roosevelt, 2008).
Causes of Global Warming
Greenhouse gases are the major causes of global warming; these gases are released due to human activities on the earth (Maslin, 2007). Experts have observed that for the whole earth, the stability radioactive temperature at the atmospheres outside is – 18o C. Therefore if the earth atmosphere is characterized by full transparency to all the radiation wave lengths, the surface temperature would be approximated at – 18o C, a very uninhabitable level.
Fossil fuel burning
Great amounts of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere because of power plants burning coal for electricity. The ever increasing electricity addition from the coal that burn plants results in enormous carbon dioxide levels being released to the atmosphere (Houghton, 1994). Houghton (1994) approximated that 40 percent of the CO2 emitted emerges from the production of electricity, coal burning accounting for 92 percent of the electricity utility industrial emissions. On daily basis, Maslin (2007) observes that human are increasingly depending on the coal burning for their commercial and personal supply of electricity.
Burning of gasoline
Carbon dioxide emitted when cars are used for transportation accounts 33% of all the atmospheric CO2. In the United States, the global sourced goods appetite and culture has resulted in 32 percent of the emissions. As the population continues to increase at an alarming rate, the subsequent increase in the consumer goods and cars demand imply that the fuel use is increasingly being utilized in manufacturing and transportation industry.
Methane emissions
Methane is the second greenhouse gas that causes global warming. This gas has closely been ranked behind CO2, the main cause of global warming (Markham, 2009). Rice paddies produce methane as a result of anaerobic decomposition. Methane is also produced by herbivorous animals because it is found in the livestock products hence released to the atmosphere. Another source of methane is clathrate which is found in ice at the Arctic seabed (Maslin, 2007).
Markham (2009) has underlined forest for fuel (both for charcoal and wood) as a leading deforestation cause. However in the first world, human appetite for paper products and wood - the increase in the livestock grazing in the natural forests and tropical forest lands utilization for commodities such as palm oil plantations - has resulted in global mass deforestation (Maslin, 2007).
Effects of global warming
One of the effects of global warming is change in the water cycle. This change is due to the extreme climate change caused by global warming. Change in water cycle means that some places are likely to experience more rain that usual which even cause havocs. Due to increased temperatures, this has caused oceans, rivers, and lakes evaporate. This can be good in some areas but in others its considered as bad. For instance, in northern areas of the United States, an increase in the temperature and the amount of water from the rain is a good thing. This is because it extends the growing season of crops which in turn means more money for planters in the area. However, this could as well hurt some agriculturalists because too much rain can destroy their crops (Archer, 2012, p. 43). On the other hand, in some areas, the change in water cycle might mean less rain. In such cases, this leads to droughts and thus negatively affects the crops. Another good example is the Tundra biome. This biome has warmed considerably over the 20th Century predominantly the last few years. The Tundra climate simulations project continued warming to a 4-5Cº mean-increase by 2100. The winters have warmed more than summers, melting of land and sea ice anticipated increasing stream discharge and contributes to the rising sea level the mean-annual Scotch mist anticipated increasing. Global warming has been accompanied by overall climate variability and an increase in dangerous weather events. The prompt warming in the Tundra biome is at present bringing about considerable socioeconomic and ecological impacts many of which result from the thawing permafrost, shoreline erosion, and flooding, resulting from loss of protective sea ice and storm surges (Archer, 2012, p. 50).
According to the recent studies by The Environmental Media Services Organization, if nothing is done to stop global warming, it will drive global temperatures up by 6 degrees by the year 2100. This would cause glaciers to melt at a high rate leading to increased ocean levels. Increased water level poses a danger to both the marine life and coastal islands and cities will be in danger of floods. In Australia, Queensland State was recently hit by a series of cyclones and floods and cyclones that left several cities flooded. It is assumed that close to 210,000 people were affected. In addition, an initial damage toll of 1.5 billion US dollars was estimated (Archer, 2012, p. 45). As for the marine life, a small increase in oceanic temperatures will be intolerant for sea creature such as Corals. Other water organisms that are sensitive to water temperatures are fishes, such as salmon. His is because they have both higher and lower metabolic rates. During the summer, salmon have a higher metabolic rate due to the warm waters. During the winter they have low metabolic rates which are considered good because there is less food available during this time. However, with the increased global warming causing glacier ice to melt, leading to increased water temperatures, this means that salmon fish would have a higher metabolic rate even during the winter seasons. Because there is less food during this time and the metabolic rate many salmon would die (Archer, 2012, p. 60).
The third leading impact of global warming is emerging diseases such as tropical diseases. The major carriers of this disease are the mosquitoes. They mainly carry malaria, dengue fever, and cholera. In the recent past, the prevalence of malaria especially in the African countries has increased drastically. For instance, Malaria outbreaks happen in areas where the minimum temperature reaches no lower than 18 degrees, but with the increased global warming scientists have reported outbreaks in other places. In the US, this includes places such as California, New York, Texas, and Florida. This is because malaria mosquitoes thrive in humid and hot weather caused by the increased rains and temperatures. According to studies, this is likely to increase from 40% of the globe to 55%. In addition to malaria, other diseases such as dengue fever and cholera that are also carried by mosquitoes and do well in hot and humid areas are likely to emerge (Archer, 2012, p. 63).
The bottom line it is coming and we all need to team up as one and figure out what can be done. Ocean waters are raising posing disasters, food security is already being affected and we also need to plan for catastrophes such as tsunami and Katrina. We need to understand that we're all in a heap of trouble and the sooner we accept this this fact the better. Therefore, we need to put serious effort to overcome the global warming problem. To achieve this, we should try our level best to solve the global warming issue and strive as much as possible to restore the planet earth for the sake of future generations.
Global warming is real, let us fight it.
Archer, D., 2012, Global warming: understanding the forecast (2nd Ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.
Dauncey, G. (2000). The climate challenge: 101 solutions to global warming. Canada: New Society Publishers.
Houghton, J. (1994). Global Warming: The Complete briefing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Kazlowski, S. & Roosevelt, T. (2008). Last Polar Bear: Facing the truth of a warming world. Seattle: Braided River Publishers.
Markham, Derek. (2009). Global Warming effects and causes: A top 10 list. Retrived from http://www.planetsave.com
Maslin, M. (2007). Global Warming: Causes, effects and future. Minessota: MBI Publishing LLC
Roach, J. (2007). Global Warming can be stopped, World experts say. Retrieved from http://www.news.nationalgeographic.com on 12 th November, 2011.